Michael Faraday

  • related electricity to atoms by “if we adopt atomic theory then the atoms of bodies which are equivalent to each other in their ordinary atomic theory”


  • scientist focused on transmission of energy to space through waves

Cathode-ray tube

  • evacuated glass with 2 electrodes attached to its opposite ends

  • used as old models of television sets

Joseph John Thompson(1897)

  • used the CRT to investigate composition of cathode ray

  • discovered negatively charge

  • mass to charge ratio of electrons

  • plum-pudding model

Plum-pudding model

  • electrons are evenly distributed like raisins on the surface of pudding


  • particles determined by mass to change ratio

  • later called as electrons

  • april 29, 1897

Ernest Rutherford

  • said that atom might not be solely composed of negatively charge particles

  • atom is a vast empty space

  • atomic structure is similar to miniature solar system

Robert Millikan

  • Oil Drop experiment

  • charge of electron

  • mass of an electron

  • Nobel prize in physics in 1923

Wilhelm Roentgen

  • german physicist

  • noticed that CRT may cause glass to emit unusual rays that darkens photographic plates

Antoine Becquerel

  • fluorescent properties of substance

  • uranium ores

Marie Curie

  • coined “Radioactivity”

  • noble prize in physics

Pierre Curie

  • noble prize in chemistry

  • polonium and radium

Types of radiation:


  • least penetrating power

Gamma Ray

  • most penetrating capability

Ernest Rutherford, Ernest marsden, and hand Geiger

  • worked in laboratory of j.j thompson

  • studied alpha and beta ray

  • Gold foil experiment

James Chadwick

  • student of Ernest Rutherford

  • neutrons

  • these particles to smash nucleus

Niels Bohr

  • electrons revolve around the nucleus with specific distance

  • electrons with low energy= nearest to nucleus

  • electrons with high energy= farther to nucleus

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

  • electrons are not confirmed to moving along predefined orbits

Erwin Schrodinger

  • electrons are located with the same location


  • space around atom where electrons can be found 95%
