Review of crystal structures: Simple Cubic and Body-Centered Cubic (BCC)
Importance of unit cell in crystallography
Consists of atoms at each corner of the cube.
Pure metals with identical atoms and spherical shape.
Atoms are in contact with nearest neighbors.
Coordination number is 6, indicating the number of nearest neighbors.
Each corner atom is shared by 8 unit cells:
1 atom contribution per unit cell: 8 corners x 1/8.
Radius (r) relates to unit cell length (a): Formula: r = a/2.
Volume of sphere: V = (4/3)πr³
Total volume = a³, where a is the unit cell edge.
Atomic packing fraction = (Volume occupied by atoms / Total volume).
APF for simple cubic = 0.52 (52% packing efficiency, 48% void space).
Additional atom at the center of the cube, 8 corner atoms unchanged.
Coordination number is 8, accounting for corners and center atom interactions.
Calculation: 2 atoms per unit cell (8 corner atoms x 1/8 + 1 center atom).
Atoms do not touch on edge; diagonal plane method used for calculation:
Based on geometry, derived as: r = (√3a)/4.
APF calculated as: Pi√3/8
Gives an APF of approximately 0.68 (68% packing efficiency).
Atoms are located at each corner and at the center of each face.
Coordination number is 12. Atom touches 4 in the same plane, 4 in the layer above, and 4 in the layer below.
4 atoms per unit cell (8 corner atoms x 1/8 + 6 face-centered atoms x 1/2).
Radius relation: r = (√2a)/4, where all corner atoms touch face-centered atoms on any given face.
Calculation involves:
Number of atoms = 4,
Volume of sphere = (4/3)πr³,
Total volume = a³,
Resulting APF = (Pi√2)/6 = 0.74 (approximately 74% packing efficiency).
Two-dimensional hexagonal base with alternating layers (ABAB structure).
Same as FCC: Coordination number is 12.
Total number of atoms = 6 per unit cell (based on corner and layered contributions).
Radius to edge (a) relation: r = a/2.
Density formulas explored:
𝜌 = nA/VcNa,
n = number of atoms per unit cell,
A = atomic weight,
Vc = volume of unit cell,
Na = Avogadro's number.
Calculate theoretical density of Copper (FCC) given:
Atomic weight = 63.54 g/mol,
Atomic radius = 0.1278 nm,
Steps involve finding lattice parameter from radius and substituting values into density formula.
Importance of atomic arrangement in determining material properties.
Encourage students to understand calculations and physical implications for exams.