Total Time: 55 minutes
Time: 5 minutes
In this lesson, we will explore important abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. Understanding these abbreviations is vital for accurate communication in medical settings, especially as you prepare for advanced studies in health sciences. Recall the definitions of the following terms discussed previously: cardiovascular system, heart diseases, and procedures related to cardiology.
Time: 15 minutes
Match the abbreviation on the left with its correct full name on the right. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank space.
CV ____________
AP ____________
ECG/EKG ____________
CCU ____________
MI ____________
CPR ____________
MVP ____________
RHD ____________
AV ____________
SA ____________
BBB ____________
CAD ____________
CVD ____________
CVA ____________
OR ____________
PVC ____________
NSR ____________
HTN ____________
DOA ____________
PFO ____________
Definitions to choose from: A. Cardiovascular B. Myocardial Infarction C. Atrioventricular D. Cardiovascular Disease E. Dead on Arrival F. Patent Foramen Ovale G. Electrocardiogram H. Premature Ventricular Contraction I. Hypertension J. Angina Pectoris K. Coronary Artery Disease L. Coronary Care Unit M. Sinoatrial node N. Cardiac Rhythm O. Bundle Branch Block P. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Q. Normal Sinus Rhythm R. Rheumatic Heart Disease S. Operation Room T. Cardiovascular Accident U. Mitral Valve Prolapse
Time: 10 minutes
Complete the sentences below using the provided abbreviations:
The ____________ (CAD) is a significant risk factor for heart attacks.
Patients recovering from an MI may be admitted to the ____________ (CCU).
During CPR, restoring ____________ (NSR) is critical for patient survival.
The ____________ (AP) can be a warning sign indicating insufficient blood supply to the heart.
The ____________ (PFO) can cause complications in patients if not diagnosed early.
Time: 10 minutes
In groups of 4, choose one of the following abbreviations that particularly interests your team: RHD, MVP, or CVA. Discuss its impact on health and any relevant case studies. Prepare a short 2-minute presentation to share with the class.
Time: 15 minutes
As a creative task, work individually to design a comic strip that illustrates the journey of a patient experiencing a myocardial infarction (MI). Include key abbreviations and explain treatment procedures (like CPR and admission to the CCU). Ensure your comic includes dialogues and medical terms, making it educational and engaging.
Time: 5 minutesIn this lesson, we will explore important abbreviations related to the cardiovascular system. Understanding these abbreviations is vital for accurate communication in medical settings, especially as you prepare for advanced studies in health sciences. Recall the definitions of the following terms discussed previously: cardiovascular system, heart diseases, and procedures related to cardiology.
Time: 15 minutesChoose the correct full name for each abbreviation from the options given:
CVA) CardiovascularB) Cardiac RhythmC) Coronary Care UnitD) Myocardial Infarction
APA) Angina PectorisB) AtrioventricularC) AntepartumD) Arterial Pressure
ECG/EKGA) ElectrocardiogramB) Eminent Cardiac GeometryC) Endocardial GrowthD) Excitation Cardia
CCUA) Clinical Care UnitB) Coronary Care UnitC) Cardiac Control UnitD) Cardiopulmonary Center
MIA) Mitral InfractionB) Myocardial InfarctionC) Medical InterventionD) Myocardial Investigations
CPRA) Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationB) Cardiac Pressure ResponseC) Coronary Pulsation RecoveryD) Cardiovascular Pathway Regulation
MVPA) Mitral Valve ProlapseB) Major Vessel PathologyC) Myocardial Volume PercentageD) Mitral Valve Position
RHDA) Rheumatic Heart DiseaseB) Rapid Heart DysfunctionC) Resting Heart DiseaseD) Reactive Heart Disease
AVA) AtrioventricularB) Aneurysm ValveC) Active VeinD) Anterior View
SAA) Sudden ArrhythmiaB) SinoatrialC) Saphenous ArteryD) Systematic Aneurysm
BBBA) Bundle Branch BlockB) Bypass Blood BlockC) Bilateral Blood FlowD) Basic Blood Breakdown
CADA) Coronary Artery DiseaseB) Cardiac Aneurysm DivisionC) Central Aortic DissectionD) Carotid Artery Dilation
CVDA) Cardiac Vein DiseaseB) Cardiovascular DiseaseC) Congenital Vascular DisorderD) Coronary Vascular Deficiency
CVAA) Cerebral Vascular AccidentB) Cardiogenic Ventricular ArrhythmiaC) Central Venous AccessD) Cardiac Vascular Assignment
ORA) Outpatient RoomB) Operation RoomC) Oxygen RecoveryD) Ovarian Removal
PVCA) Premature Ventricular ContractionB) Peripheral Vascular ConditionC) Post Ventricular ComplicationD) Pulmonary Valve Compression
NSRA) Normal Sinus RhythmB) Non-Sustained ReentryC) Normal Stroke RateD) Naïve Sinus Response
HTNA) HypotensionB) High TensionC) HypertensionD) Heart Thrombosis
DOAA) Dead on ArrivalB) Disturbed Ongoing AssessmentC) Documented Onset ActivityD) Diagnosed Original Ailment
PFOA) Patent Foramen OvaleB) Primary Flow ObstructionC) Pre-Fibrosis OutlookD) Post-Fall Observation