Course Title: POSC 201: Political Research Design
Instructor: Lewis Luartz
Institution: Chapman University
Lecture: Lecture 7
Semester: Spring 2025
Topics Covered:
Experimental and Non-experimental Designs (continued)
R Basics: Manipulating Data and Bivariate Correlations
Homework Deadlines:
Homework 2: Due tonight by 11:59 PM (PST)
Homework 3: Assigned at end of class, due on Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Midterm Exam: Scheduled for Thursday, March 20, 2025 (in-class)
R Lessons:
Short R lessons will be integrated at the end of most classes; students should bring a computer
Initial Steps:
Begins with sampling; availability sampling often used in lab settings due to participant access challenges
Essential test factor applied to participants for measuring effects
Central to hypotheses affecting the dependent variable and answering the research question
Types of Groups:
Experimental Group: Receives the treatment (independent variable)
Control Group: Does not receive any treatment
Essential to have one experimental group for each treatment applied
Assigning groups randomly to ensure identical conditions between experimental and control groups
Pretest Administration:
Measures responses before treatment; crucial for establishing initial benchmarks
Lack of a benchmark hinders evaluating treatment impact
Measures responses after treatment to assess effects
Preexperimental and postexperimental measures help determine if treatment had an effect
Experimental Effect:
Indicates response differences from treatment exposure
Should show variance in pretest and posttest results in the experimental group, while control group results should remain stable
Students to open file "3 - R Data Basics - Manipulating Data and Bivariate Correlations.R" for practical application