use elements
unseen artwork then follow up (10 marks)
very specific
rock art (30000 years old, not san rock art)
2 quick questions
then san rock art
styles, what they rendered
combined out of 10
4 marks → south african artist → walter batiss (created his own visual language scattered images on painting like a rock face)
title, year, medium
why work is seen as him being inspired by indigenous culture of san rock art
african tribal art
african masks
how pablo picasso was inspired by african craft and art
dif western traditional and african tribal
phases greek
term definition
horror vacue
first period called and why
images from period and explain from when and what is happening
4 periods
what makes dif
identify which period
panthenon 3 marks
middle ages
like test, supplied with mosaics
junies bassis (sarcophagis with a bunch of artworks on it)
key features gothic
dif between bayeux and keiskamma tapestry essay question
renassaince art
key charactersistics
artwork give title and what is happening (4)
large degree of linear uncovered after many years (sir loves it js check for it)(holy trinity)
5 marks last supper
baroque art
biblical story captured in this
relate to unseen artwork
has to do with faith 47, not her but her style (which movements can be tied into this)