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Chapter 9



80% of the world population was farmers

Atlantic Revolutions were also taking place at the same time

Anthropocene “ Man is responsible for change “

Negative impacts on the environment

Industrialization: An Increase of productions brought by machines and the use of new energy sources

Started in Europe ( Britain )

Eurocentric reasons

  • cultural superiority

  • science and invention

  • Political institutions


    • the mines flooded all of the time

    • they used steam engines to pump out the water ( Loop )

  • Machines lowered production costs

Flying shuttle

Water power - steam engine w/ coal -

sulfur to dye clothes


Cottage industry gave people freedom

textiles were made in factories

  • weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom

  • had no freedom in the factory

  • negative impact on women

  • women know how to make textiles

  • owners can pay women less

  • women are more submissive to men so they won’t retaliate

  • women and children had smaller hands

4 field system

  • turnip

  • clover

Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

  • interchangeable parts

  • Educated in Yale

  • Slaves picked the cotton and to use the cotton Gin they needed more cotton picked by slaves so they highered slave

  • Slave trade increased in the United States because of the Cotton Gin

  • Cotton was going to factories in Britain ( triangle trade )

  • Seperated the cotton fibers from the seeds and sped up cotton production

  • Had to pay less people to seperate it

  • Patented the Cotton Gin

  • Made and spread throughout the U.S.

  • Sued a lot of people you tried to take his product

  • India’s production decreased because the U.S was producing so much more

  • India had higher prices and lower production with cotton than the U.S.


laboring class

  • made 70% of Britain’s population

  • Worked in mines, ports, factories, construction sites, and workshops

  • They suffered the most and benefited the least from the industrial revolutions

  • the owners are profiting off of the employes labor

  • Workers were EXPLOITED


  • roles changed for laboring classes

  • girls and unmarried women took jobs in factories

  • women cannot join Unions

    • Were cheaper labor

    • Kept their mouths shut

Karl Marx

  • Born in 1818 in Germany

  • Journalist whom fled Germany to Italy

  • Fredrick Ankles friend

    • Wealthy friend and made Karl Marx things published

  • Work can be the source of our greatest joys ( see your self in your accomplishments)

  • “Externalize whats good inside us”

  • Alienation - what you do in the day compared to what they feel outside

  • “see the product through and then we will appreciate for what we really have”

    • Compared to a kindergarten teacher to which they are only their for 1 part of our life and don’t see us finish school

    • He would want people to keep with their teachers their whole academic life

  • Unemployment = Freedom

  • Distribute the wealth of the massive corporations

  • Marriage was an extension of Business ( they stayed together for money )

  • He wanted people to be out of financial restraints so they can live happier life

  • Women and men should have the permanent option to have leasure

  • Ideology = valued judgment ( someone who doesnt work is worthless )

  • Communist Manifesto

    • Revolutionary activist actions

    • written in 1848

    • The working class with over throw the capital class

    • Proletariat = working class

    • Upper Class = Bourgeoisie

  • Das Kapital

  • Absolutley no classes is COMMUNISM

    • But that’s what he fights for?

  • Socialism

    • Democracy

  • You cannot have a

  • Communism is achieved through violence

    • overthrow government

  • Part of the International Working Men’s Association

  • Marxism

  • Ideas were adopted by different countries

  • Commotiven Fetishism

  • Primitive Accumulation

  • Profit is theft = Exploitation

  • introduced the idea of socialism = challenged the assumption of a capitalist

  • hands on approach laws in place

  • If people don’t like the working conditions than people will quit = capitalism = Laissez fare

  • What determined the given path of human civilizations

  • Wife Jinny, 7 children

  • He was a Jew and people wouldn’t want to listen to him

  • His ideas were very radical

  • The majority of the people wanted nothing to do with him

  • HIs ideas happened in the next century after he died

  • He believed that the rising class was going to rise up against the owners and then they didn’t

  • The workers would control production and means of distribution

  • All history was a history of class struggles

Developments in Western Europe that helped avoid Marxist revolution

Improving material conditions during the second half of the nineteenth century helped move the working-class movement in Britain, Germany, and elsewhere away from a revolutionary posture. Marx had expected industrial capitalist societies to polarize into a small wealthy class and a huge and increasingly impoverished proletariat. However, standing between “the captains of industry” and the workers was a sizable middle and lower middle class, constituting perhaps 30 percent of the population, most of whom were not really wealthy but were immensely proud that they were not manual laborers. Marx had not foreseen the development of this intermediate social group, nor had he imagined that workers could better their standard of living within a capitalist framework. But they did. Wages rose under pressure from unions; cheap imported food improved working-class diets; infant mortality rates fell; and shops and chain stores catering to working-class families multiplied. As English male workers gradually obtained the right to vote, politicians had an incentive to legislate in their favor, by abolishing child labor, regulating factory conditions, and even, in 1911, inaugurating a system of relief for the unemployed. Sanitary reform considerably cleaned up the “filth and stink” of early nineteenth-century cities, and urban parks made a modest appearance. Contrary to Marx’s expectations, capitalist societies demonstrated some capacity for reform.


  • China

  • North Korea

  • Vietnam

  • Loas

  • Cuba

Things aren’t getting better, so people were starting to fight back


!!!check chart from comparing the russian industrialization to american industrialization!!!


Starts in Britain because they have coal and iron

Europe has a competitive spirit

Koran limits the middle eastern society and their advancements


  • nasty coal in the air

  • global warming

  • dangerous fumes being inhaled by factory workers

Sugar comes from the caribbean

Railroad was a symbol of the industrial revolution

Upper middle class included wealthy factory and mine owners, bankers, and merchants who had gained great power politically

Proletariat- Laboring class to Karl Marx

The wives are not their when their husbands come home and so they drink alcohol and the wives when coming home from work end up getting beaten and domestic violence was very high amount the proletariat

Karl Marx puts the bourgase as the Upper class

Proletariat will become the owners of the factories and determine how much they get paid and that they will pay themselves high

He demands that this WILL happen, not that it might

He didn’t see unions and political parties for the proletariat

All white men can vote because of the political parties made

Unions represent men

Europeans are going to America because there was a demand of labor and cheap land

There was a rumor from ireland that there was good work, good cheap land, and good pay thats a lie

tsar has power over all of the people ( holding russia back )

The power of US is in the people ( democratic republic ) and Russia had the power in the hands of the tsar ( one person )

Russia’s government pays for their industrialization while the US pays for their own ( capitalism )

Railroads = Iron Horse

Monopolies were given tax breaks by the government because their inventions gave the government more power and wealth

you had to order things from catalogs


Adam smith WAS capitalist

government should not be involved at all with business no laws for any industry

NO agencies ,rules, and regulations

How economy will thrive

Laissez-faire capitalism - when government is hands off of trade and industry

Adams smith would say that government should not have to go into different meat companies and they should just read the Jungle and be disgusted and no one will by meat and when they aren’t buying then the industry will change so they are.

Invisible hand - consumers will drive the change


Zero creativity with one hand on the wheel ( czar /tsar)

Trans-Siberian Railroad made economic transportation faster and more efficient

Russia really didn’t have much money

They got money from other countries in foreign investments

investments means that the other people( the other countries whom payed ) got more money back from their investments

Problems with Industrialization

  1. labor force was untrained

  2. Diseases

  3. agricultural methods were still backwards

  4. city life was miserable (filthy and crammed homes, 13-hour workdays, disrespectful supervisors)


some accepted socialism in hopes of change for workers

  • Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party was illegal but fought for workers’ education, union organizing, and revolutionary action

  • insurrection erupted in 1905: workers’ strikes, peasant uprisings, student demonstrations, military mutinies (Russia was humiliated following defeat in the Russo-Japanese War that had just ended: growing unrest in Russia)

  • Humiliation in Russia cause they couldn’t beat Japan

  • They turned to the government to be like what went wrong dude

CAUSE OF 1905 was the loss of Russia against Japan and the terrible working conditions of people

The monarch only gave people what they wanted after the revolts


- political parties came out of hiding

- tsar’s regime changed

- granted a constitution

- legalized both trade unions and political parties

- permitted the election of a national assembly (Duma)

- plans were made for universal primary education

  • the changes were too late impact:

  • workers went on strike

  • revolutionary groups (socialists, etc) organized and promoted change

  • the world’s first socialist society (inspired by Karl Marx) emerged in 1917 with the Russian Revolution

  • led by Vladimir Lenin, the most radical social group (the Bolsheviks) took power

*ONLY in Russia was industrialization associated with VIOLENT social revolution!

Only in Russia do we associate industrialization with VIOLENCE

Market Saturation - when the volume of a product or service in a marketplace has been maximized

Imperialism is an effect of Industrialization


even with an export boom, there was no industrial revolution in Latin America


  1. a huge lower class population- no real market for manufactured goods

  2. investment in manufacturing did not appeal to landowners and cattlemen

(made money exporting agricultural goods- so why bother to industrialize?)

  1. no tariffs on imports, making imported goods very cheap for all

  2. too dependent on European and North American prosperity and decisions

(example: the US-owned United Fruit Company in Central America drove

decision-making in the area)

- by 1850 a boom in exports helped spur the economy

(exported silver, copper, tin, guano, nitrates, rubber, bananas, coffee, cacao, sugar)

- imports came from Europe and the US

(imported textiles, machinery, tools, weapons, and luxury goods)

- Railroads!  Built to get goods to the coast to be exported

* All was progress in the eyes of elites in Latin America

(elites wanted to be advanced like Europe and US)

Banana Republic was oppression


Latin America can’t be cool like Europe

They don’t have a strong economy

A very small population of the people of LA could indulge it what they actually wanted

Caudillo : military or political leader ( gained control of government after the independence movement )

Power is in the hands of the people in Europe’s

In LA they have dictators that wouldn’t let them do certain things

Mexican Revolution

Lower class whom feels cheated with the middle class and they joined to overthrow their dictator

Goal : Take land from rich and give to the poor

With the Middle class there is more hope financially and more intelligence ( better hopes )

Results: a new constitution that...

1) gave universal male suffrage

2) redistributed land
3) stripped the Catholic Church of public education power and land

4) workers gained rights (minimum wage and 8-hour work days)

- but at what cost?  1 million dead - 10% of the population

  • working conditions in textile mills and mines were horrible (long work hours, low wages, workers had to pay for the normal depreciation of machinery they used)

  • children (ages 8 and 9) performed physically demanding work

  • strikes were illegal

  • all written pamphlets distributed among workers had to be approved

  • high paying managerial jobs were given to Americans, not qualified native Mexican laborers ( NO JUSTIFICATION )

  • middle class reformers, workers, and peasants overthrew the dictator (Porfirio Diaz)

  • a decade of bloody conflict: 10% of the population died

  • Diaz was ousted under the charismatic leadership of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata

  • women were active in the revolution: many fought!

    • Wore men’s clothing to participate in the revolution

Chapter 9



80% of the world population was farmers

Atlantic Revolutions were also taking place at the same time

Anthropocene “ Man is responsible for change “

Negative impacts on the environment

Industrialization: An Increase of productions brought by machines and the use of new energy sources

Started in Europe ( Britain )

Eurocentric reasons

  • cultural superiority

  • science and invention

  • Political institutions


    • the mines flooded all of the time

    • they used steam engines to pump out the water ( Loop )

  • Machines lowered production costs

Flying shuttle

Water power - steam engine w/ coal -

sulfur to dye clothes


Cottage industry gave people freedom

textiles were made in factories

  • weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom

  • had no freedom in the factory

  • negative impact on women

  • women know how to make textiles

  • owners can pay women less

  • women are more submissive to men so they won’t retaliate

  • women and children had smaller hands

4 field system

  • turnip

  • clover

Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

  • interchangeable parts

  • Educated in Yale

  • Slaves picked the cotton and to use the cotton Gin they needed more cotton picked by slaves so they highered slave

  • Slave trade increased in the United States because of the Cotton Gin

  • Cotton was going to factories in Britain ( triangle trade )

  • Seperated the cotton fibers from the seeds and sped up cotton production

  • Had to pay less people to seperate it

  • Patented the Cotton Gin

  • Made and spread throughout the U.S.

  • Sued a lot of people you tried to take his product

  • India’s production decreased because the U.S was producing so much more

  • India had higher prices and lower production with cotton than the U.S.


laboring class

  • made 70% of Britain’s population

  • Worked in mines, ports, factories, construction sites, and workshops

  • They suffered the most and benefited the least from the industrial revolutions

  • the owners are profiting off of the employes labor

  • Workers were EXPLOITED


  • roles changed for laboring classes

  • girls and unmarried women took jobs in factories

  • women cannot join Unions

    • Were cheaper labor

    • Kept their mouths shut

Karl Marx

  • Born in 1818 in Germany

  • Journalist whom fled Germany to Italy

  • Fredrick Ankles friend

    • Wealthy friend and made Karl Marx things published

  • Work can be the source of our greatest joys ( see your self in your accomplishments)

  • “Externalize whats good inside us”

  • Alienation - what you do in the day compared to what they feel outside

  • “see the product through and then we will appreciate for what we really have”

    • Compared to a kindergarten teacher to which they are only their for 1 part of our life and don’t see us finish school

    • He would want people to keep with their teachers their whole academic life

  • Unemployment = Freedom

  • Distribute the wealth of the massive corporations

  • Marriage was an extension of Business ( they stayed together for money )

  • He wanted people to be out of financial restraints so they can live happier life

  • Women and men should have the permanent option to have leasure

  • Ideology = valued judgment ( someone who doesnt work is worthless )

  • Communist Manifesto

    • Revolutionary activist actions

    • written in 1848

    • The working class with over throw the capital class

    • Proletariat = working class

    • Upper Class = Bourgeoisie

  • Das Kapital

  • Absolutley no classes is COMMUNISM

    • But that’s what he fights for?

  • Socialism

    • Democracy

  • You cannot have a

  • Communism is achieved through violence

    • overthrow government

  • Part of the International Working Men’s Association

  • Marxism

  • Ideas were adopted by different countries

  • Commotiven Fetishism

  • Primitive Accumulation

  • Profit is theft = Exploitation

  • introduced the idea of socialism = challenged the assumption of a capitalist

  • hands on approach laws in place

  • If people don’t like the working conditions than people will quit = capitalism = Laissez fare

  • What determined the given path of human civilizations

  • Wife Jinny, 7 children

  • He was a Jew and people wouldn’t want to listen to him

  • His ideas were very radical

  • The majority of the people wanted nothing to do with him

  • HIs ideas happened in the next century after he died

  • He believed that the rising class was going to rise up against the owners and then they didn’t

  • The workers would control production and means of distribution

  • All history was a history of class struggles

Developments in Western Europe that helped avoid Marxist revolution

Improving material conditions during the second half of the nineteenth century helped move the working-class movement in Britain, Germany, and elsewhere away from a revolutionary posture. Marx had expected industrial capitalist societies to polarize into a small wealthy class and a huge and increasingly impoverished proletariat. However, standing between “the captains of industry” and the workers was a sizable middle and lower middle class, constituting perhaps 30 percent of the population, most of whom were not really wealthy but were immensely proud that they were not manual laborers. Marx had not foreseen the development of this intermediate social group, nor had he imagined that workers could better their standard of living within a capitalist framework. But they did. Wages rose under pressure from unions; cheap imported food improved working-class diets; infant mortality rates fell; and shops and chain stores catering to working-class families multiplied. As English male workers gradually obtained the right to vote, politicians had an incentive to legislate in their favor, by abolishing child labor, regulating factory conditions, and even, in 1911, inaugurating a system of relief for the unemployed. Sanitary reform considerably cleaned up the “filth and stink” of early nineteenth-century cities, and urban parks made a modest appearance. Contrary to Marx’s expectations, capitalist societies demonstrated some capacity for reform.


  • China

  • North Korea

  • Vietnam

  • Loas

  • Cuba

Things aren’t getting better, so people were starting to fight back


!!!check chart from comparing the russian industrialization to american industrialization!!!


Starts in Britain because they have coal and iron

Europe has a competitive spirit

Koran limits the middle eastern society and their advancements


  • nasty coal in the air

  • global warming

  • dangerous fumes being inhaled by factory workers

Sugar comes from the caribbean

Railroad was a symbol of the industrial revolution

Upper middle class included wealthy factory and mine owners, bankers, and merchants who had gained great power politically

Proletariat- Laboring class to Karl Marx

The wives are not their when their husbands come home and so they drink alcohol and the wives when coming home from work end up getting beaten and domestic violence was very high amount the proletariat

Karl Marx puts the bourgase as the Upper class

Proletariat will become the owners of the factories and determine how much they get paid and that they will pay themselves high

He demands that this WILL happen, not that it might

He didn’t see unions and political parties for the proletariat

All white men can vote because of the political parties made

Unions represent men

Europeans are going to America because there was a demand of labor and cheap land

There was a rumor from ireland that there was good work, good cheap land, and good pay thats a lie

tsar has power over all of the people ( holding russia back )

The power of US is in the people ( democratic republic ) and Russia had the power in the hands of the tsar ( one person )

Russia’s government pays for their industrialization while the US pays for their own ( capitalism )

Railroads = Iron Horse

Monopolies were given tax breaks by the government because their inventions gave the government more power and wealth

you had to order things from catalogs


Adam smith WAS capitalist

government should not be involved at all with business no laws for any industry

NO agencies ,rules, and regulations

How economy will thrive

Laissez-faire capitalism - when government is hands off of trade and industry

Adams smith would say that government should not have to go into different meat companies and they should just read the Jungle and be disgusted and no one will by meat and when they aren’t buying then the industry will change so they are.

Invisible hand - consumers will drive the change


Zero creativity with one hand on the wheel ( czar /tsar)

Trans-Siberian Railroad made economic transportation faster and more efficient

Russia really didn’t have much money

They got money from other countries in foreign investments

investments means that the other people( the other countries whom payed ) got more money back from their investments

Problems with Industrialization

  1. labor force was untrained

  2. Diseases

  3. agricultural methods were still backwards

  4. city life was miserable (filthy and crammed homes, 13-hour workdays, disrespectful supervisors)


some accepted socialism in hopes of change for workers

  • Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party was illegal but fought for workers’ education, union organizing, and revolutionary action

  • insurrection erupted in 1905: workers’ strikes, peasant uprisings, student demonstrations, military mutinies (Russia was humiliated following defeat in the Russo-Japanese War that had just ended: growing unrest in Russia)

  • Humiliation in Russia cause they couldn’t beat Japan

  • They turned to the government to be like what went wrong dude

CAUSE OF 1905 was the loss of Russia against Japan and the terrible working conditions of people

The monarch only gave people what they wanted after the revolts


- political parties came out of hiding

- tsar’s regime changed

- granted a constitution

- legalized both trade unions and political parties

- permitted the election of a national assembly (Duma)

- plans were made for universal primary education

  • the changes were too late impact:

  • workers went on strike

  • revolutionary groups (socialists, etc) organized and promoted change

  • the world’s first socialist society (inspired by Karl Marx) emerged in 1917 with the Russian Revolution

  • led by Vladimir Lenin, the most radical social group (the Bolsheviks) took power

*ONLY in Russia was industrialization associated with VIOLENT social revolution!

Only in Russia do we associate industrialization with VIOLENCE

Market Saturation - when the volume of a product or service in a marketplace has been maximized

Imperialism is an effect of Industrialization


even with an export boom, there was no industrial revolution in Latin America


  1. a huge lower class population- no real market for manufactured goods

  2. investment in manufacturing did not appeal to landowners and cattlemen

(made money exporting agricultural goods- so why bother to industrialize?)

  1. no tariffs on imports, making imported goods very cheap for all

  2. too dependent on European and North American prosperity and decisions

(example: the US-owned United Fruit Company in Central America drove

decision-making in the area)

- by 1850 a boom in exports helped spur the economy

(exported silver, copper, tin, guano, nitrates, rubber, bananas, coffee, cacao, sugar)

- imports came from Europe and the US

(imported textiles, machinery, tools, weapons, and luxury goods)

- Railroads!  Built to get goods to the coast to be exported

* All was progress in the eyes of elites in Latin America

(elites wanted to be advanced like Europe and US)

Banana Republic was oppression


Latin America can’t be cool like Europe

They don’t have a strong economy

A very small population of the people of LA could indulge it what they actually wanted

Caudillo : military or political leader ( gained control of government after the independence movement )

Power is in the hands of the people in Europe’s

In LA they have dictators that wouldn’t let them do certain things

Mexican Revolution

Lower class whom feels cheated with the middle class and they joined to overthrow their dictator

Goal : Take land from rich and give to the poor

With the Middle class there is more hope financially and more intelligence ( better hopes )

Results: a new constitution that...

1) gave universal male suffrage

2) redistributed land
3) stripped the Catholic Church of public education power and land

4) workers gained rights (minimum wage and 8-hour work days)

- but at what cost?  1 million dead - 10% of the population

  • working conditions in textile mills and mines were horrible (long work hours, low wages, workers had to pay for the normal depreciation of machinery they used)

  • children (ages 8 and 9) performed physically demanding work

  • strikes were illegal

  • all written pamphlets distributed among workers had to be approved

  • high paying managerial jobs were given to Americans, not qualified native Mexican laborers ( NO JUSTIFICATION )

  • middle class reformers, workers, and peasants overthrew the dictator (Porfirio Diaz)

  • a decade of bloody conflict: 10% of the population died

  • Diaz was ousted under the charismatic leadership of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata

  • women were active in the revolution: many fought!

    • Wore men’s clothing to participate in the revolution