Chapter 2

The Teaching Profession Module 2 (Weeks 3 – 4)


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  • Pre-service teachers should be able to:

    • Trace and explain the evolution and development of the Philippine educational system in the historical and legal context.


1. Global Education Evolution
  • Ancient Period (700—1350)

    • Goals: Cultivate religious commitment and expertise in fields like mathematics and science.

    • Curriculum: Latin, Arabic, reading, writing, mathematics, religious studies.

  • Medieval Period (500—1400)

    • Goals: Develop knowledge, maintain social order.

    • Curriculum: Reading, writing, arithmetic, liberal arts, philosophy.

  • Renaissance (1350—1500)

    • Goals: Cultivate humanists educated in classics.

    • Curriculum: Latin, Greek, classical literature, poetry.

  • Reformation (1500 - 1600)

    • Goals: Instill religious commitment.

    • Curriculum: Reading, writing, arithmetic, religious concepts.

-In Primitive societies survival against natural forces was the need and so what were taught were survival skills and values to cultivate group cohesiveness.

-For the Athenian in ancient Greece, what mattered most in education was the rounded development of every individual while for the Spartan it was the development of soldiers and military leaders.

-For the Early Romans, schools needed to develop a sense of civic responsibility and to develop administrative and military skills as citizens of the Roman Empire.

-For the Ancient Arabic world where Islam rose the most important concern of education was to cultivate religious commitment to Islamic beliefs.

Middle/Medieval Period

During the Medieval period, schools were concerned with the development of religious

commitment, knowledge and ritual to establish order.

Renaissance Period

Renaissance period was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic

"rebirth" following the Middle Ages. Education was focused on the rediscovery of classical

philosophy, literature and art.

Modern/Contemporary Period

The Reformation period had as for its educational goals the cultivation of a sense of commitment to a particular religious denomination and general literacy

Historical Context of Education

  • Pre-colonial Period: Informal education focused on survival skills taught by parents.

  • Spanish Period: Formal schooling with religious instruction by missionaries; introduction of compulsory education.

  • The Educational Decree of 1863

    This law gave Filipinos a complete system of education from elementary to the collegiate level. Although religion was the core of the curriculum, the curriculum included subjects reading, writing, arithmetic, history Christian doctrine, Spanish language, vocal music, agriculture for the boys and needlework for the girls. Thomasites arrived in the Philippines on August 23, 1901. -The University of the Philippines was founded in 1908. UP was the first state school of university status.

  • American Period (1898-1946): Introduction of democratic ideals and a system of free, compulsory education, with an emphasis on English language teaching. A system of free and compulsory elementary education was established by the Malolos

    Constitution American (Political Constitution of 1899).

  • Commonwealth Period (1935-1942): Free public schooling became prevalent; vocational training was emphasized, and nationalism was nurtured in curricula. Executive Order No. 134 (of 1936) was signed by Pres. Manuel L. Quezon designating Tagalog as our National Language.

  • The Education Act of 1940 (C.A. 586) was approved by the Philippine Assembly on August 7, 1940,

  • Japanese Occupation: Education aimed at fostering a new Filipino culture, patriotism, and the Japanese language.

  • Post-colonial Period: Education aimed at cultivating love for the country and citizenship duties.

  1. Education aimed at the full of realization of the democratic ideals and way of life.

  2. The Civil Service Eligibility of teachers was made permanent pursuant to R.A. 1079 in June 15, 1954.

  3. A daily flag ceremony was made compulsory in all schools including the singing of the National Anthem pursuant to R.A. 1265 approved on June 11, 1955.

  4. Curricular offerings in all schools, the life, the works and writings of Jose Rizal especially the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo shall be included in all levels.

  5. Elementary education was nationalized and ma were triculation fees abolished.

  6. Magna Carta for Teachers was passed into law by virtue of R.A. 4670.

The fundamental aims of education in the 1973 Constitution are: -foster love of country -teach the duties of citizenship -develop moral character, self-discipline and scientific, technological and vocational efficiency


1. What is Law?
  • Definition: A rule made by a government outlining acceptable behavior; often includes punishments for disobedience.

Laws are standards of conduct that have a binding, or obligatory, character. This

can be understood only if laws have some kind of rational origin.


The Philippine legal system is a mixture of customary usage, Roman (civil law) and

Anglo-American (common law) systems, and Islamic law.

  • Constitutional Law

  • Statutory Law

  • Administrative Law

  • Case (Common) Law

2. Sources of Philippine Educational Jurisprudence
  • Main Sources:

    • Constitution: Fundamental law includes provisions for free, compulsory education.

    • Statues: Laws enacted by the legislative body.

    • Treaties and Conventions: Binding agreements with the force of law.

    • Judicial Decisions: Establish jurisprudence, particularly from the Supreme Court.

3. Educational Structure
  • Philippine education system includes Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD), Basic Education, Technical and Vocational Education, and Higher Education.

    • DepEd oversees basic education.

    • TESDA governs vocational education.

    • CHED manages higher education.

Curriculum and Instruction

  • The Bureau of Curriculum Development is responsible for developing national education policies and standards.

  • The curriculum is designed to be responsive and effective in meeting educational goals.

Educational Policies

  • The Philippine government focuses on expanding access to education, particularly through the K-12 reform.

  • The aim is to ensure quality education while addressing the inequalities in the education system.

Key Developments and Future Directions

  • The K-12 system integrates vocational education and aims to equip students for employment and further studies.

  • Ongoing challenges include ensuring the quality of instruction and addressing disparities in educational access and quality.


  • Understanding educational history and policy is crucial for pre-service teachers to effectively respond to contemporary educational needs and challenges.
