setting of the play

an inspector calls is set in 1912 in edwardian england. the family are successful middle-class people and at the start of the play, mr birling is particular is very complacent. the play was written after the 2nd world war

quotes from mr birling:

“and i say there isn’t a chance of war. the world’s developing so fast that it’ll make war impossible. look at the progress we are making …. why, a friend of mine went over the liner last week - the titanic - she sails next week- unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable”

“that’s what you’ve got to keep your eye on, facts like that, progress like that - and not a few german officers talking nonsense and a few scaremongers here making a fuss about nothing… twenty or thirty years time - lets say 1940 …. there’ll be peace and prosperity and rapid progress everywhere - except of course in russia, which will always be behind”

mr birling insists that nothing will change or go wrong in his world, the 1940’s audience knew he was wrong. the audience at any time know that such mistaken confidence is likely too be his undoing. the audience also know more than the characters do themselves. this is a very satisfying device known as dramatic irony.
