Causes of WW1
**WWI: The Causes**
Buildup; A-H ruled over a small part of former Serbian territory. A-H wanted to unify the Serbs under their rule, adding to their territory and uniting many different nations into a once morepowerful state. Despite these intentions, strong resistance was growing for a pan-slavic state.
The House of Cards collapses. Archduke Francis Ferdinand of A-H assassinated in Sarajevo, June 28th, 1914. 7 assassins were waiting, with the second attempt of the day being successful.
Gavrilo Prinzip; member of Young Bosnia, a Bosnian separatist group that wanted Bosnia to break away from A-H. Young Bosnia was financed, trained and armed by the Black Hand.
Black Hand was led by people in Serbian army, its purpose was to break the former Serbian land away from A-H. Name of the officer was known as Apis, or “The Bull.”
The Kaiser replied to A-H’s request for support on July 5th, promising their support even if war developed with Russia (The Blank Check). He believed Serbia would accept the ultimatum and avoid war. On July 23rd, the ultimatum was issued, and A-H demanded its acceptance within 48 hours.
The ultimatum had 10 points (these are the important ones): Prosecution of the conspirators with Austrian officials in charge of the investigation, Austrian officials were to operate within Serbia to root out anti-austrians agitators and propagandists. Calls were made for Britain, Germany, Italy and Turkey to mediate the crisis.
July 24th, Russia supports Serbia, advising to accept as much as possible of the ultimatum without surrendering sovereignty. Serbia mobilizes at 3PM on 25th, before the 48 hours are up, Servia delivered her response, accepting all conditions except Austrian officials’ working in Serbia, which they asked to refer to the International Tribunal at the Hague in the Netherlands.
Austria-Hungarian Ambassador severed diplomatic relations with Serbia, July 25th, Austria orders partial mobilisation, 26th Serbia mobilized for war, 27th Kaiser returns from vacation early, 28th Austria declared war, only 2 countries at war.
Russia mobilized forces near Austrian border, 6 million men. Russia and France tried pressing Britain to publicly commit to their defense which they didn't do. Germany asked Britain to stay neutral, pledging not to take any French territory, but her colonies. Germany mobilized its navy, Britain responded by dispersing ships in the North Sea. The Kaiser’s brother adds to false sense of German security.
Czar Nicholas II proposed the Austro-Serbian problem be sent to the International Court at the Hague, after a telegram from Wilhelm, Nicholas tried to stop mobilization, but could not.
July 29-30; Kaiser could not convince his General Staff to only proportionally mobilize to match Russia’s effort. July 30th, hearing of Germany’s partial mobilization, Russia announces a full mobilization to prevent attacks on Polish territories under Russian control.
German Chancellor telegraphed Austrian Foreign Minister to mobilize against Russia, but Chief of German General Staff advised his Austrian counterpart to do the opposite. German support assured, A-H mobilized. Same afternoon saw Germany sent Russia an ultimatum to cease all war measures for 12 hours. Another ultimatum to France said any mobilization would mean war. France mobilized.
August 1st, Germany ordered full mobilization, August 2nd, Germany demands free passage through Belgium, begins moving troops through the country even before a response is given. August 3rd, Germany declared war on France. August 4th, Germany declared war on Belgium, Britain responds by declaring war on Germany.
August 6th, Russia, traditional Serbian ally declares war on A-H. AUgust 10th, A-H declares war on Russia. August 12th, France and Britain declare war on A-H. August 23rd, Japan declares war on Germany.
Germany sought to complete its rise to European prominence and amass colonies. Austria-Hungary hoped to add some colonial possessions, but mostly wanted to survive intact. Russia wanted to reclaim prestige lost in the Russo-Japanese war and emerge the Slavic Champion, as well as stave off revolution. France wanted Alsace-Lorraine, taken by Germany after Franco-Prussian war of 1871, Britain thought that successfully fighting the war would eliminate Germany as a major rival and preserve Britain’s status as the dominant world power.
British enthusiasm; Between August and September 1914, 736,000 Britons volunteered for the Army, by 1916, 2.5 million. Some joined in “Pals’ Battalions.” The rich and the poor were the largest groups of people to volunteer.