Blood Review

1. 90% water: Plasma

2. Able to double in number in response to infection: Leukocytes

3. Agranulocytes: Leukocytes

4. Biconcave disc shape: Erythrocytes

5. Capable of slipping in and out of capillaries: Erythrocytes

6. Carries dissolved nutrients: Plasma

7. Carries oxygen to tissues: Erythrocytes

8. Contains hemoglobin: Erythrocytes

9-11. Derive from hemocytoblasts: All blood cells

12. Essential in blood clotting: Thrombocytes

13. Fragments of megakaryocytes: Thrombocytes

14. Granulocytes: Leukocytes

15. Have amoeboid movement: Leukocytes

16. Increased numbers can cause leukemia: Leukocytes

17. Lack nuclei: Erythrocytes

18. Life span averages 120 days: Erythrocytes

19. Location of hormones: Plasma

20. Nonliving, sticky fluid: Plasma

21. Platelets: Thrombocytes

22. Reduced numbers can cause anemia: Erythrocytes

1. Normal blood pH: 7.35 - 7.45

2. What type of tissue is blood?: Connective tissue

3. Average blood volume in your body: 5 liters

4. Blood cell formation (scientific name for): Hemopoiesis

5. Stem cell that blood cells form from: Hemocytoblast

6. Place where blood cell formation occurs: Red bone marrow

7. Plasma protein that maintains osmotic balance: Albumin

8. Plasma protein that forms net-like structure when clotting: Fibrinogen

9. Organ where phagocytosis of erythrocytes occurs: Spleen

10. Blood clot formation (scientific name for): Hemostasis

1. Thrombus: clot in an undamaged vessel

2. Embolism: free-floating blood clot

3. Mononucleosis: highly contagious virus (large amounts of abnormal monocytes and lymphocytes)

4. Anemia: reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of blood

5. Leukemia: uncontrolled production of leukocytes

6. Anemia: one cause of anemia (lack of iron)

1. T Lymphocytes: fight against viral infections and tumors

2. Monocytes: form macrophages; phagocytes

3. B lymphocytes: form plasma cells which synthesize antibodies

4. Neutrophils: most numerous phagocytes, fight bacteria

5. Eosinophils: release chemicals that counteract allergic reactions

6. Basophils: release chemicals that signal other WBC to the site

Functions of Blood:

1. Prevent blood loss

2. Maintain adequate fluid volume

3. Maintain normal pH

Distribution Functions of Blood:

1. Transport oxygen

2. Transport nutrients

3. Maintain body temperature

4. Transport hormones
