PSY 205 Notes: Observing + Recording Behavior Lectures
Reflexes/bodily processes are not psychological behaviors
The environment for an organism is the stimuli that the organism is sensing and responding in relation to
Psychological behavior: the impact the organism has on its environment, and the impact the environment has on the organism (reciprocal interaction)>> psychological event
Recording behavior:
Defining target behavior: clear, observable actions
Who (will do the observing), when, and where (natural/analogue, structured/unstructured)?
Recording methods-- will determine the instruments used
Continuous recording
Time sampling
Interval recording
Reducing reactivity (effect of the observer on the client)
Wait until the client becomes accustomed to the observer or to self-monitoring
If possible, use natural observers or record through things like cameras/observation windows
Interobserver agreement (IOA): makes sure the target behavior is being recorded consistently and accurately
Aim for 80% or higher IOA
For frequency or duration (percent) recording, smaller number divided by bigger number-- use the same units!
Interval/time-sample recording: Agreement intervals divided by total intervals. Total agreement-- can only use intervals in which observer’s recordings totally agree
Total agreement often results in a higher IOA
Reflexes/bodily processes are not psychological behaviors
The environment for an organism is the stimuli that the organism is sensing and responding in relation to
Psychological behavior: the impact the organism has on its environment, and the impact the environment has on the organism (reciprocal interaction)>> psychological event
Recording behavior:
Defining target behavior: clear, observable actions
Who (will do the observing), when, and where (natural/analogue, structured/unstructured)?
Recording methods-- will determine the instruments used
Continuous recording
Time sampling
Interval recording
Reducing reactivity (effect of the observer on the client)
Wait until the client becomes accustomed to the observer or to self-monitoring
If possible, use natural observers or record through things like cameras/observation windows
Interobserver agreement (IOA): makes sure the target behavior is being recorded consistently and accurately
Aim for 80% or higher IOA
For frequency or duration (percent) recording, smaller number divided by bigger number-- use the same units!
Interval/time-sample recording: Agreement intervals divided by total intervals. Total agreement-- can only use intervals in which observer’s recordings totally agree
Total agreement often results in a higher IOA