amelia earhart

  • amelia earhart

    • 1897 - ~1937

    • Aviation Pioneer and author

      • Wrote best selling books about her flying experiences

  • earhart’s accomplishments

    • Broke woman’s altitude record (1922)

    • 2nd person to fly solo, nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean (1928)

    • First person to fly solo, nonstop across the US (1932)

  • earhart’s final voyage

    • In 1936 she began planning a flight around the globe

      • Others had already flown around the world, but her flight would have been the longest, roughly following the equator

    • Original plan was to have two navigators and to fly from East to West

      • Mechanical problems resulted in damage to the aircraft on takeoff

    • 2nd attempt forced Amelia to fly from West to
      East (due to timing and weather issues) with
      only one navigator, Fred Noonan

    • Left Oakland, CA flying east on 20 May 1937

    • Landed in Australia on 29 June 1937

    • Left Lea (Papua New Guinea) on 2 July 1937 planning to refuel on Howland Island

      • Approximately 2,550 miles from Lae

    • ~5pm they radioed their position as near Howland Island and low on fuel

    • Radioed again ~8pm

    • Never seen or heard from again

  • earhart lost

    • US Navy & Coast Guard searched for 16 days without success

  • where is amelia?

    • Final words: “We are on you but cannot see you”

      • Suggests that they may not actually have been where they thought they were

        • Navigation error?

    • Obviously, no one knows but there have been MANY searches over the years

      • And MANY guesses as to what happened

        • To include alien abduction

    • In the 1950s people started to believe Amelia and Noonan were shot down by the Japanese over the Marshall Islands and that they were captured, imprisoned, and eventually died

      • No evidence to support this

    • Most likely is that Amelia and Noonan ran out of fuel and either landed or crashed and were ever found

  • nikumaroro remains

    • In 1940 human skeletal remains were found on Nikumaroro Island

    • Additional searches at the time found:

    • A woman’s shoe

    • A sextant box

    • A Benedictine bottle

      • All things are consistent with items that Earhart and Noonan could have had with them

    • Remains were examined in 1941 by DW Hoodless who taught at a medical school in Fiji, who concluded that the bones

      • Were likely those of a middle aged, stocky male who was ~5’5”

        • This is inconsistent with Earhart and Noonan

    • the remains have been lost

      • totally unclear what happened to them

    • Measurements taken by Hoodless were re-examined by forensic anthropologist Kar Burns in 1998 who concluded that the bones

      • Were likely those of a female of European ancestry who was between 5’6” and 5’8”

        • All of which is consistent with Earhart

    • Measurements re-examined by Richard Jantz in 2018

      • Jantz also examined images of Earhart to compare estimates to actual measurements

      • Found that the Nikumaroro remains are 99.28% more likely to be from Earhart than another individual

  • recent find

    • Deep Sea Vision

      • Marine robotics company

    • Sonar image that MIGHT be Earhart’s Lockheed 10-E Electra plane

    • ~100 miles from Howland Island

      • Location that Earhart and Noonan were heading when they disappeared in 1937
