1. Hunter/gatherer

  2. Agricultural revolution/cause and effect/hearths

  3. Columbian Exchange

  4. Second Agricultural Revolution/hearth/cause and effect

  5. Green Revolution and increased production

    1. GMOs

    2. High yield seeds (drought and/or herbicide resistant)

    3. Fertilizers

    4. Mechanization

    5. Pesticides and herbicides

    6. GPS and moisture monitoring systems

    7. Irrigation advances

    8. Antibiotics/medical care for livestock

  6. Patterns of settlement

    1. Clustered

    2. Linear

    3. Dispersed

  7. Metes and bounds

  8. Long lots

  9. Township and range

  10. Sustainability issues

    1. Desertification

    2. Loss of habitat

    3. Loss of biodiversity

    4. Disruption of ecosystems

    5. Carbon output

    6. Soil erosion and decrease in quality

    7. Increased influence of corporations and more developed countries

    8. Single-crop dependency

  11. Grains as key source of calories, protein, and nutrients

  12. Areas with high caloric intake/areas with low caloric intake

  13. Undernourishment

  14. Food deserts

  15. Obesity

  16. Agricultural regions

    1. Mediterranean regions

    2. Sahel region

  17. Subsistence agriculture

  18. Commercial agriculture

  19. Intensive vs. extensive farming

  20. Types of farming

    1. Pastoral nomadism

    2. Shifting cultivation (slash and burn) and swidden

    3. Plantation

    4. Dairy/milkshed

    5. Grain

    6. Mixed crop and livestock/crop rotation

    7. Ranching

    8. Commercial gardening/truck farming

    9. Fishing/aquaculture/overfishing

  21. Staples vs. luxury items

  22. Non-food agriculture

    1. Textiles: cotton, wool, leather, indigo

    2. Tobacco

    3. Pharmaceutical uses

  23. Value-added agriculture

    1. Organic and fair trade

    2. Marketing (e.g. champagne, Parmesan cheese)

    3. Packaging (bagged salads)

    4. Preservation (drying or salting meats, roasting nuts, dried fruit)

    5. Flavor enhancement

    6. Physical changes (making fruit into jam or preserves)

  24. Von Thunen’s model

  25. Changing roles of women in agriculture/regional variation of women’s roles

  26. Decline of small farms

  27. Technology impact and economies of scale

  28. Globalization of supply chain/location of food production and food processing

  29. Government subsidies

    1. Price supports

    2. Purchase surplus

    3. Pay for fallow fields

    4. Crop insurance

  30. Ridge tillage

  31. Connections between agriculture and culture

  32. Impact of political systems on agriculture
