Trends in Employment
Data representation indicates employment likelihood increases with higher educational attainment.
Less than a high school diploma
High school graduates, no college
Some college or associate degree
Bachelor's degree and higher
Employment statistics (2000-2020)
The graph highlights a significant gap in employment rates corresponding to educational levels over time.
Education: A social institution teaching basic academic knowledge, skills, and cultural norms.
Formal Education: Academic knowledge obtained through structured curricula (schooling).
Informal Education: Learning cultural values and norms through societal participation.
Refers to acquiring values, beliefs, and norms of one's culture.
A global issue concerning equal opportunities for education participation.
Identifies two types of functions in education:
Manifest Functions: Intended and visible outcomes.
Examples include socialization, culture transmission, social control, placement, and cultural innovation.
Latent Functions: Unexpected and hidden outcomes.
Examples include courtship, social networks, group work, generation gap creation, political, and social integration.
Cultural Capital: Knowledge that serves as capital in social interactions.
Hidden Curriculum: Non-academic knowledge perpetuated through informal learning.
Tracking: Formal system categorizing students in ways that reproduce inequalities.
Credentialism: The significance placed on degrees and certificates indicating competence and achievements.
Acts as a label for individuals based on educational attainment.
Evaluates gender inequalities in educational systems.
Highlights unequal treatment and opportunities for women.
Legislative Context: Title IX of the Education Amendments (1972) aimed at addressing disparities.