
What Is Cancer?

  • Cancer: the continuous uncontrolled growth of cells.

  • Tumor: any abnormal proliferation of cells.

  • Benign tumors: stay confined to its original location

  • Malignant tumors: capable of invading surrounding tissue or invading the entire body

  • Tumors are classified as to their cell type

  • Tumors can arise from any cell type in the body

Cancer Terminology

  • Neoplasm: tumor

  • Benign: cells of neoplasm are clustered together

  • Malignant: cells have acquired ability to invade surrounding tissue

  • Types of malignant tumors

    • Carcinomas: cancers arising from epithelial cells

    • Sarcomas: arise from connective tissue or muscle cell

    • Leukemias: hematopoietic cells and nervous system

Normal Cells vs Cancer Cells

  • Normal cells

    • Replicative senescence: finite number of cell divisions most likely due to loss of telomerase activity

    • Anchorage

    • Contact Inhibition

    • Normal karyotype and no chromosomal aberrations

    • Normal cells are fussy about nutrients

  • Cancer cells

    • Cancer cells may be immortal

      • Ignore normal growth regulatory mechanisms

    • Loss of contact inhibition

    • Genetic Instability

      • Abnormal karyotype

        • Translocations

        • Deletions

        • Duplications

        • Inversions

6 Properties That Makes Cells Capable Of Becoming Cancerous

  • Disregard signals that regulate cell proliferation

  • Avoid apoptosis

  • Escape replicative senescence

  • Genetically unstable

  • Invasive

  • Metastasize


  • About 80% of all human cancers are related to exposure to carcinogens

    • Carcinogens: agents that increase the likelihood of developing cancer

  • Most carcinogens, such as UV light and certain chemicals in cigarette smoke, are mutagens that promote genetic changes in somatic cells

  • DNA alterations can lead to effects on gene expression that ultimately affect cell division, and thereby lead to cancer


  • Cell division regulated by hormones called growth factors

  • Growth factors bind to cell surface and initiate cascade, activating specific genes, leading to cell division

  • Mutations in genes for cell growth signaling proteins can change them into oncogenes – producing abnormally high level of activity

  • An oncogene may promote cancer by keeping the cell division signaling pathway in a permanent “on” position

    • In some cancers the amount of gene produced is too high

    • In others, the gene produces a functionally hyperactive protein


  • Normal gene that, if mutated, can become an oncogene

  • Four common genetic changes

    1. Missense mutations: chemical mutagens have been shown to cause missense mutations leading to cancer

    2. Gene amplifications: increase in copy number results in too much protein

      1. Many human cancers are associated with amplification of particular proto-oncogenes

    3. Chromosomal translocations: two chromosomes break and switch ends

      1. Very specific translocations associated with certain types of tumors

      2. Can create chimeric genes

    4. Retroviral insertions: viral DNA inserts into a chromosome, putting a viral promoter next to a proto-oncogene

      1. If a proto-oncogene becomes overexpressed, it will promote cancer

      2. Some viruses cause cancer because they carry an oncogene in the viral genome

Cancers Develop By Accumulation of Mutations

  • Mainly somatic mutations

    • Non-germ line mutations

      • Mutations in genes that control cell cycle

        • Oncogene – mutant form of a normal gene

        • Tumor suppressor genes

      • Mutations in genes that control apoptosis

      • Mutations in genes which lead to metastasis

        • E-cadherin – keeps cells of tissue adhering to each other

        • Integrins – keeps cells adhering to their substrate

      • Mutations in genes that enable telomeres to maintaining their status quo

Tumor-suppressor Genes

  • Normal role to prevent cancerous growth

  • Typical functions:

    1. Maintain genome integrity by monitoring and/or repairing DNA damage

      • Checkpoint proteins check the integrity of the genome and prevent a cell from progressing past a certain point in the cell cycle

    2. Inhibitors of cell division

      • Necessary to properly halt cell division otherwise division becomes abnormally accelerated

Checkpoint Proteins

  • Proteins called cyclins and cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks) are responsible for advancing a cell through the four phases of the cell cycle

  • Formation of activated cyclin/cdk complexes can be stopped by checkpoint proteins

  • p53 about 50% of all human cancers are associated with defects in this gene

  • When checkpoint genes are broken by mutation, the division of normal healthy cells may not be affected

    • For example, mice that are missing the p53 gene are born healthy

      • Cell division leading to normal growth is regulated properly

      • Checkpoint proteins such as p53 are not necessary for normal cell growth and division

    • However, these mice are very sensitive to mutagens and easily develop cancer

      • Loss of checkpoint protein function makes it more likely that genetic changes will occur that could cause cancerous growth

p53 Is A Critical Tumor Suppressor

  • The p53 protein stops the cell cycle if

    • DNA is damaged

    • the cell has other types of damage

  • If the damage is minor, p53 halts the cell cycle until the damage is repaired.

  • If the damage is major and cannot be repaired, p53 triggers entry into apoptosis.

  • More than half of all human cancers do, in fact, harbor p53 mutations and have no functioning p53 protein

Negative Regulators of Cell Division

  • Second category of a tumor-suppressor gene

  • ex: Rb (retinoblastoma)

    • First tumor-suppressor gene to be identified in humans by studying patients with the disease retinoblastoma

    • Some people have an inherited form that occurs early

    • Other forms caused by environmental agents occur later in life
