Cancer: the continuous uncontrolled growth of cells.
Tumor: any abnormal proliferation of cells.
Benign tumors: stay confined to its original location
Malignant tumors: capable of invading surrounding tissue or invading the entire body
Tumors are classified as to their cell type
Tumors can arise from any cell type in the body
Neoplasm: tumor
Benign: cells of neoplasm are clustered together
Malignant: cells have acquired ability to invade surrounding tissue
Types of malignant tumors
Carcinomas: cancers arising from epithelial cells
Sarcomas: arise from connective tissue or muscle cell
Leukemias: hematopoietic cells and nervous system
Normal cells
Replicative senescence: finite number of cell divisions most likely due to loss of telomerase activity
Contact Inhibition
Normal karyotype and no chromosomal aberrations
Normal cells are fussy about nutrients
Cancer cells
Cancer cells may be immortal
Ignore normal growth regulatory mechanisms
Loss of contact inhibition
Genetic Instability
Abnormal karyotype
Disregard signals that regulate cell proliferation
Avoid apoptosis
Escape replicative senescence
Genetically unstable
About 80% of all human cancers are related to exposure to carcinogens
Carcinogens: agents that increase the likelihood of developing cancer
Most carcinogens, such as UV light and certain chemicals in cigarette smoke, are mutagens that promote genetic changes in somatic cells
DNA alterations can lead to effects on gene expression that ultimately affect cell division, and thereby lead to cancer
Cell division regulated by hormones called growth factors
Growth factors bind to cell surface and initiate cascade, activating specific genes, leading to cell division
Mutations in genes for cell growth signaling proteins can change them into oncogenes – producing abnormally high level of activity
An oncogene may promote cancer by keeping the cell division signaling pathway in a permanent “on” position
In some cancers the amount of gene produced is too high
In others, the gene produces a functionally hyperactive protein
Normal gene that, if mutated, can become an oncogene
Four common genetic changes
Missense mutations: chemical mutagens have been shown to cause missense mutations leading to cancer
Gene amplifications: increase in copy number results in too much protein
Many human cancers are associated with amplification of particular proto-oncogenes
Chromosomal translocations: two chromosomes break and switch ends
Very specific translocations associated with certain types of tumors
Can create chimeric genes
Retroviral insertions: viral DNA inserts into a chromosome, putting a viral promoter next to a proto-oncogene
If a proto-oncogene becomes overexpressed, it will promote cancer
Some viruses cause cancer because they carry an oncogene in the viral genome
Mainly somatic mutations
Non-germ line mutations
Mutations in genes that control cell cycle
Oncogene – mutant form of a normal gene
Tumor suppressor genes
Mutations in genes that control apoptosis
Mutations in genes which lead to metastasis
E-cadherin – keeps cells of tissue adhering to each other
Integrins – keeps cells adhering to their substrate
Mutations in genes that enable telomeres to maintaining their status quo
Normal role to prevent cancerous growth
Typical functions:
Maintain genome integrity by monitoring and/or repairing DNA damage
Checkpoint proteins check the integrity of the genome and prevent a cell from progressing past a certain point in the cell cycle
Inhibitors of cell division
Necessary to properly halt cell division otherwise division becomes abnormally accelerated
Proteins called cyclins and cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks) are responsible for advancing a cell through the four phases of the cell cycle
Formation of activated cyclin/cdk complexes can be stopped by checkpoint proteins
p53 – about 50% of all human cancers are associated with defects in this gene
When checkpoint genes are broken by mutation, the division of normal healthy cells may not be affected
For example, mice that are missing the p53 gene are born healthy
Cell division leading to normal growth is regulated properly
Checkpoint proteins such as p53 are not necessary for normal cell growth and division
However, these mice are very sensitive to mutagens and easily develop cancer
Loss of checkpoint protein function makes it more likely that genetic changes will occur that could cause cancerous growth
The p53 protein stops the cell cycle if
DNA is damaged
the cell has other types of damage
If the damage is minor, p53 halts the cell cycle until the damage is repaired.
If the damage is major and cannot be repaired, p53 triggers entry into apoptosis.
More than half of all human cancers do, in fact, harbor p53 mutations and have no functioning p53 protein
Second category of a tumor-suppressor gene
ex: Rb (retinoblastoma)
First tumor-suppressor gene to be identified in humans by studying patients with the disease retinoblastoma
Some people have an inherited form that occurs early
Other forms caused by environmental agents occur later in life