Jurisdiction: the powers of a court, depending on its geographic area, the type of matters that can be decided, and the type of remedies that can be sought
Defamation: the act of making statements or suggestions that cause damage to a person’s reputation in the community
Summary offence: a criminal offence that can be dealt with by a single judge without a jury and does not require a preliminary hearing
Indictable offence: a serious criminal offence that requires an indictment (a formal, written charge) and a preliminary hearing; it is typically tried before a judge and jury and is subject to greater penalties than non-indictable offences
Committal hearing: an inquiry held in the Local Court or Magistrate’s Court to determine whether there is enough evidence against the defendant to warrant a trial in a higher court (this is called establishing a prima facie case)
Coronial inquest: an investigation into a death that has occurred in unusual circumstances, held in the Coroner’s Court and overseen by a magistrate called the coroner
Larceny: taking another person’s property with the intention of permanently depriving them of it; also known as stealing
Appellate Jurisdiction: the ability or power of a court to hear appeals of the decisions of lower courts and to reject, affirm or modify those decisions
Corporations law: legislation that regulates corporations and the securities and futures industry in Australia; it is administered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Injunction: a judicial order restraining a person from beginning or continuing an action threatening or invading the legal right of another, or compelling a person to carry out a certain act, e.g. to make restitution to an injured party.
Bicameral: containing two chambers or Houses of Parliament
Bill: a drafted law that has not yet been passed by parliament
Act of Parliament: statute law, resulting from a Bill successfully passing through parliament and gaining royal assent
delegated legislation: laws made by authorities other than parliament, which are delegated the power to do this by an Act of parliament