Course Name: BIOS5480 Microbiology
Convenor: Prof. Alessia Buscaino (Reader in Fungal Epigenetics)
Additional Lecturers: Dr. Gary Robinson, Dr. Mark Shepherd, Dr. Alex Moores
Email for Prof. Buscaino:
Contact Number: 01227 816624
Course Organisation
Interactive Learning and Feedback
Microbiology Overview
Weeks 25-29: Microbial Genome & Genetics
Lecturer: Dr. Alessia Buscaino
Topics: Genome Diversity, Environmental Adaptation, Microbial Genetics
Week 30-34: Microbial Culturing and Growth
Lecturer: Dr. Gary Robinson
Topics: Biofilm, Specialised structures, Microbial Communication
Weeks 35-36: Bacterial Respiration
Lecturer: Dr. Mark Shepherd
Practical Sessions on course content led by Dr. Alex Moores
Practical Work: 40% of total assessment
Exams: 60% of total assessment
Feedback Delivery Methods:
"Test yourself" Moodle Quiz: Immediate and Interactive
Moodle Forum for topic-specific feedback
Pre-Submission Practical Feedback
Turnitin for Personalized Feedback
Definition: The study of microorganisms, their diversity, evolution, and interactions.
Basic Biological Science: Understanding microbial life processes
Applied Biological Science: Utilizing this understanding for societal benefits
Date of Earth Formation: 4.6 billion years ago
Microbial Cell Appearance: Between 3.8 and 3.9 billion years ago (first life forms)
Earth’s Early Atmosphere: Anoxic (lacking oxygen), only nitrogen and CO2 around for the first 2 billion years; only anaerobic microorganisms thrived.
Common Ancestor of Life
Three Domains:
Sizes and Structures:
Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea): Simpler structures, no nucleus, no membrane-bound organelles.
Eukaryotes: More complex, possess a true nucleus and organelles (e.g., mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum).
Relative Sizes: Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller than eukaryotic cells.
Microorganisms as Agents of Disease:
Pathogenic microbes can cause various diseases.
Opportunistic pathogens: Harmful only when host resistance is low.
Importance of understanding the pathogenic potential of different microbes.
Current Health Issues:
Infectious diseases still pose a significant risk, especially to immunocompromised individuals.
Continuous threat of pathogens, such as antibiotic-resistant strains.
Role of microorganisms in agriculture: Nitrogen fixing is essential for plant growth.
Example: Rhizobium bacteria help legumes absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere by converting it to useful forms.
Microbial symbiosis in ruminant digestion, aiding the breakdown of fibrous materials.
Diversity in human microbiome; each individual has a unique composition.
Findings from the Human Microbiome Project indicate significant diversity within the gastrointestinal tract.
Pathogens like Fusarium have substantial negative impacts on crop production, creating challenges for food supply.
Microorganisms are essential in food industry processes: Fermentation (beer, yogurt), spoilage prevention, and flavor enhancement.
Examples of useful microorganisms in food production: Lactobacillus, Saccharomyces.
Genetic Engineering applications in Microbiology: Production of therapeutic products (e.g., insulin).
Key Takeaways:
Diversity of microorganisms: both harmful and beneficial roles.
Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells must be understood for future applications.
Importance of microbiology in health, agriculture, and industry.