Week 2 - Culture & Practice: Ways of Knowing


  • Week 2 lecture Culture & Prac: ways of knowing

    • (LORE)*

    • Diversity of county - adapting to environment -

    • (Design to survive)* - ecocultural landscape

Reading notes:




  • What did you learn from the weekly topic and content?

  • What did you understand from these ideas?

  • How has this new learning shifted your own thinking around these ideas?


  • Remake landscapes to create predictable food sources through fire

  • fire stick farming - set fire and spread through undesirable plants and replace them with desirable plants hat can be used for food or medicine

  • burring in circle allows animals to get away and makes the fire move slowly (cool burring)

  • Captain cook believed that the landscape was made through nature and not First nations people

  • Ways of knowing* → ref to psych textbook

  • the environment knows back (animals move away from fire/the frogs sing back)

  • Its hard to justify colonisation if you don’t try to prove that your way of knowing is better

  • (terronulious being an empty land)

  • was believed to be Nomadic
