HIST 1020 Burke Exam 2


Industrial Revolution

A period of great change in the means of quantity of production of manufactured goods

Causes of industrial revolution 

Population increase in europe especially GB 

The enclosure movement of 1700s  which resulted from landowners pursuit of scientific agriculture as a hobby

Migration of poor to cities 

Mercantile relationships with colonies 

New machinery designed to allow production of goods and their later concentration into factories 

New power sources from human and animal to water and steam

The enclosure movement and the transformation of english rural life

Early industrialization

Revolution was centered in the textile industry (making cloth)

Cloth was made from plant fibers (linen) or animal fibers (wool)

The putting out system allowed people to earn extra money by producing the yarn that cloth was woven from 

  • This might involve the use of the distaff or other simple human powered devices

  • Family oriented income 

  • “Spinning a yarn”

The spinning wheel was an improvement on the distaff, but only spun one yarn at a time. Spinning wheels were small enough to be located in the home

Flying shuttle a human powered loom that sped up the weaving of cloth 

Spinning Jenny- James Hargreaves- a human powered machine that allowed the spinning of several threads or yarns at once

Transition- from human to water power

Benefits of water power:

  • More available energy to drive machines 

  • Machines could be made larger 

  • Power could be constant and regulated 

  • Power available 24 hours a day


  • Machines become too large to locate in the home 

  • Manufacture became centered in factories

  • Factories had to be located next to running water 

  • Water power was affected by nature 

Thread spinning machines 

Ex. water frame- richard arkwright, spinning mule- samuel crompton

Power loom- edmund cartwright, 1785- wove cloth from thread, could be human, water, or steam powered

Power technology

Water wheel

Thomas Savery “miner's friend”- 1702

pump s water from deep coal mines

Used the power of vacuum to draw water up and discharge it outside the mine

Thomas newcomen- 1710-12- Atmospheric engine

Like the miner's friend, used pressure of air against decreasing volume of steam in a chamber 

Only exerted a pulling force 

James watt 1769- steam engine 

This development used the pressure of steam and pressure of air against the condensing steam to produce power 

Could both push and pull 

New materials 

Abraham darby- iron made with coke (roasted coal) 1709 

Coalbrookdale bridge- 1779-1781 


Henry cort- iron puddling- 1783-84

Iron manufacturer began to increase resulting in massive quantities of inexpensive iron

By late 1800s steel began to likewise become cheap much of the demand was in the railroad industry 

Factory system 

With the use of water and steam power, factories were able to operate 24 hours a day if desired 

Breakdown in traditional family structure with the employment of women and children

Time was measured by the factory clock, rather than the sun 

Deskilling the actual removal of skill from the worker and its incorporation into the machine. De skilling removed the need to guild training allowing anyone to perform a given task 

  • Anyone can work in a factory 

Demand for labor: women and children

Demand for raw materials: slavery 

Import substitution: the domestic production of goods that strongly resemble imported items such as textiles from india, ceramics from china, and furniture from japan

Britain's industrial revolution fueled much of the demand for american cotton and supported the slave economy of the southern states 

Pollution and overcrowding 

Wealth of nations by adam smith noted for the philosophy of division of labor the breaking up of complicated tasks into simpler steps that could be deskilled or mechanized. This would lead to mass production the production of goods for the masses 

Luddites- 1811-1813- a group of specialized craftsmen in the wool industry who broke textile machines in order to save their trade 

Peterloo massacre- 1819

15 killed; 100s injured 

Captain swing riots- 1830- agricultural version of the luddites who broke farm machinery 

New lanark, scotland- 1786-1968

David dale and robert owen

New philosophies: 

liberalism/capitalism and laissez-faire economics 




Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Nation Building in the Americas- Revolution and Identity 

The indep movements in spanish and portuguese south america and the expansion of the US north america were linked to Napoleon Bonaparte 

His conquest of Portugal in 1807 and Spain in 1808 broke the royal contacts btw these countries and their colonies in the new world and offered opportunities for indep

The earlier Haitian revolution was the inspo for France;es 1803 sale of LA territory to the US for 15b million dollars. Louisiana had been recently re-acquired by France 

The young US eagerly purchased the vast territory beginning a process of westward expansion that didn;t end until land reached atlantic to pacific 

The money was used to fund napoleon's efforts to put down revolt in haiti and his europe military campaigns 

The Spanish and Portuguese colonies in America were both large and profitable. Mining and ag were extremely profitable 

Initially native labor was used, but african slaves were quickly imported to exploit south american resources

Potosi located in the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata became internationally famous as it was a mountain exceptionally rich in silver 

Spanish society was very conscious of race and class, especially in regard to its colonies:

  • Peninsulares were Spaniards born in Spain and were considered socially superior to all

  • Below them were the Criollos, who were children of Spanish parents, but born in colonies

  • Mestizos children of mixed parents 

  • Native peoples

  • African and caribbean slaves 

Revolutions that took place in south america tended to have strong regional characteristics, influenced greatly by geological location 

Simon Bolivar was a Venezuelan criollo who proved to be an imp revolutionary leader across northern South American

  • Well educated and inspired by enlightenment documents, he won enough important battles against spanish forces, and also important in establishing new gov’t 

Jose de San Martin was a spanish military officer who returned to Argentina and became a revolutionary 

  • As spain largely ignored argentina, the local junta, or provisional government, was free from worrying abt defending itself from attack by Spain and instead began spreading revolution to surrounding countries

  • Spain, weakened by the Napoleonic wars, was not able to do much to keep their colonies. By 1824 spanish south america indep

New Spain won its indep in 1821 after several failed attempts at revolution led by Catholic priests and centered on lower social classes

  • A revolution in spain led to fears of major reforms in New Spain, but these were dismissed by Agustin de Iturbide, who proposed that he become the 2st emperor of an indep Catholic Mexico 

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna emerged from among several caudillos or strongmen as president of mexico from 1833-1836 and again from 1844-1854

President Benito Juarez attempted to enact reforms in Mexico along enlightenment lines decreasing privileges among the upper classes and the catholic church. This caused his army to rebel against him and he and his gov’t fled to mexico city to veracruz, the country's major port

  • However his actions invited napoleon III to invade mexico and install a habsburg emperor in order to collect debts owed by mexican gov’t

Mexico continued to have a highly stratified society marked by extreme poverty in the countryside contrasting with extreme wealth in the cities among the criollo elites

In 1876 Porfirio Diaz became president of mexico and effectively led it until 1911 a military strongman he was determined to bring order to country through political repression and police actions in rural areas

Also invested heavily in modern conveniences and drew substantial international investment

Mexico was still not well off at end of his presidency the general quality of life in mexico was not improved


2 min social classes:

  • Portenos, or ppl who lives near the port of Buenos Aires  

  • Gauchos cowboys 

  • Portenos considered themselves superior 

    • Argentina's construction of a railroad system into its heartland attracted large numbers of immigrants by the 187ps who settled on native lands 

This led to argentina's conquest of the wilderness in 1879 in which many Amerinds were killed and others driven onto reservations 

Immigrant labor quickly grew and replace the Gauchos of the back country while the country began to realize its potential first in raising sheep for wool and later cattle for the international beef market 

Manifest destiny- idea there was a divine purpose driving the US to one day expand west until it reached the pacific ocean 

One of the casualties of expansion was native american culture. Several removal acts were passed by the US gov’t forcibly resettling these ppl westward. Known as trail of tears

The reason for the relocation acts was to allow the expansion of ag westward into the southern states

These states with their rich soil were idea for planting the cotton desired by northeastern and british textile mills

The texas revolt of the 1836 against mexico was based not only on the Texicans not wanting to adopt mexican ways , but also on their desire to own slaves which was forbidden by mexican constitution 

The mexican american war of 1846-48 bloody affair and resounding defect of mexico 

As a result texas was annexed and territories btw it and cali were forcibly sold to the US

The american civil war of 1861-65 was focused on the issue pf slavery and its intro into the newly acquired territories of the US

Although the northern states were successful in winning the war it came at the cost of 616,000 lives. War led to 13 amendment forbidding slavery

Did Not solve issues of racial inequality and period following lasted from 1865-1877 called reconstruction only served to fuel more bitterness 

In western states resistance to chinese immigration resulted in laws that banned them from coming to US despite their proving themselves competent and capable workers steady influences wherever they settled

Spanish american war- 1898

  • This war gave the US control over Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam 

Imperialism in East Asia

Qing (Manchu) Dynasty- 1644-1912

Great Britain

1793- opening of trade btw GB and China

Cultural and diplomatic blunder by british caused an uneasy relationship 


A very powerful and addictive drug made from sap of poppy flower 

The opium trade was highly illegal in china and was punishable by the death penalty 

The British traded Chinese tea to the Indians for opium. This was shipped to china and sold with the profits then being sent to england

The chinese were made to pay in silver which depleted their economy 

Chinese efforts in 1839 to stop the trade included their seizing large quantities of british opium warning britain's queen victoria of their determination to end opium importation 

First Opium War- 1839-1842

The war was a serious defeat for Qing forces

Treaty of nanjing 1842-ended the war

Treaty of Nanjing

  • Ended the Cohong monopoly: a select group of companies that were officially approved to engage in all foreign trade

  • Allowed british access to all 5 major ports in China with the right to trade with anyone 

  • Ceded (gave) britain the island of hong kong 

  • Made all british subjects immune to chinese law 

  • Encouraged other nations interested in trade with china to demand similar concessions 

The Taiping Rebellion- 1850-1864

Led by Hong Xiuquan, a revolutionary who claimed to be inspired by divine motives 

It was a socialist uprising of men and women who participated in a bloody civil war against the Manchu 

Ironically Taiping means great peace

The rebellion was aided by several national disasters and other internal disunity 

Britain and france launches 2nd opium war (1856-1860) to further strengthen their control over china 

Empress dowager Cixi was the actual power behind several emperors of china

Cixi made some general improvements for the ppl but still concentrated on maintaining the Qing Dynasty and her own wealthy lifestyle 

The Boxer Rebellion- 1898

  • Anti-western uprising inspired by natural disasters 

  • Society of righteous and Harmonious Fists- members thought themselves impervious to bullets 

  • Empress Cixi at 1st supported Boxers as a means to get rid of foreigners. Later, she changed her position and asked foreigners to help her defeat Boxers and retain power thereby guaranteeing foreigner concessions in chinese gov’t 

  • Before the Empress Cixi died in 1908, she named 3-yr old Puyi as the new emperor. He was forced to abdicate the throne 1912 and was ;last emperor of china

  • One of the leaders of the rebellion that cause Puyi to abdicate was Sun Yixian who was aka San Yatsen and Sun Zhongshan

  • His 3 principles of the ppl included a sense of national identity or nationalism that rejected western imperialism democracy; the ppls welfare which was to combine tax reform with social welfare 

Growth of British power in India 

British east india company- founded in 1600

  • Main trade was in cotton, tea, silk, opium, saltpeter, indigo 

  • Initially a trade relationship btw india and britain. But gradually, EIC gained support of Indian rulers, and became de facto gov’t of india 

Sepoy rebellion (mutiny)- 1857-58

  • The sepoy were indian soldiers serving the british and were made up of hindu and muslim soldiers 

  • Rebellion was aided by carefully placed rumors that new british rifle bullets were coated with animal grease they were coated with mineral oil 

  • Rebellion caused both distrust in the british 

1858- rule of india transferred from the EIC to british crown Queen Victoria “empress of india” (1876)

1858-1947 (Indian independence)- the Raj- Official British rule in India: British India 

Formation of the INdian NAtionalist Movement- 1885

Formation of indian identity came through indigenous technology, and philosophical and legal arguments made by British-educated INdian leaders 

The British encouraged the education of Indian elites in order to instill British philosophies into Indian culture. These individuals became proponents of liberal philosophies, including self-determination and independence. 

Tokugawa Shogunate 

The meeting with US fleet under Commodore Matthew Perry in 1853-4

  • Japan had limited any outside contact with the west

  • There were strong technological and military impressions as well as a strongly implied threat

  • Impressed w perry's fleet and gifts the japanese opened trade with the west 

Meiji Restoration 

Emperor Mutsuhito 

Main conflict was over who was in control of japan– shogun or emperor 

1868– restoration resulted in emperor being returned to power, capital moved to Tokyo

Meiji Restoration had another consequence: extreme westernization including imperial aspirations 

  • 1872- japan attempted to force open relations with korea- opposed by chinese 

Sino-Japanese War (1894-95)- China was terribly defeated. Japan took a portion of manchuria but returned it after an international intervention by European nations who used this as opportunity to further establish thor own presence in China 

  • Japanese ambitions increased throughout eastern hemisphere desiring control of territory and acquisition 

Russo-Japanese war- 1904-1905- newly industrialized and westernized japanese army and navy overwhelmingly defeated russian military in both land and sea battles 

The war was triggered over a korea dispute. Japan gained control over Korea; Russia ceded Manchuria to China 

Japan showed western nations that asian countries could compete with and defeat european nations

Scramble for Africia- 1870-1914

Africa, the “dark continent”

  • Little was known abt it or was written abt it

Muhammad Ali - Determined to regain egyptian identity and industry through changing from subsistence to cash crops 

Suez canal first opened in 1869

Ferdinand de lesseps= engineer of suez canal 

David livingstone= missionary and explorer

Wrote about african explorations 

Livingstone is met by journalist Henry Morton Stanley, famous for saying “Dr. Livingstone i presume” when meeting him in africa 

as a result of expeditions and journalism, africa becomes less dark 

And valuable resources were discovered in africa including palm oil, wood, animal products

Tech and african colonization, steam boats, maxim machine gun, quinine (anti-malarial), railroads, telegraphy

Rise of Zulu Kingdom

King Shaka- 1816-1828- credited with being a superior military tactician. 

Unified the zulu territory 

Dingane-1828-1840- fought the Boer (Dutch farmers) intrusion into zulu lands

Cecil rhodes- railroads, diamonds, and imperialism 

1899-1902- Boer war- GB under General Kitcher fights guerilla war against Dutch “Boers” resisting foreign intrusion on their white minority-ruled country


1884-85- The berlin conference

Was a meeting b/w european leaders to carve up the african continent into colonial possessions 

“Heart of darkness” Belgium and the Congo

Henry Stanley

King Leopold II of Belgium 

The Origins of the Great War of 1914-1918 (WWI)

Franco-Prussian war- 1870-71

  • The war was caused by German unification. German victory 

  • End with treaty of frankfurt 

  • France ceded the industrial areas of Alsace and Lorraine and had to pay war indemnity, or penalty of 5 billion gold francs in 5 years 

  • French were able to repay indemnity early, causing stimulation in their economy and national identity 

  • War ultimately helped france and hurt germany 

Great Britain 

  • Worlds largest and most modern navy

  • Global empire (the sun never sets)

  • Imperialism and reign of queen victoria le to strong british nationalism 

  • Germany became envious of british nav and began an arms race where both sides attempted to create the largest navy


  • The largest and most populous of european countries 

  • Very slow to modernize 

  • Smaller land army than Germany but could call upon millions of peasants conscripts (draft) in time of war 

  • Still suffered shame from defeat in Russo-Japanese war 

  • Was also suffering from internal social and political fight with communism 


  • Under leadership of Kaiser Wilhelm II

    • Was born with a withered left arm, which may have affected his personality  

  • Envious of british navy 

  • Germany was a militarily, industrially, and economically modern state 

  • Germany's victory over france in 1871 actually hurt it

  • Wilhelm was also envious of GB empire bc germany had few colonies 

International relationship sin europe were made much more complicated by their royalty being related to each other 

Queen victoria Grandmother to George V- ENgland and Wilhelm II

Great aunt to Nicholas II of Russia

Triple entente: russia france and GB

Triple alliance: germany, austria hungary, italy (italy later left to join entente and was replaced by ottoman turkey)

Schlieffen Plan- was developed by the German high command in 1905 as a quick means to defeat France in any possible war

Otto von Bismarck- 

  • In government service from 186201890 dismissed by wilhelm II

  • Master diplomat- secure German gains while keeping France powerless and isolated

  • Keep France out of it- week and isolated 

  • “Great juggler of europe”

  • Triple alliance Austria Hungary, Germany, and Italy. It was a mutual defense pact 

  • Also was able to form agreements with russia concerning the balkan states- 1887 reinsurance treaty 

Balkan conflicts- 1908-13

  • Austria hungary annexed Bosnia-herzegovina 1908

  • Bosnian crisis- Germany threatened to use military force against Russia, who considered itself a protector of slavs in the region. Austria Hungary pulled closer to germany 

  • 1st and 2nd Balkan wars- the ottoman empire was driven from balkan states who the fought among themselves

  • European nations worked to limit the spread of the war. This fighting and long history of conflict between christian and muslims led to ethnic hatred

“Powder keg” of europe 

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and duchess Sophie by Gavrilo Princip- June 28 1914, Sarajevo, Bosnia.

The Great War

With the outbreak of war in europe in 1914 patriotism was employed to attract recruits and swell the ranks of the armies

No where was this evident as GB and its “Pal Battalions”

Youthful excitement and desire for adventure was quickly replaced by the realities and horrors of war

  • Wwi was a definite change from the classic image of Napoleonic warfare and soldiery. Weapons far outstripped military tactics and casualties from a battle could reach unimaginable numbers 

  • By the end the Great War had changed global civilization forever 

Christmas 1914- in the midst of fighting, an unofficial true broke out 

WWI- western front 

Important battles of the western front:

  • First battle of the marne:6-12 sept. 1914- where first trenches were dug (beginning of trench warfare)

  • First battle of ypres: 19 oct-22 nov 1914

  • 2nd ypres: 22 apr-25 may 1915- first large scale use of poison gas by germans 

  • Siege of verdun: 21 feb-18 dec 1916

  • Battle of somme: 1 july-18 nov 1916- abt 1 million dead- most bloody battle

  • Battle of Passchendaele: 31 Ju;y-10 nov 1917

  • 100 day offensive: 9 august- 11 nov 1918- over 2.2 million casualties 

WWI was remarkable for its combination of sophisticated and primitive battlefield technologies:

  • Aviation 

  • Submarine warfare 

  • Chemical warfare 

  • Advanced artillery 

  • Machine guns 

  • Hand to hand fighting 

Aircraft were used initially to spot enemy forces and targets for ground artillery. Later some were designed to drop bombs. These included giant “zeppelins” or rigid lighter than air craft. 

Fighting in the air was extremely dangerous, and far from glamorous. Fire was a constant threat as airplanes were mostly made of fabric and wood 

Submarine warfare (u-boat) made its appearance in wwi it was not a highly-regarded branch of the navy

Submarines rarely sank ships with torpedoes relying instead on their deck cannon. 

RMS Lusitania was sunk by German U-boat 

Tanks also made an appearance- not very reliable at the time 

Poison gas wa sussed by both allies and entente forces during wwi

  • Beginning in 1915 chemicals such as chlorine, phosgene, and mustard gas were used on the battlefields of the war. These affected the lungs, eyes, and skin 

  • One of main drawbacks to gas was its dependance on direction of wind 

Trench fighting 

More primitive weapons of wwi included various clubs and knives which were used in vicious hand to hand combat in the trenches 

Dulce et decorum est wilfred owen 

Prosthetics used to treat wwi veterans with facial injuries 

The home front 

In all of the combatant nations, women and civilians unit for combat quickly filled essential jobs normally done by the men who were fighting 

Many of these job were hazardous

Women worked in other manufacturing and transportation roles

Foot and fuel rationing was used to create a sense that everyone was involved in the war 


The horror and sense of loss that surrounded veterans of wwi made many of them question their nationalism

  • A generation of young men in europe was heavily affected by the experiences of mass slaughter at places like Tannenverg, the somme, ypres, and Belleau wood 

  • None wanted to repeat the experience 

The great war in east and the treaty of versailles 

Overview: the failure of the Schlieffen plan led germany to fight a 2 front war 

Although italy was at 1st part of the triple alliance, it left in 1915 and joined GB, france and russia 

This resulted in 12 major battles b/w italian forces and austria hungary along the Isonzo river 

Russia's mobilization was enormous and threatened Germany's eastern flank. The main Russian thrust was stopped at tannenberg in aug 1914. Thereafter the germans took the offensive

One of the most ambitious plans was to have british soldiers, who were joined by australian and new zealand soldiers known as ANZACS attempt an attack from the mediterranean sea into the dardanelles in northwestern turley 

8 month “Gallipoli Campaign” lasted from 1915-1916 and was a terrible defeat for GB and ANZACs as the ottoman forces under Enver Pasha and Mustafa Kemal held superior battlefield prepositions and their soldiers performed well

The operation took men and supplies away from eastern front where they may have been better used 


Jan 17: Zimmerman telegram from germany to mexico. Said if mexico declared war on US after the war if germany won mexico would be able to regain states they lost to the US- texas arizona and new mexico 

Feb 1: Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare. All non german ships could be subjected to attack by submarine 

The us finally entered WWI on april 2 at the where us troops were able to support exhausted french and GB soldiers on the western front 

German and russia reached a stalemate on eastern front 

March; hardships in russia and lack of military success rought abt the abdication of tsar nicholas II

April: vladimir Lenin with german support returned from exile in switzerland and began agitating for russia to leave the war 

Dec 15: germany and russia signed an armistice which stopped fighting b/w the 2 countries

Treaty of brest-litovsk, signed march 3 1918

Pulled russia out of war allowed germany to concentrate on western front

Russia also surrendered a large amt of territory to germany 

Even with 100s of thousands of german soldiers able to join the fighting pn western front, germany was facing a food shortage from lack of manpower able to grow food from the allied blockade that prevented them from importing food

  • Food shortage became a famine which would soon be joined by disease of the civilian and military pops

  • Furthermore the growing number of fresh us soldiers want germany was being watched on western front 


Jan 8: woodrow wilson delivered 14 points 

Well received by many including germany but didn't satisfy gb prime minister David lloyd George and french prime minister Georges Clemenceau 

Following one final offensive on the western front, Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated the throne of germany and fled to holland where he died in 1941

After negotiations between the warring nations concluded an armistice ended the fighting at 11 am on november 11 1918

Armistice only stopped the fighting. It was not a peace treaty 

Woodrow wilson's 14 points proposed a reasonable framework for peace

It was rejected by gb prime minister David lloyd George and french prime minister Georges Clemenceau for being too optimistic and idealistic 

Instead european leaders who fought against germany adopted the treaty of versailles

  • This treaty was punitive in nature for “Germany’s starting the war”

Treaty was signed on june 28 1919 at the palace of versailles in the hall of mirrors 

  • Treaty of versailles included provisions that forced germany to surrender all of its colonies around the world

  • Germany was limited to an army of 100,000 men and could not manufacture thanks, armoured cars, or military aircraft 

  • Germany navy was severely restricted in the number of size of warships it could have and was forbidden to have any subs 

  • Germany had to pay 50 billion gold marks in war reparations to the nations it fought. This money was to pay for war damages and human losses

  • The hardest part was clause 231, the “Guilt Clause” that forced Germany to accept responsibility for the war

Treaty of versailles ended the great war but installed anger and hatred, enhancing the suffering of the germans who had also endured famine and were heavily impacted by spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-1920

Large numbers of German ex soldiers and civilians were disillusioned and unsure of their country and their future. Many became receptive to philosophies of radical groups, including the national german socialist workers party.- nazi party

Bolshevik revolution and russian civil war: 1917-1923

1904-05 Russo Japanese war. Russia was defeated by Japan on land and sea. This happened at the same time as the Russian REvolution of 1904-05

There was widespread revolution in Russia including worker and peasant uprisings and military mutinies. Was inspired by several social and political factors including national identity, embrace of socialism, econ and ag underperformance 

The revolution was inspired by rising marxists socialist party and its- the bolsheviks- led by V.I ulianpv (Lenin)

Revolution was put down by the army although the tsar nicholas II was very slow to rescind because he was more concerned with the russian japanese war and did not think it imp.

 Sunday Jan 22 “Bloody Sunday” demonstrators led by an orthodox priest was fired upon by the Russian army as they marched to the winter palace to present to tsar Nicholas II a petition. 

Massacre resulted in nationwide stikes and condemnation 

The revolution led to creation of the Duma- a legislative body that was to advise the czar. This resulted in a limited constitutional monarchy

Also resulted in  the rowing appeal of marxist communism.

This philosophy that was created by Germans Friederich Engles and Karl Marx is based on social and economic inequality in society 

Marxism was a result of industrialization and was based on the social and economic struggle between proletariat or “workers” and the bourgeoisie or wealthy class

  • Marx argued for the dictatorship of the proletariat. Which meant that the common man would assume control of the government through the use of soviets, or governing bodies of workers

Russia was an og belligerent of WWI and was poorly prepared to fight a long war

With the addition of conscript soldiers, it quickly had the largest army in the world. It was an army that russia was not ready to support, equip or lead into battle

Russias army was ineffective and the ass conscription also meant that ag was heavily impacted

Due to lack of ag, there was a lack of food, which resulted ini food riots in russia during the war

There was a growing distrust in the tsar and his leadership, he felt that his duty was to lead his army in battle, but he was a poor military leader who spent most of his time away from the battlefield, 

Though he was well-meaning Nicholas II was not competent

While he wa absent, his wife Alexandria served as Tsarina 

Nicholas II was the last Tsar of the Romanov dynasty as the romanovs were connected by marriage to many other royal families in europe, certain genetic diseases were present in the romanov family, such as hemophilia, which was known as royal disease

Tsarina alexandra was fearfully worried abt her son alexi who suffered from hemophilia and was frequently in danger because of this condition 

Grigori Rasputin

Alexandria's reliance on rasputin’s advice caused ppl to lose confidence in the Tsar’s gov’t

Even though the duma acted as the representative gov;t body the tsar and his family were considered to hold the essence of the russian identity and culture

Rasputin was considered to be heretic by the russian orthodox church and alexandria’s reliance on his healing of alexi made many russians distrust tsar's family

His reputation as a womanizer also hurt tsarina’s reputation 

Russia's poor performance of wwi and the hardships at home led to massive strike in the country at petrograd on march 8 1917

Although the tsar looked to the army to stop the demonstration they refused to fire into the stowed as it contained many women

  • Aka mutanity 

Nicholas II abdicated his position on March 15 1917. 1 week later he and his family were imprisoned by russian provisional gov’t 

April 1971 Lenin was leader of bolsheviks and returned from exile in switzerland. 

The bolsheviks were very rigid communists and were main opposition to provisional gov;t

They insisted russia leave great war and negotiate a pace w germany

Lenin's return was supported by germans 

When nicholas left the throne a power vacuum existed 

Unstable dual power gov;t emerged 

Russia was run by a provisional gov’t- duma members with the opposing petrograd soviet- socialist body elected by workers and soldiers i petrograd


Nov 7-8 1917

Bolshevik revolution forcibly took control of petrograd and declared the formation a new govt with lenin as head 

Also moved russia's capital to moscow and began talks with germans to end the war

Several western nations shopped to restore the romanov family to the russian throne and remove the bolsheviks from power. They had been held captive since a week after nicholas’ abdication on march 15 1917

To prevent this the bolsheviks executed the entire family on july 17 1918

Russian and german negotiations resulted in the treaty of brest-livoski 

The bolsheviks declaration of new govt began a civil war in russia between white russian and red russians. It lasted from nov 8 1917- oct 1922

 American expeditionary force siberia 

1918-1920 sent to evacuate 40,000 czech soldiers , protect US property and prevent supplies from falling into communist and japanese hands 

Ultimately some 8,000 soldiers served within around 200 dead 

5,000 other soldiers sent to port of arkhangelsk as part of their polar bear expedition
