Overview of Physical Geography
Course: Geography 102
Institution: Fullerton College
Revolution of Earth
Earth's revolution around the Sun takes 365 ¼ days.
Orbital properties include:
Elliptical Orbit:
Aphelion: 152,171,500 km (farthest from the Sun)
Perihelion: 147,166,480 km (closest to the Sun)
Average distance from the Sun: 149,597,892 km
Earth travels at a speed of 107,280 km/h (66,660 mph).
Earth is at perihelion during Northern Hemisphere winter and aphelion during summer.
Distance from the Sun does not significantly affect solar energy received.
Orientation and Tilt
Earth's axis is tilted at 23.5°.
The plane of the Earth's orbit (ecliptic) is not parallel to the equatorial plane.
The Earth maintains polarity; the North Pole always points toward Polaris (North Star).
Key Conditions
Declination of the Sun: Sun's latitude shifts throughout the year.
Location of Subpolar Point: The point on Earth where the Sun is directly overhead.
Solar altitude and Length of day vary throughout the year due to axial tilt.
June solstice
December solstice
March equinox
September equinox
Solar rays spread differently in various latitudes:
Tropical latitudes remain consistently warmer.
Polar regions are consistently cooler.
Midlatitudes experience significant seasonal temperature variations.
Solar Radiation Reception by Latitude
Direct and indirect rays impact different geographical areas, influencing climate.
Description and Sources
Radiation from the Sun is essential for the Earth's heat balance.
Defined as the emission of electromagnetic energy from an object.
Warmer objects radiate more effectively and at shorter wavelengths.
The Sun is the ultimate "hot" body in the Solar System.
Reflectivity of an object
Light colors reflect; dark colors absorb.
Objects absorbing radiation behave as good radiators.
Electromagnetic waves are repelled by objects.
Atmospheric Mechanism
Some gases transmit shortwave radiation, trapping Earth’s longwave radiation, creating a greenhouse effect.
Transfer of heat energy through molecular collisions; air is a poor conductor.
Vertical heat transfer by circulation; occurs in convection cells.
Advection: Horizontal heat transfer in fluids.
General Structure
Atmosphere surrounds the Earth, held by gravity up to 10,000 km.
Over 50% of mass is below 6 km.
Constant Gases:
99% are nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%).
Variable Gases:
Above 100 km: carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone.
Aerosols, including particles, play a role in cloud formation and atmospheric color.
Thermal Layers:
Troposphere: Lowest 10-15 km; weather occurs here.
Stratosphere: Stagnant air layer.
Mesosphere: Middle atmospheric layer.
Thermosphere and Exosphere: Transitional spaces to outer space.
Decreases with height; more compressed at lower levels.
Global Temperature Distribution:
Visual representation of average temperatures at various latitudes.
Temperature: Average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance.
Heat: Energy transferred due to temperature differences.
Adiabatic Cooling/Warming
Cooling: Air rises and expands, reducing molecular collision and lowering temperature.
Warming: Sinking air compresses and increases molecular collisions, raising temperature.
Describes energy surplus and deficit relationships across different latitudes.
Heating and Cooling Dynamics:
Land heats and cools faster than water due to differences in specific heat, transmission, mobility, and evaporative cooling.
Temperature Examples:
Dallas (32° 51' N): Avg temp 18°C (65°F)
San Diego (32° 44' N): Avg temp 17°C (63°F)
Temperature Variations:
Daily temperature fluctuations, with coolest times around midnight and warmest at noon.
Circulation Patterns:
Atmospheric and oceanic patterns are crucial for energy distribution between tropics and poles.
Driven by density differences, affected by ocean temperature and saltiness.
Cold, dense Arctic waters mix with Gulf Stream waters, forming sinking North Atlantic Deep Water.
Primary Controls:
Temperature affected by latitude, wind patterns, ocean currents, land-water contrasts, and altitude.
Illustrates average temperature distributions in January and July.