Definition of Science: A discipline must adhere to the Scientific Method to be considered a science.
The Scientific Method ensures objectivity and accuracy through systematic information collection.
Objective: Identify what to study and form a testable prediction.
Example: Investigating the effect of room temperature on student test performance.
Hypothesis: Extreme temperatures will decrease test performance, while moderate temperatures will enhance it.
Designing the Experiment: Execute the experiment and gather data to test the hypothesis.
Example Setup: Create three rooms at different temperatures:
Room 1: 95 degrees
Room 2: 55 degrees
Room 3: 75 degrees
Data Collection: Test scores from students in each room.
Room 1 Scores: 55, 58, 62, 46, 37
Room 2 Scores: 68, 66, 54, 70, 62
Room 3 Scores: 89, 93, 95, 88, 97
Data Analysis: Subject collected data to statistical analysis.
Example: Average test scores:
Room 1: 51.6
Room 2: 64
Room 3: 92.4
Conclusions: Summarize and explain the findings.
Assess whether the experiment was effective and understand the reasons behind the outcomes.