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Progressive Roots

  • Equality now focused on workers not racial equality and stuff

  • Industrialists wanted more power less controversial people

  • Fancy people were coming up like progressive theorists (no more laissez-faire)

  • Populists said something about bloated trusts being bad and corrupt

  • 1894 Henry said wealth against commonwealth

  • Thorstein said opposite

  • Thorby said ewww leisure time, consumerism

  • Riis also came wrote stuff

  • Roosevelt swayed buy this

  • Socialists grew

  • Most were from the ‘old’ world

  • Christians said social gospel cause Christianity but make it socialist

  • Feminism added stuff to reform

  • Examples of Jane Adams and Lillian Wald, who worked for families

Raking Muck with the Muckrakers

  • Exposure of mistreatment became business for America especially reporters

  • Roosevelt didn’t like called the muckrakers in 1906

  • Still just went ahead and did what they did

  • 1902 Lincoln Steffens said shame of the city

  • Expose corruption and evil government

  • Worked with Ida to tear down standard oil company

Political Progressivism

  • Teddy was a progressive they were materialists,“ who thrilled to the strenuous life, as well as passages, such as Jane Adams, whose lofty goals included the abolition of war.“

  • Feminist workers wanted to Americanize immigrants in a sense that more movement more forward core rather than housewife core

  • Wanted to have the same momentum as unions and yada yada yada

  • Two goals

    • Improve normal peoples life overall

    • “ Monopoly power”

  • There were progressives everywhere

  • Wanted to bring back power to the people

    • Things they liked

      • Initiative

      • Referendum

      • Recall

  • Liked direct US senator elections (direct elections)

  • 17th amendment establish

  • Women movements grew new allies

  • States started to become more OK with letting women have rights and voting rights

Progressivism in the Cities and States

  • Progressivism was most popular in the city

  • Urban reformers did not like slumlords teenage dirtbag’s and prostitution

  • Eventually want to stay in Wisconsin especially

  • Bob M came up was “the most progressive Republican“

  • Other states also join them eventually

  • Wanted to control, railroads and public stuff

Progressive Women

  • Women took part big part in army

  • Most first women activist focused on settlement houses

  • Allowed for middle-class women to look at how terrible cities were, and are

  • Top people stuff, and they slowly gain confidence to fight for their own rights and stuff

  • Made like literacy clubs, where they could educate themselves

  • Talked about marital issues

  • And maternal issues

  • Worked on getting money from the government for women with children and safe food and stuff

  • Cases established stuff

    • Muller v Oregon

      • make laws protecting female workers

    • Lochner v New York

      • 10 hour days for bakers

  • Establishing workers rights

  • Alcohol and prostitution go hand-in-hand so all alcohol bad

  • Some women say no alcohol

TR‘s Square Deal for Labor

  • Teddy was like crappy I need to do some thing

  • Said if everybody divided nobody together, no union like Lincoln said union union union

  • Made square deal “for capital labor, and the public at large”

  • People did not like

  • Strikes popped up in Pennsylvania

  • Illiterate immigrants started rising up

  • What is 20% increase in money and less working hours

  • Union busters also known as mine owners crush them like Georgie F

  • The cold strikes shut down factories and schools and hospitals during the winter

  • Roosevelt was like that is not good

  • Said ay yo let’s all have dinner together

  • Did not like the owners?

  • Made the federal troops take the minds and run them

  • Honors then we’re like hey give me back my company and I’ll give them what they want kind of

  • Unions were proven to work

  • 1903 bureau of corporations was made

TR Corrals the Cooperations

  • Railroads were more strict now

  • To do so congress made Elkins act

  • Against rebates, heavy fine

  • Hepburn Act also do similar but not as affective

  • Let teddy say NO to trusts

  • Said there were good ones for the public

  • Bad for greed

  • Teddy did not like monopolies

  • Supreme Court in 1905 said beef trust? We’ve got beef so your now illegal

  • Sorry not sorry bud

  • Used ✨mythology✨

  • Never said no trust to full prez power that he could have

  • Big man still became richer

Caring for the Consumer (overall increase in sanitation in food, meat)

  • Roosevelt is like actually meat is disgusting

  • Like that’s nasty nasty man

  • Clean up or I make everyone vegan 👿

  • Meat inspection act of 1906

Earth Control

  • Wow, it’s almost like if you listen to the Native Americans that I’ve lived here for like thousands upon thousands of years I know the land better than you do so they know how to sustainably use it. You wouldn’t be facing this problem.

  • White people made bad decisions with land

  • they abused it, and all that

  • Desert act of 1877 said give land water

  • If not die (jk)

  • Forest reserve act of 1891 say prez can make parks

  • Was all about the frontier

The Rosie Panic of 1907

  • Was picked for a new term

  • Financial world said boo Rosie

The Rough Rider Thunders Out

  • Could’ve won another election maybe but didn’t run

  • Picked William Howard Taft secretary of war

  • Basically, a teddy puppet

  • Was basically put in place to not let anything that Roosevelt wouldn’t like happen, but not do anything

  • Democrats put up William Jennings Bryan

  • Majority was Taft

  • Where was Rosie? Hunting.

  • Business people were like now this is chance to attack attack attack

Taft: A round peg in a square hole

  • Taft was no real leader, just puppet

  • He was a pacifist

The Dollar Goes Abroad as a Diplomat

  • Pushed dollar globally

  • Said no dollar diplomacy

  • Imperialism?

Taft the Trustbuster

  • Once again, he was puppet

  • So follow Rosie in no trust

  • Killed many more trucks than Rosie

  • Killed standard oil company because of Sherman trust act of 1890s

  • Taft also pushed for antitrust thing against US steel corporation

  • Rosie did not like that

  • Oop🙊

Taft Splits the Republican Party

  • Trusts split the party

  • Became tuft versus Roosevelt

  • March 1909 Taft was like secret meeting with Congress

  • house then passed moderately reductive bill

  • Taft pushed for Payne Aldrich bill, said best bill and like in your face man

  • Taft, though was not good words

  • Made bigger problems in 1910

  • Other part of the party was like I’m gonna bite you in the butt Taft

  • Republican Party overall struggle like lost votes

Taft v Rosie

  • Made national progressive. Where at senator of Wisconsin came as a big president for Republicans.

  • Roosevelt was like nah I’m done with y’all

  • Then he was like Taft you know what screw you I am running

  • Rosie took it back from Wisconsin guy

  • Republicans met in Chicago, 1912 to discuss Taft v Rosie

  • Taft one but Roosevelt was like I’m not gonna let this stop me

  • He’s so imperialist girly pop core

The “Bull Moose” Campaign of 1912

  • Democrats now see Republicans like screwing up destroying themselves

  • It’s my entrance now

  • Put up Woodrow Wilson

  • Big progressive

  • Wilson was like trust, but not really trust

  • Put Wilson on new freedom program

  • Was for women’s rights and Jane Adams and all that

  • Was Roosevelts, new nationalism v Wilson’s new freedom

  • Roosevelt also was about women’s rights and social welfare and all that but more about kind of new deal that comes with Frankie

  • Wilson had won

Progressive Roots

  • Equality now focused on workers not racial equality and stuff

  • Industrialists wanted more power less controversial people

  • Fancy people were coming up like progressive theorists (no more laissez-faire)

  • Populists said something about bloated trusts being bad and corrupt

  • 1894 Henry said wealth against commonwealth

  • Thorstein said opposite

  • Thorby said ewww leisure time, consumerism

  • Riis also came wrote stuff

  • Roosevelt swayed buy this

  • Socialists grew

  • Most were from the ‘old’ world

  • Christians said social gospel cause Christianity but make it socialist

  • Feminism added stuff to reform

  • Examples of Jane Adams and Lillian Wald, who worked for families

Raking Muck with the Muckrakers

  • Exposure of mistreatment became business for America especially reporters

  • Roosevelt didn’t like called the muckrakers in 1906

  • Still just went ahead and did what they did

  • 1902 Lincoln Steffens said shame of the city

  • Expose corruption and evil government

  • Worked with Ida to tear down standard oil company

Political Progressivism

  • Teddy was a progressive they were materialists,“ who thrilled to the strenuous life, as well as passages, such as Jane Adams, whose lofty goals included the abolition of war.“

  • Feminist workers wanted to Americanize immigrants in a sense that more movement more forward core rather than housewife core

  • Wanted to have the same momentum as unions and yada yada yada

  • Two goals

    • Improve normal peoples life overall

    • “ Monopoly power”

  • There were progressives everywhere

  • Wanted to bring back power to the people

    • Things they liked

      • Initiative

      • Referendum

      • Recall

  • Liked direct US senator elections (direct elections)

  • 17th amendment establish

  • Women movements grew new allies

  • States started to become more OK with letting women have rights and voting rights

Progressivism in the Cities and States

  • Progressivism was most popular in the city

  • Urban reformers did not like slumlords teenage dirtbag’s and prostitution

  • Eventually want to stay in Wisconsin especially

  • Bob M came up was “the most progressive Republican“

  • Other states also join them eventually

  • Wanted to control, railroads and public stuff

Progressive Women

  • Women took part big part in army

  • Most first women activist focused on settlement houses

  • Allowed for middle-class women to look at how terrible cities were, and are

  • Top people stuff, and they slowly gain confidence to fight for their own rights and stuff

  • Made like literacy clubs, where they could educate themselves

  • Talked about marital issues

  • And maternal issues

  • Worked on getting money from the government for women with children and safe food and stuff

  • Cases established stuff

    • Muller v Oregon

      • make laws protecting female workers

    • Lochner v New York

      • 10 hour days for bakers

  • Establishing workers rights

  • Alcohol and prostitution go hand-in-hand so all alcohol bad

  • Some women say no alcohol

TR‘s Square Deal for Labor

  • Teddy was like crappy I need to do some thing

  • Said if everybody divided nobody together, no union like Lincoln said union union union

  • Made square deal “for capital labor, and the public at large”

  • People did not like

  • Strikes popped up in Pennsylvania

  • Illiterate immigrants started rising up

  • What is 20% increase in money and less working hours

  • Union busters also known as mine owners crush them like Georgie F

  • The cold strikes shut down factories and schools and hospitals during the winter

  • Roosevelt was like that is not good

  • Said ay yo let’s all have dinner together

  • Did not like the owners?

  • Made the federal troops take the minds and run them

  • Honors then we’re like hey give me back my company and I’ll give them what they want kind of

  • Unions were proven to work

  • 1903 bureau of corporations was made

TR Corrals the Cooperations

  • Railroads were more strict now

  • To do so congress made Elkins act

  • Against rebates, heavy fine

  • Hepburn Act also do similar but not as affective

  • Let teddy say NO to trusts

  • Said there were good ones for the public

  • Bad for greed

  • Teddy did not like monopolies

  • Supreme Court in 1905 said beef trust? We’ve got beef so your now illegal

  • Sorry not sorry bud

  • Used ✨mythology✨

  • Never said no trust to full prez power that he could have

  • Big man still became richer

Caring for the Consumer (overall increase in sanitation in food, meat)

  • Roosevelt is like actually meat is disgusting

  • Like that’s nasty nasty man

  • Clean up or I make everyone vegan 👿

  • Meat inspection act of 1906

Earth Control

  • Wow, it’s almost like if you listen to the Native Americans that I’ve lived here for like thousands upon thousands of years I know the land better than you do so they know how to sustainably use it. You wouldn’t be facing this problem.

  • White people made bad decisions with land

  • they abused it, and all that

  • Desert act of 1877 said give land water

  • If not die (jk)

  • Forest reserve act of 1891 say prez can make parks

  • Was all about the frontier

The Rosie Panic of 1907

  • Was picked for a new term

  • Financial world said boo Rosie

The Rough Rider Thunders Out

  • Could’ve won another election maybe but didn’t run

  • Picked William Howard Taft secretary of war

  • Basically, a teddy puppet

  • Was basically put in place to not let anything that Roosevelt wouldn’t like happen, but not do anything

  • Democrats put up William Jennings Bryan

  • Majority was Taft

  • Where was Rosie? Hunting.

  • Business people were like now this is chance to attack attack attack

Taft: A round peg in a square hole

  • Taft was no real leader, just puppet

  • He was a pacifist

The Dollar Goes Abroad as a Diplomat

  • Pushed dollar globally

  • Said no dollar diplomacy

  • Imperialism?

Taft the Trustbuster

  • Once again, he was puppet

  • So follow Rosie in no trust

  • Killed many more trucks than Rosie

  • Killed standard oil company because of Sherman trust act of 1890s

  • Taft also pushed for antitrust thing against US steel corporation

  • Rosie did not like that

  • Oop🙊

Taft Splits the Republican Party

  • Trusts split the party

  • Became tuft versus Roosevelt

  • March 1909 Taft was like secret meeting with Congress

  • house then passed moderately reductive bill

  • Taft pushed for Payne Aldrich bill, said best bill and like in your face man

  • Taft, though was not good words

  • Made bigger problems in 1910

  • Other part of the party was like I’m gonna bite you in the butt Taft

  • Republican Party overall struggle like lost votes

Taft v Rosie

  • Made national progressive. Where at senator of Wisconsin came as a big president for Republicans.

  • Roosevelt was like nah I’m done with y’all

  • Then he was like Taft you know what screw you I am running

  • Rosie took it back from Wisconsin guy

  • Republicans met in Chicago, 1912 to discuss Taft v Rosie

  • Taft one but Roosevelt was like I’m not gonna let this stop me

  • He’s so imperialist girly pop core

The “Bull Moose” Campaign of 1912

  • Democrats now see Republicans like screwing up destroying themselves

  • It’s my entrance now

  • Put up Woodrow Wilson

  • Big progressive

  • Wilson was like trust, but not really trust

  • Put Wilson on new freedom program

  • Was for women’s rights and Jane Adams and all that

  • Was Roosevelts, new nationalism v Wilson’s new freedom

  • Roosevelt also was about women’s rights and social welfare and all that but more about kind of new deal that comes with Frankie

  • Wilson had won