4.7: Changing social hierarchies; Social change

Responses to Ethnic Diversity

  • “Relative” tolerances does not means Jews enjoyed full equality under Ottoman rule

  • Ottoman Welcomes the Jews

    • “Relative” tolerance does not mean jews enjoyed full equality under ottoman rule.

      • Jews had to pay the jizya tax → That non-muslims had to pay and only lived in designated parts or urban areas

  • Machu Empire: Was “Relative” tolerances

    • They

Rise of New elites

  • in terms of social hierarchies, the new economic opportunities of increasing global trade and the increased political power of imperial ventures led to the rise of new political elites

  • Casta Systems which organize their colonial society into a ranked social hierarchy

    • prior to the imposing of the casta system, natives people were part of a wide variety of linguistic and cultural groups.

Struggles of existing Elites

  • Russian Boyars

    • This group made up of the aristocratic land-owning class in Russia and they exerted great power in the administration of the empire for centuries

  • Ottoman Timars

    • Timars were land grants made by the Ottoman state to an aristocratic class in payment for service to the government, usually military's service
