Domains in Focus: Eukarya, Bacteria, Archaea, Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria
Concept: The early tree of life may resemble a "tangled web" due to extensive horizontal gene transfer.
Significant Groups:
Chloroplasts, Mitochondria, Animalia, Fungi, Plantae, Euryarchaeota, Crenarchaeota
Today's Plan: Review for lecture exam 1 and discuss Prokaryotes: Bacteria and Archaea.
Key Questions:
Why are prokaryotes successful?
How do they reproduce and achieve genetic diversity?
What are their nutritional and metabolic capabilities?
Key aspects of prokaryotic diversity.
Roles of prokaryotes in ecosystems.
Attendance: Required.
Focus on crucial concepts from lectures and readings.
Multiple choice questions akin to practice problems on Canvas and in-class activities.
Book exercises are beneficial for practice.
Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) encompass all exam content but may not mirror exact wording.
Example from SLO: Natural selection elements may be presented in multiple formats.
All exam material derives from lecture slides; dates are unnecessary.
Timing: Lecture from 12:00 PM to 1:20 PM.
Restrictions: No notes or devices allowed; no grading curve.
Exam Structure: 80 points total: 30 multiple-choice questions and 8 short-answer questions.
Format: Partial credit available for short-answer; clarity in responses is key.
Bring an 882-E scantron to the exam.
Key Learning Objectives:
Contrast between meiosis and mitosis.
Meiosis reduces chromosome numbers in daughter cells; unique crossing over processes.
Factors contributing to genetic variation during mitosis include independent assortment and crossing over.
Population Scenario: 10 cats, genotypes given (bb, Bb, BB).
Task: Calculate frequencies of each allele and genotype.
Next Generation Population Overview: Also 10 cats. Similar task to previous page, with H-W equilibrium assumptions.
Population Study: 700 cats with diverse coat colors (252 black, 448 white).
Query: Determine H-W equilibrium status.
Individual Task: Create a phylogeny using provided data and derived characters; discuss with peers for consensus.
Groups of Focus: Invertebrate taxa, various arthropods, mollusks, and more, highlighting major lineage distinctions.
Chapters for Coverage:
Ch 27: Prokarya
Ch 28: Protists
Ch 29: Non-vascular plants
Ch 30: Vascular and flowering plants
Ch 35-39: Plant physiology
Ch 31: Fungi
Ch 32-51: Selected sections of animalia and physiology.
Figure Insight: Pink hue of a salt lake in Spain indicates the presence of unique prokaryotic life forms thriving under extreme saline