Michael Faraday
Cathode-ray tube
Joseph John Thompson(1897)
used the CRT to investigate composition of cathode ray
discovered negatively charge
mass to charge ratio of electrons
plum-pudding model
Plum-pudding model
Ernest Rutherford
said that atom might not be solely composed of negatively charge particles
atom is a vast empty space
atomic structure is similar to miniature solar system
Robert Millikan
Wilhelm Roentgen
Antoine Becquerel
Marie Curie
coined “Radioactivity”
noble prize in physics
Pierre Curie
noble prize in chemistry
polonium and radium
Types of radiation:
Gamma Ray
Ernest Rutherford, Ernest marsden, and hand Geiger
James Chadwick
Niels Bohr
electrons revolve around the nucleus with specific distance
electrons with low energy= nearest to nucleus
electrons with high energy= farther to nucleus
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Erwin Schrodinger