US History
dutch traders arrive 1614
trade alliance with Mohawks (part of Haudenosaunee)
cheaper, better goods, more guns
Haudenosaunee power grows
contested borderland between french/huron and dutch/haudenosaunee alliances
escalating war between long time native enemies
trade, disease, guns, and access to global markets transform Native conflicts
haudenosaunee mourning wars waged to take captives to replace lost kin
1600s, heavy haudenosaunee losses to diseases
launch massive series of mourning wars against Huron and others, 1648-50
haudenosaunee territory expands; rival groups displaced or absorbed
social and political turmoil in 16th century
protestant reformation
population boom
“enclosure of land”
private estates replace shared-use feudal system
displaced peasants flood cities
low wages, high land prices, widespread poverty
new merchant class eager to start colonizing
the “west country men” leading promoters
mercantile capitalism emerges
private colonial ventures backed by the crown
joint stock companies: share risks among many investors with Crown backing
false-starts through late 1500s
peace with spain 1604 widens opportunities