English Vocab #8

  1. Malign (v) - Insult but they when they are not there

  2. Reticent (adj) - quiet (don’t talk a lot) (Noun form - Reticence)

  3. Sadistic (adj) - taking pleasure in the pain of others (Noun form - sadism)

  4. Inadvertent (adj) - unintentional or accidental 

  5. Prima donna (n) - spoiled star or a diva (prima means first and donna means lady)

  6. Confidant(“e” only for feminine) (n) - someone you can tell your secrets to

  7. Dear John (n) - a break up letter

  8. Diatribe (n) - a bitter formal attack (to launch a diatribe) (go off on a thing not a person)

  9. Fortuitous (adj) - conveniently lucky (does not describe a person, a thing is)

  10. Yes man (n) - someone who agrees with anything you say (comes from politics) (plural is yes men)
