
Citation Information

  • Authors: Hashem, E.J., Majeed, M.H., Al-Isawi, M.

  • Title: Effect of Nutritional Supplement Accompanying Functional Strength Exercises on the Special Physical Abilities and the Spiking Skill of Volleyball Players

  • Journal: International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences

  • Publication Date: 20 May 2024

  • DOI: 10.33438/ijdshs.1421058


  • Focusing on player preparation and holistic development, incorporating nutritional supplements with training programs.

  • Research aimed to create a specialized training program for functional strength and nutritional supplementation to enhance volleyball players' special physical abilities and spiking skills.

  • Methods include experimental group design where one group receives supplements alongside training while the other does not.

  • Conclusion: Successful functional strength training program leads to improved spiking and physical abilities over an 8-week period.


  • Importance of developing players' skills, especially for volleyball spiking and special physical capabilities.

  • Functional strength training enhances stability, muscular strength, and endurance tailored to performance criteria.

  • Identifies the necessity for updated training methods to maximize physical abilities and skill execution.

Objectives of the Research

  1. Develop a tailored functional strength training program.

  2. Determine appropriate nutritional supplement doses based on player mass.

  3. Assess the impact of combined training and nutritional supplements on volleyball players' physical abilities and spiking skills.


  • Significant differences expected between pre- and post-test results for both experimental groups.

  • Anticipated differences in post-test outcomes between the two groups.


  • Study limited to novice volleyball players learning for the first time.

  • Sample includes 24 students from specialized volleyball schools in Baghdad, Iraq.


  • External factors such as climate, health habits, and psychological variables are beyond control.

  • Implementation of the study conducted in a realistic training environment using available utilities.


  • Research Method: Experimental design with two groups, one receiving supplements and the other following the same strength training without them.

  • Sample Selection: 24 players from the Volleyball Specialized School.

  • Tests used to determine physical abilities included medical ball throws, vertical jumps, and specific volleyball spiking assessments.

Training Program Overview

  • Training duration: 8 weeks with 3 sessions weekly totaling 24 units.

  • Each session aimed at developing specific physical abilities related to volleyball, particularly through functional strength exercises.

  • Nutritional supplementation integrated for the second experimental group, involving Creiten Powder and Syntha 6 isolate.

Statistical Analysis

  • Utilized statistical methods for analyzing results:

    • Calculating means, standard deviations, and conducting T-tests for comparisons.


Pre- and Post-test Analysis

  • Significant improvements observed in all tested physical abilities and spiking skills:

    • Leg Strength: Group 1 (25.4 cm to 30.2 cm), Group 2 (24.4 cm to 33.6 cm)

    • Arm Strength: Group 1 (2.935 to 4.011 m), Group 2 (2.950 to 4.977 m)

    • Speed: Group 1 (7.9 to 11.2 No./s), Group 2 (7.5 to 19.3 No./s)

    • Spiking Skill: Group 1 (12.1 to 22.5), Group 2 (12.8 to 31.4)

Post-test Comparison Between Groups

  • Significant differences favoring Group 2 (nutrition + training) in leg strength, arm speed, and spiking skills.


  • Training program positively affected volleyball player performance through increased special physical abilities and spiking skills.

  • Adoption of functional strength training found to be beneficial in enhancing teamwork and performance in competitive situations.

  • Nutritional supplements proven effective in augmenting the physical strengths pivotal for athletic performance.


  • The training program significantly improved volleyball players' special physical abilities and spiking skills, particularly in those receiving nutritional supplements.

  • Importance of employing functional strength training alongside nutritional supplements in player development.


  1. Implement functional strength exercises widely in player training regimens.

  2. Regular health and nutritional assessments for athletes.

  3. Explore applicability of the training program to wider age groups.

  4. Monitor training intensity to prevent overload in young athletes.
