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STS Flashcards

Paleolithic Age - Stone axes, bone needles, hunting strategies based on animal observation.

Mesolithic Age - Leatherwork, basketry, fishing tackle, stone axes, wooden objects, domesticated animals.

Neolithic Age - Pottery, polished stone tools, spinning and weaving tools, wooden plows, sickles.

Bronze Age - Bronze jewelry, tools, weapons, rise of early civilizations.

Iron Age - Iron-bladed plows, iron weapons, military dominance, increased food production.

Mesopotamian Civilization - Wheel, cuneiform writing, first constellations, 12-month lunar calendar.

Babylonian Civilization - Algebra, asphalt-covered roadways, astronomical tables.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization - Hieroglyphics, papyrus, ink, bronze plows, sundials (obelisks), 365-day calendar, toothpaste, medical surgery tools.

Ancient Greek Civilization - Geocentric model, astrolabe, Earth's circumference calculation, separation of religion from science.

Claudius Ptolemy - Geocentric model, epicycles, retrograde motion of planets.

Galen - Gladiator wounds, study of human anatomy, influential medical figure.

Ancient Romans - Aqueducts, sanitary systems, roads, steam engine, crossbow, catapults.

Renaissance - Printing press, heliocentric model, anatomy, architecture, art innovations.

Nicholas Copernicus - Heliocentric model, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.

Tycho Brahe - Tychonic model, refined astronomical instruments, large body of precise data.

Johannes Kepler - Three laws of planetary motion, elliptical orbits, speed of planets.

Galileo Galilei - Telescope improvements, Jupiter’s moons, moon craters, heliocentric supporter.

Isaac Newton - Laws of motion, universal gravitation, light composition, calculus.

Thomas Savery - First crude steam engine, based on pressure cooker.

James Watt - Steam engine efficiency improvements.

George Stephenson - Stephenson’s Rocket, first steam locomotive, father of railways.

Karl Benz - Motorwagen, throttle system, gear shifter, modern automobile.

Thomas Edison - Incandescent light bulb, phonograph, motion pictures, power station.

Nikola Tesla - Alternating current (AC), Tesla coil, radio technology.

Wright Brothers - 1903 Wright Flyer, first successful airplane, aviation pioneers.

Hans Christian Oersted - Electric current causes magnetic field.

Michael Faraday - Electric motor, generator, electromagnetic induction.

Samuel Morse - Telegraph, Morse code, long-distance communication.

Alexander Graham Bell - Telephone, voice communication over distances.

Alessandro Volta - First battery, Voltaic pile.

Lee De Forest - Vacuum tube, radio signal amplification.

Guglielmo Marconi - Wireless telegraph, Titanic rescue communication.

Charles Babbage - First mechanical computer, father of the computer.

Henry Ford - Assembly line production, affordable automobiles.

Wernher von Braun - V-2 rocket, space exploration.

STS Flashcards

Paleolithic Age - Stone axes, bone needles, hunting strategies based on animal observation.

Mesolithic Age - Leatherwork, basketry, fishing tackle, stone axes, wooden objects, domesticated animals.

Neolithic Age - Pottery, polished stone tools, spinning and weaving tools, wooden plows, sickles.

Bronze Age - Bronze jewelry, tools, weapons, rise of early civilizations.

Iron Age - Iron-bladed plows, iron weapons, military dominance, increased food production.

Mesopotamian Civilization - Wheel, cuneiform writing, first constellations, 12-month lunar calendar.

Babylonian Civilization - Algebra, asphalt-covered roadways, astronomical tables.

Ancient Egyptian Civilization - Hieroglyphics, papyrus, ink, bronze plows, sundials (obelisks), 365-day calendar, toothpaste, medical surgery tools.

Ancient Greek Civilization - Geocentric model, astrolabe, Earth's circumference calculation, separation of religion from science.

Claudius Ptolemy - Geocentric model, epicycles, retrograde motion of planets.

Galen - Gladiator wounds, study of human anatomy, influential medical figure.

Ancient Romans - Aqueducts, sanitary systems, roads, steam engine, crossbow, catapults.

Renaissance - Printing press, heliocentric model, anatomy, architecture, art innovations.

Nicholas Copernicus - Heliocentric model, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.

Tycho Brahe - Tychonic model, refined astronomical instruments, large body of precise data.

Johannes Kepler - Three laws of planetary motion, elliptical orbits, speed of planets.

Galileo Galilei - Telescope improvements, Jupiter’s moons, moon craters, heliocentric supporter.

Isaac Newton - Laws of motion, universal gravitation, light composition, calculus.

Thomas Savery - First crude steam engine, based on pressure cooker.

James Watt - Steam engine efficiency improvements.

George Stephenson - Stephenson’s Rocket, first steam locomotive, father of railways.

Karl Benz - Motorwagen, throttle system, gear shifter, modern automobile.

Thomas Edison - Incandescent light bulb, phonograph, motion pictures, power station.

Nikola Tesla - Alternating current (AC), Tesla coil, radio technology.

Wright Brothers - 1903 Wright Flyer, first successful airplane, aviation pioneers.

Hans Christian Oersted - Electric current causes magnetic field.

Michael Faraday - Electric motor, generator, electromagnetic induction.

Samuel Morse - Telegraph, Morse code, long-distance communication.

Alexander Graham Bell - Telephone, voice communication over distances.

Alessandro Volta - First battery, Voltaic pile.

Lee De Forest - Vacuum tube, radio signal amplification.

Guglielmo Marconi - Wireless telegraph, Titanic rescue communication.

Charles Babbage - First mechanical computer, father of the computer.

Henry Ford - Assembly line production, affordable automobiles.

Wernher von Braun - V-2 rocket, space exploration.
