AP Statistics Notes: Unit 3

Introducing Statistics:

  • A proper analysis of data must take into account how the data was collected

  • Keep in mind that samples may not be a good representative of the whole population data taken from

  • Notice how individuals in the sample are different from all individuals within the population comparatively

Introduction To A Planning Study:

  • Identify the population vs. the sample in your study

  • A sample is a subset of a population

  • Generalizations can only be made if the sample is randomly selected and if the entirety of the sample is taken from the same population

  • When evaluating a study, consider confounding variables, outside influences, and the type of study

Types of Studies/Samples:

  • Experimental

  • Observational

  • Randomization

  • Matched pairs design

  • Blind experiments

  • Stratified samples

  • Bias samples

  • Placebo and control groups

  • Simple random samples

Random Sampling and Data Collection:

  • Random samples, when well executed, tend to provide a good representation of populations through data (unbiased estimates)

  • A simple random sample gives every group of (n) individuals equal chance of being selected

  • Cluster sampling creates groups, then randomly samples entire groups (from their group of multiple clusters) (effective when heterogenous)

  • Stratified sampling creates groups and then takes random samples from each of those groups (effective when homogenous)

  • A voluntary response sample consists of people who choose themselves by responding to a general invitation.

  • Choosing individuals from the population who are easy to reach results in a convenience sample.

  • Low variation provides precise data, while high variation data provides nonprecise data

  • Biased samples provide inaccurate data, while unbiased samples provide accurate data

  • A census collects data from every individual in the population.

Potential Problems With Sampling:

  • Bias arises when certain responses are systematically favored over others

  • When explaining a bias, make sure to compare differences between sample and population to highlight contrast

  • Also, when explaining bias include if data is over or under-estimated

  • Have the reader understand what the sampling method is and why it causes bias

  • Undercoverage: occurs when some members of the population cannot be chosen in a sample. 

  • Nonresponse: occurs when an individual chosen for the sample can’t be contacted or refuses to participate.

Taking Random Samples:

  • Table D (select a line, split numbers in reflection to sample amount, take a sample)

  • Use a graphing calculator (Step 1: MATH Step 2: PRB Step 3: randInter(, Step 4: enter)

  • Stratified: spilt data into groups of strata, then SRS from each strata to get a sample of a desired amount

  • Cluster: split data into groups based on proximity, then randomly select each cluster until the desired sample amount is satisfied

Principles of Experimental Design:

  • Comparison: use a design that compares two or more treatments

  • Random Assignment: Use the chance to assign experimental units to treatment

  • Control: Keep other variables that might affect the response the same for all groups

  • Replication: Use enough experimental units in each group so that any differences in treatment groups can be distinguished from chance

Designing Studies:

  • Completely randomized design: the experimental units are assigned to the treatments completely by chance

  • Double-blind experiment: neither the subjects nor those who interact with them and measure the response variable know which treatment a subject received

  • Single-blind experiment: only the researcher knows which treatment the experimental units received

  • Observed effect: so large that it would rarely occur by chance is called statistically significant

  • A Block: a group of experimental units that are known before the experiment to be similar in some way that is expected to affect the response to the treatments

  • Randomized block design: the random assignment of experimental units to treatments is carried out separately within each block

The main purpose of a control group is to provide a baseline for comparing the effects of the other treatments. 

⬆️ Randomized Design⬆️ Randomized Block Design
