Szasz: mental illness is created by culture to control people
Eccentrics: display abnormalities but don’t follow the four d’s
As time passes, the social idea of deviance changes
Hippocrates thought mental illness meant something was physically wrong
500 BC-500 AD
Abnormal behavior was a disease arising from internal physical problems
Brain pathology resulted from an imbalance of four humors
Treatment: quiet life, bleeding, exercise, celibacy, diet
Related to the catholic church rejecting science and controlling education
Terrible time to live (plagues, wars, etc.), causing abnormal behavior to increase
Treatment: exorcism, death, hospitalization, torture
Johann Weyer: mind is as susceptible to sickness as the body
Asylums: institutions whose primary purpose was to care for people with mental illness
Once asylums began to overflow, they virtually became prisons for patients
Benjamin Rush: father of psychology in America, believed in moral treatment
Treated patients like humans instead of possessed entities
Downfall of moral treatment: ran out of money, overcrowding, and low recovery rates
Dual perspectives
Somatogenic Perspective: Abnormal behaviors are rooted in biology (physical causes)
Psychogenic Perspective: Abnormal behaviors are rooted in psychology
Today, people are still not very enlightened about mental disorders
New psychotropic medications discovered in 1950s, led to deinstitutionalization
Today: primarily use outpatient care, things are less expensive, insurance covers more, more programs dedicated to specific disorders.
New triggers and vehicles: people can find become more easily radicalized with groups online
Digital distractions: causes issues with our attention spans
Tele-mental health services and mental health apps
Web-based misinformation