
What is a stroke:

  • Loss of function that occurs when brain cells are killed by a loss of their blood supply

  • The characteristic diagnostic features are:

  • Sudden onset of symptoms

  • Interruption of blood flow in the brain with symptoms lasting 24 hours or lomger

  • Can lead to death

Causes and risk factors:

  • Cerebrovascular disorder

  • Stroke strikes every 5 mins in the UK

  • Risk factors include:

  • Hypertension, CVD, diet, high cholesterol and smoking

  • More than 400 childhood strokes a year in the UK

  • The brain needs high levels of oxygen via red blood cells

  • Neurons mostly respire areobically

  • Need oxygen to provide energy to neurons

  • A deprivation of oxygen means you are unable to survive for more than a few mins

Type of stroke:

  • Haemorrhagic:

  • Where a weakened blood vessel supplying the brain bursts

  • Usually occurs due to cardiovascular anomaly or a long history of hypertension

  • Weakened blood vessels:

  • Arteriovenous malformations, (AVMs), abnormal development of blood vessels in brain since birth

  • Aneurysms:

  • Usually develop at branching points of arteries

  • Enlarges ‘ballooning’ of the blood vessels which can lead to ruptures

  • Subarachnoid haemorrhage leads to bleeding into space around the brain

  • Haemorrhagic steoke leads to bleeding in the brain which increases pressure

  • Ischaemic:

  • Where the blood supply is obstructed due to a clot

  • Atherosclerosis is a build up of fatty deposits inside the arteries which blocks blood flow

  • Two types of obstructions:

  • Cerebral thrombosis, blood clot develops at the fatty plaque within the blood vessel (narrowing)

  • Cerebral embolism, part of blood clot breaks loose and enters bloodstream of the brain and vessels are too small to let it pass

  • Transient Ischaemic attack:

  • (Mini stroke)

  • Lasts for a short amount of time, usually a few mins but less thsn 24 hours

  • A sign that there is a problem and at high risk of having a stroke

  • Temporary blockage cuts off the blood supply to part of the brain however this either dissolves on its own or moves away

  • Returns normal blood supply and stroke symptoms dissapear


  • Facial dropping on 1 side, corner of lip or eye may droop

  • Might not be able to lift 1 or both arms up due to weakness

  • Speech is slurred or jumbled

  • Neuronal death of posterior frontal, temporal amd parietal areas usually involve MCA

  • If veretebra-basilar arteries are involved then infarct in brain stem, inferior temporal lobe (hippocampus) and occipital lobes


  • Face, facial weakness

  • Arm, can they raise both arms or hold their arms up

  • Speech, can they talk, is it slurred

  • Time, time to call for an ambulance or to have intervention

Circle of Willis:

  • 3 branches coming off aorta

