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cold war dates

Cold War Quiz

Key Dates

  • 3rd July, 1945

    • United States, France, Britain, and the Soviet Union occupy zones of Berlin.

  • 17th July, 1945

    • Potsdam Conference begins in Germany.

  • 6th August, 1945

    • United States Army Air Force drops an atom bomb on Hiroshima.

  • 12th August, 1945

    • United States Army Air Force drops an atom bomb on Nagasaki.

  • 12th March, 1947

    • Harry Truman announces Truman Doctrine and the provision of aid to Greece.

  • 5th June, 1947

    • General George C. Marshall announces the Marshall Plan.

  • 1st April, 1948

    • The start of the Berlin Airlift.

  • 24th June, 1948

    • The Soviet Union blockades road and rail traffic between Berlin and the West.

  • 4th April, 1949

    • North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) is founded to provide opposition to the Soviet Union.

  • 23rd May, 1949

    • Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) comes into being.

  • 7th October, 1949

    • German Democratic Republic (East Germany) comes into being.

  • 31st January, 1950

    • Harry Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb.

  • 5th March, 1953

    • Joseph Stalin dies.

  • 15th June, 1953

    • Soviet troops crush workers' rebellion in East Germany.

  • 4th September, 1974

    • The United States and East Germany establish diplomatic relations.

Nikita Khrushchev Era

  • 12th September, 1953

    • Nikita Khrushchev is appointed first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party.

  • 25th February, 1956

    • Nikita Khrushchev denounces former leader Joseph Stalin.

  • 17th April, 1956

    • The Soviet Union abolishes the Cominform.

  • 19th May, 1960

    • Nikita Khrushchev walks out of a summit meeting in Paris because of the U-2 incident.

  • 7th May, 1960

    • Leonid Brezhnev becomes president of the Soviet Union.

Events in Hungary and Cuba

  • 23rd October, 1956

    • Demonstrators in Hungary call for a democratic government.

  • 9th January, 1959

    • Fidel Castro and his troops overthrow the US-backed government in Havana.

  • 17th June, 1958

    • Imre Nagy, former prime minister of Hungary, is executed after a secret trial.

  • 17th April, 1961

    • Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

  • 13th August, 1961

    • Berlin Wall is built by the USSR.

Other Significant Events

  • 5th August, 1963

    • Soviet Union, United States, and Britain sign a nuclear test-ban treaty.

  • 20th August, 1968

    • Warsaw Pact forces invade Czechoslovakia and arrest Alexander Dubcek.

cold war dates

Cold War Quiz

Key Dates

  • 3rd July, 1945

    • United States, France, Britain, and the Soviet Union occupy zones of Berlin.

  • 17th July, 1945

    • Potsdam Conference begins in Germany.

  • 6th August, 1945

    • United States Army Air Force drops an atom bomb on Hiroshima.

  • 12th August, 1945

    • United States Army Air Force drops an atom bomb on Nagasaki.

  • 12th March, 1947

    • Harry Truman announces Truman Doctrine and the provision of aid to Greece.

  • 5th June, 1947

    • General George C. Marshall announces the Marshall Plan.

  • 1st April, 1948

    • The start of the Berlin Airlift.

  • 24th June, 1948

    • The Soviet Union blockades road and rail traffic between Berlin and the West.

  • 4th April, 1949

    • North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) is founded to provide opposition to the Soviet Union.

  • 23rd May, 1949

    • Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) comes into being.

  • 7th October, 1949

    • German Democratic Republic (East Germany) comes into being.

  • 31st January, 1950

    • Harry Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb.

  • 5th March, 1953

    • Joseph Stalin dies.

  • 15th June, 1953

    • Soviet troops crush workers' rebellion in East Germany.

  • 4th September, 1974

    • The United States and East Germany establish diplomatic relations.

Nikita Khrushchev Era

  • 12th September, 1953

    • Nikita Khrushchev is appointed first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party.

  • 25th February, 1956

    • Nikita Khrushchev denounces former leader Joseph Stalin.

  • 17th April, 1956

    • The Soviet Union abolishes the Cominform.

  • 19th May, 1960

    • Nikita Khrushchev walks out of a summit meeting in Paris because of the U-2 incident.

  • 7th May, 1960

    • Leonid Brezhnev becomes president of the Soviet Union.

Events in Hungary and Cuba

  • 23rd October, 1956

    • Demonstrators in Hungary call for a democratic government.

  • 9th January, 1959

    • Fidel Castro and his troops overthrow the US-backed government in Havana.

  • 17th June, 1958

    • Imre Nagy, former prime minister of Hungary, is executed after a secret trial.

  • 17th April, 1961

    • Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

  • 13th August, 1961

    • Berlin Wall is built by the USSR.

Other Significant Events

  • 5th August, 1963

    • Soviet Union, United States, and Britain sign a nuclear test-ban treaty.

  • 20th August, 1968

    • Warsaw Pact forces invade Czechoslovakia and arrest Alexander Dubcek.