arousal theory
human motivation seek optium level of arousal (too little bored, too much fear)
task more complex, less rehears, more cognitive, less arousal needed
yerkes-dodson law: upside down U shape
drive reduction theory
push factor (needs, internal)
drives satisfy needs (need then drive than behavior)
food then hungry than pushes to eat
secondary drives: based on prior experience (achievement/belonging)
need to maintain homeostasis
incentive theory
pull factor (wants, external)
environment that motivates behavior
push factor
unlearned behavior thru/out species
common in dumb animals, modified by experience, doesnt meet human complexity
ex. scared by large animal
lewin’s motivational conflicts theory
approach-approach: want both options but must choose one
approach-avoidance: want one thing but has repellent quality
multiple approach-avoidance: want two things, both have ± quality
avoidance-avoidance: dont want either but must choose one
marlowe’s hierarchy of needs
phsyiological (hunger/thirst)
safety (world organized/predictable)
love/belonging (love, be loved)
esteem (self esteem, achievement, respect)
self actualization (need to live up to one’s fullest/unique potential
self-determination theory
intrinsic (internal) motivations: do smth bc you like it
increase w/ sincere compliments
extrinsic (external) motivations: do smth to get reward/avoid punishment
external motivator remove, behavior stops
overjustification effect:
sensation-seeking theory
why some crave excitement/new experience
experience seeking: prefer new experience
thrill/adventure seeking: desire for exciting physical activity
disinhibition: act impulsively/take risks
boredom suscesptibility: low tolerance for routine/repetitive activity
internal factors
ghrelin: go eat, increases hunger
leptin: makes you feel fool
lateral: on switch for hunger
lesioned: not hungry
stimulated: over eat, hungry
ventromedial: off siwtch for hunger
lesioned: over eat, hungry
stimulated: not hungry
pituitary gland
external factors
social factors
meals by clock, sight of others eating, social setings
biological factors
based on primary drive, need food to live, might eat annything if hungry
stimulus than 1st physical than 2nd emotion
beart than heart beats faster than fear
facial feedback effect: if smile happy, if frown sad
stimulus than 1st physical and 1st emotion (same time)
physical/emotion happen simultaneously
cognitive appraisal theories of emotion
schacter two-factor:
stimulus than 1st physical/cognitive than 2nd emotion
thinking why its physically happening
think - physical
lazarus theory:
stimulus than appraisal than 2nd emotion/physical
hearing scream at 3am vs 3pm at king dominion
think - situation
gen term for person feeling, include emotion/mood (physical pres)
overwhelming, debilitating (external), lack resources
when stress is motivating (internal), good resources
emotion - broaden/build theory of emotion
positive emotions expand cognitive abilities/help build long term resources
personal growth, more positive emotions
faster cardiovascular recovery
emotion - display rules
culturally specific norms that dictate how, when, and to whom emotions should be expressed
ex. japenese hiding emotion in front of boss, american doesn’t
stress - general adaptation syndrome
stage 1
sysmpathetic nervous system, cortisol up = stress up (adrenal gland)
stage 2
getting ready to fight, flight, or freeze
stage 3
greatest susceptibility to illness
fatigue, health problems, longest phase
stress - coping
problem focused coping
addressing source of stress
find solution, make plan, take action
when stressor is controllable (room messy)
emotion focused coping
managing emotional response to stress rather than address problem
seek social support, practice mindfulness, relaxation
when stressor is beyond your control (boss is annoying)
stress - tend & befriend
in response to stress (esp women), seek social support and form bonds instead of fight or flight
oxytocin - bonding hormone (skin to skin contact), released during stress (love hormone)
enhanced by estrogen (which is why women esp)
oxytocin up = stress down