Global Networks

TNCT Lesson 03: Global Networks

Lesson Objectives

  • Identify the expanse of global networks created by globalization and religions.

  • Discuss importance of global networks in contemporary society development.

  • Explain globalization components, operations, effects, and networks in daily life and society.

  • Recognize displacement of communities due to environmental degradation and refugee factors.

  • Stress the role of creative imagination in assembling diverse global parts.

  • Write insights generated from globalization interconnectedness in a map.

Understanding Globalization

What is Globalization?

  • Definition: Growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations.

  • Driven by cross-border trade in goods/services, technology, investments, people, and information.

  • Source: Peterson Institute of International Economics (2018).

Effects of Globalization

  • Integrated product and financial markets globally.

  • Driving forces include trade and capital flows across borders.

  • Affects income distribution among countries.


  • Widening income gap between rich and poor countries.

  • Practices endangering environment and cultural heritage.

  • Intensifies socio-political and economic interdependence.

Migration Dynamics

Definition of Migration

  • Movement of individuals/groups from one territory to another for temporary or permanent residence (International Organization for Migration).

  • Can be voluntary or involuntary, long-term or short-term.

Types of Migration

  1. Internal Migration

    • Movement within the same country driven by job opportunities and living conditions.

  2. External Migration

    • Movement across country borders, can be voluntary or forced.

  3. Emigration

    • Leaving one’s country to settle in another.

  4. Immigration

    • Entering a new country for permanent residence.

Reasons for Migration

Push and Pull Factors

  • Push Factors:

    • Environmental: Natural disasters, climate change, depletion of resources.

    • Political: War, persecution, human rights violations.

    • Cultural: Family reunification, educational opportunities, lifestyle changes.

    • Economic: Job opportunities, higher wages, healthcare access.

Environmental Factors

  • Natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes).

  • Climate change effects (e.g., rising sea levels).

  • Resources depletion.

Political Factors

  • War and conflict.

  • Political persecution and instability.

Cultural Factors

  • Reunification with family.

  • Educational opportunities.

  • Pilgrimages and spiritual journeys.

Economic Factors

  • Job opportunities leading to better living standards.

  • Access to better healthcare and services.

Human Trafficking


  • Illegal movement of people for exploitation through forced labor, often utilizing coercion, fraud, or deception.

  • Involves threat to or abuse of vulnerable individuals.

Trafficking Statistics

  • Trends and facts related to different types of exploitation among trafficked persons globally.

Faith and Religion in Globalization

Push Factors for Migration due to Religion

  • Religious persecution; conflicts lead individuals to flee.

  • Political/legal restrictions against religions force believers to migrate.

  • Lack of religious freedom encourages migration to more open societies.

Pull Factors for Religion

  • Migration for religious freedom.

  • Establishing faith-based communities for support.

  • Pilgrimages for spiritual fulfillment.

Global Religious Landscape

  • Christianity is the largest religion globally, around 30% of world population.

  • Significant declines in religious identification in European countries.

  • Jewish population decline evident even in Israel.

Group Project Presentation


  • Class divided into five groups focusing on specific cases (e.g., Rohingyas in Myanmar, Vietnamese Boat People).

  • Follow specific format for case study, submit PDF version and presentation slides.

  • Present case study using various applications or cue cards.
