Balkanization - The process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among ethnicities.
Balkanized - A geographic area that cannot be successfully organized into stable states due to ethnic conflicts.
Centrifugal Force - A force that divides people and countries (e.g., ethnic conflicts, political instability).
Centripetal Force - A force that unifies people and enhances support for a state (e.g., nationalism, shared culture).
Ethnic Cleansing - The forced removal or extermination of an ethnic group from a region.
Ethnicity - A group of people who share a common cultural tradition, ancestry, or homeland.
Genocide - The deliberate mass killing of a particular ethnic, religious, or national group.
Multi-Ethnic State - A state that contains multiple ethnic groups.
Multinational State - A state containing multiple ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination (e.g., Canada).
Nationalism - A strong feeling of pride and loyalty toward one's country or cultural group.
Nation-State - A state where the political boundaries match the distribution of a single ethnic group (e.g., Japan).
Race - A classification of people based on physical traits, often socially constructed.
Self-Determination - The right of ethnic groups to govern themselves.
Shatterbelt - A region caught between external political or cultural forces, often experiencing conflict.
Sovereignty - The authority of a state to govern itself without external control.
Annexation - The formal addition of territory into a state (e.g., Russia’s annexation of Crimea).
Antecedent Boundary - A boundary established before significant population settlement (e.g., U.S.-Canada border).
Autonomous - A region within a state that has a high degree of self-governance (e.g., Hong Kong).
Semi-Autonomous - A region that has some self-governing power but remains under the authority of a larger state.
DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) - A neutral area between conflicting states where military activity is forbidden (e.g., Korean DMZ).
Berlin Conference - A meeting (1884-85) where European powers divided Africa without considering ethnic groups.
UN Law of the Sea - International laws defining rights over ocean resources and territorial waters.
Boundary - A political or geographic line separating states or regions.
City-State - A sovereign state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory (e.g., Ancient Athens).
Colonialism - The control and exploitation of a foreign territory by a more powerful state.
Colony - A territory legally tied to a sovereign state rather than being independent.
Compact State - A state where the distance from the center to any boundary is roughly equal (e.g., Poland).
Democracy - A system of government in which power is vested in the people, often through elections.
Devolution - The transfer of power from a central government to regional governments (e.g., Scotland in the UK).
Elongated State - A state with a long and narrow shape (e.g., Chile).
Enclave - A territory completely surrounded by another state (e.g., Vatican City in Italy).
Exclave - A portion of a state that is geographically separated from the main part (e.g., Alaska).
Federal State - A state where power is shared between central and regional governments (e.g., U.S.).
Fragmented State - A state composed of several disconnected pieces of territory (e.g., Indonesia).
Frontier - A zone where no state exercises full political control.
Gerrymandering - The manipulation of voting district boundaries to favor a particular political party.
Imperialism - The domination of one country over another through political, economic, or military means.
Landlocked State - A state with no direct access to the ocean (e.g., Bolivia).
Microstate - A very small state in both population and land area (e.g., Monaco).
Perforated State - A state that completely surrounds another (e.g., South Africa surrounding Lesotho).
Prorupted State - A compact state with an extended arm of territory (e.g., Thailand).
Relic Boundary - A boundary that no longer functions but still influences the cultural landscape (e.g., Berlin Wall).
Subsequent Boundary - A boundary drawn after cultural landscape changes have occurred (e.g., India-Pakistan).
Superimposed Boundary - A boundary drawn by outside powers, ignoring cultural divisions (e.g., Africa’s borders after colonialism).
State - A political entity with a defined territory, government, and sovereignty.
Terrorism - The use of violence and intimidation for political purposes.
Unitary State - A state with a strong central government and little regional autonomy (e.g., France).
Supranational Organization - An organization of multiple states for collective benefit (e.g., UN, EU).
Territoriality - The control over a geographic area and its resources.
Stateless Nation - An ethnic group that does not have a sovereign state (e.g., Kurds, Palestinians).
Redistricting - The redrawing of political districts to reflect population changes.
Reapportionment - The process of reallocating seats in a legislature based on population shifts.
Neocolonialism - The use of economic or political pressure by developed countries to control former colonies.
Irredentism - A movement to reclaim and reoccupy a "lost" homeland (e.g., Russia and Crimea).
Geometric Boundary - A boundary drawn as a straight line, often following latitude/longitude (e.g., U.S.-Canada border).
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - A maritime zone extending 200 nautical miles from a state's coast, giving it control over resources.
Consequent Boundary - A boundary drawn to accommodate existing cultural or ethnic differences (e.g., the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland).
Chokepoint - A narrow strategic passageway crucial for trade or military control (e.g., Strait of Hormuz).
Electoral College - A body of representatives from U.S. states that formally elects the president.
Economies of Scale - The cost advantages that businesses gain due to increased production size.
Multi-State Nation - A nation that spans multiple states (e.g., Koreans in North and South Korea).
Democratization - The process of transitioning to a more democratic system of government.
Here are 62 flashcards covering key concepts in political geography:
Balkanization: The process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among ethnicities.
Balkanized: An area that cannot be organized into stable states due to ethnic conflicts.
Centrifugal Force: A force that divides people and countries.
Centripetal Force: A force that unifies people and supports a state.
Ethnic Cleansing: The forced removal or extermination of an ethnic group.
Ethnicity: A group sharing common cultural traditions, ancestry, or homeland.
Genocide: The deliberate mass killing of a specific group.
Multi-Ethnic State: A state containing multiple ethnic groups.
Multinational State: A state with multiple ethnic groups seeking self-determination.
Nationalism: Loyalty and pride in one's nation or cultural group.
Nation-State: A state where political boundaries align with an ethnic group's distribution.
Race: A classification based on physical traits.
Self-Determination: The right of ethnic groups to govern themselves.
Shatterbelt: A region caught between conflicting external forces.
Sovereignty: The authority of a state to govern itself.
Annexation: The formal addition of territory into a state.
Antecedent Boundary: A boundary established before significant settlement.
Autonomous: A region with a high degree of self-governance.
Semi-Autonomous: A region with some self-governing power.
DMZ: A zone where military activity is forbidden.
Berlin Conference: A meeting where European powers divided Africa without considering ethnic groups.
UN Law of the Sea: Defines rights over ocean resources and waters.
Boundary: A line separating states or regions.
City-State: A sovereign state consisting of a city and surrounding territory.
Colonialism: Control and exploitation of a foreign territory.
Colony: A territory tied to a sovereign state.
Compact State: A state with roughly equal distances from the center to any boundary.
Democracy: A government system vested in the people.
Devolution: The transfer of power to regional governments.
Elongated State: A state with a long and narrow shape.
Enclave: A territory surrounded by another state.
Exclave: A portion of a state separated from its main part.
Federal State: A state dividing power between central and regional governments.
Fragmented State: A state composed of disconnected pieces of territory.
Frontier: A zone of no full political control.
Gerrymandering: Manipulation of voting district boundaries.
Imperialism: Domination of one country over another.
Landlocked State: A state without access to the ocean.
Microstate: A very small state in population and land area.
Perforated State: A state that surrounds another state.
Prorupted State: A compact state with an extended arm of territory.
Relic Boundary: A boundary that no longer functions yet influences the cultural landscape.
Subsequent Boundary: A boundary drawn after cultural changes.
Superimposed Boundary: A boundary drawn by outsiders ignoring cultural divisions.
State: A political entity with territory, government, and sovereignty.
Terrorism: Use of violence for political purposes.
Unitary State: A state with a dominant central government.
Supranational Organization: An organization for collective benefit of multiple states.
Territoriality: Control over a geographic area and its resources.
Stateless Nation: An ethnic group without a sovereign state.
Redistricting: Redrawing political districts reflective of population changes.
Reapportionment: Reallocating legislative seats based on population shifts.
Neocolonialism: Economic or political control by developed countries.
Irredentism: Movement to reclaim a