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HL Biological Approach to Understanding Behavior
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Chapter 11: Language and Culture
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Development of Western Music in Europe (ca. 450-ca.1450)
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Chapter 16 - Kinetics: Rates and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions
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Crisis de pilotos
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Imperialism Rise in Nationalism • During the French and Industrial Revolution, nationalism continued to inspire nations to increase their political and economic power. • Nationalism became the ideal force in the political, economic, and cultural life in the world, becoming the first universal ideology-organizing all people into a nation state. Nationalism Defined • The strong belief that the interest of a particular nation-state is of primary importance. o Nation-State – a state where the vast majority shares the same culture and is conscious of it. It is an ideal in which cultural boundaries match up with political ones. • As an ideology, it is based on the idea that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual/group interests. • Exalting one nation’s belief above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests, excluding the interests of others. Changing the World through a Nationalistic Vision • The French Revolution significantly changed the political world and how countries govern. • The Industrial Revolution significantly changed the economic world. • The Age of Imperialism (1870-1914) dramatically changed the political, economic, and social world. What is Imperialism? • Imperialism- The policy of extending the rule of authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies. Power and influence are done through diplomacy or military force. Reasons for Imperialism • There are 5 main motives for empires to seek to expand their rule over other countries or territories: 1. Exploratory • Imperial nations wanted to explore territory unknown to them. • The main purpose for this exploration of new lands was for resource acquisition, medical or scientific research. o Charles Darwin • Other reasons: o Cartography (map making) o Adventure 2. Ethnocentric • Europeans acted on the concept of ethnocentrism o Ethnocentrism- the belief that one race or nation is superior to others. • Ethnocentrism developed out of Charles Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” theory. Philosophers used the theory to explain why there were superior races and inferior races. o This became known as Social Darwinism. • Most imperial nations believed that their cultural values or beliefs were superior to other nations or groups. • Believed imperial conquest would bring successful culture to inferior people. 3. Religious • Imperial expansion promoted a religious movement of people setting out to convert new members of conquered territories. • With the belief that Christianity was superior, missionaries believed it was their duty to spread Christianity to the world. • Christian missionaries established churches, and in doing so, they spread Western culture values as well. • Typically, missionaries spread the imperial nation's language through education and religious interactions. 4. Political • Patriotism and Nationalism helped spur our imperial growth, thus creating competition against other supremacies. • It was a matter of national pride, respect, and security. • Furthermore, European rivalry spurred nations for imperial conquest. Since land equaled power, the more land a country could acquire the more prestige they could wield across the globe. • Empires wanted strategic territory to ensure access for their navies and armies around the world. • The empire believed they must expand, thus they needed to be defended. 5. Economic • With the Industrial Revolution taking place during the same time, governments and private companies contributed to find ways to maximize profits. • Imperialized countries provided European factories and markets with natural resources (old and new) to manufacture products. • Trading posts were strategically placed around imperialized countries to maximize and increase profits. o Such places as the Suez Canal in Egypt which was controlled by the British provided strategic choke hold over many European powers. o Imperial powers competed over the best potential locations for resources, markets, and trade. History of Imperialism • Ancient Imperialism 600 BCE-500 CE o Roman Empire, Ancient China, Greek Empire, Persian Empire, Babylonian Empire. • Middle Age Imperialism (Age of Colonialism-1400-1800s) o Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands (Dutch), Russia. • Age of Imperialism 1870-1914 o Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Japan, United States, Ottoman Empire, Russia. • Current Imperialism...? o U.S. Military intervention (i.e. Middle East) o Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. Imperialism Colonialism • Refers to political or economic control, either legally or illegally. • Refers to where one nation assumes control over the other. • Creating an empire, expanding into neighboring regions and expanding the dominance far outside its borders. • Where a country conquers and rules over other regions for exploiting resources from the conquered country for the conqueror's benefit. • Foreign government controls/governs a territory without significant settlement. • Foreign government controls/governs the territory from within the land being colonized. • Little to no new settlement established on fresh territory. • Movement to settle to fresh territory. Age of Colonialism WHEN? • Started around the late 1400s and ended around the late 1700s/early 1800s. WHY? • Primary Reason: European countries, wished to find a direct trade route to Asia (China & India) and the East Indies. o Quicker and relatively more effective than land routes over Asia. • Secondary Reason: Empire expansion (land power) WHO? • Countries involved: Great Britain, France, Spain, the Dutch & Portugal. • Individuals’ knowns as Mercantilists believed that maintaining imperialized territory and colonizing the region could serve as a source of wealth, while personal motives by rulers, explorers, and missionaries could therefore promote their own agenda. o This agenda being “Glory, God and Gold”. Mercantilism • Mercantilism was a popular and main economic system for many European nations during the 16th to 18th centuries. • The main goal was to increase a nation’s wealth by promoting government rule of a nation’s economy for the purpose of enhancing state power at the expense of rival national power. • It was the economic counterpart of political absolutism. Why did mercantilists want colonies? • Mercantilists believed that a country must have an excess of exports over imports. • By colonizing territory, it provided the nation with indispensable wealth of precious raw materials. • Therefore, the claimed territory served as a market and supplier of raw materials for the mother country. Which, in time, provided an excess of exports for the nation and thus created wealth. o Development of Trading Companies to support this economic system. Hudson Bay Company – (1670). Controlled primarily North America. o Dutch East Indie Trading Company (1682) o East Indian Trading Company (1600) o Royal African Trade Company (1672) WHERE? • European nations begun to colonize the America, India and the East Indies to create a direct trade route. • Great Britain was the leading power in India, Australia and North America, South Africa. • Spain colonized central and South America. • French held Louisiana, coastal land of Africa and French Guinea. • The Dutch built an empire in the East Indies. • The Portuguese was able to take control of present-day Brazil and the southern tip of South America and Japan. Age of Colonialism • As countries started to imperialize these regions, eventually the concept of colonization took hold: • This is what makes the Age of Colonialism extremely different! End of Colonialism • By 1800, colonialism became less popular • Why? o Revolutions (Spain, France & American) o The Napoleonic Wars o Struggle for nationalism and democracy. o Exhausted all money and energy to supervise their colonies. Waiting to wake again • Imperialism would stay quiet for close to 50 years before Great Britain and France’s economies revitalized. • The outbreak of the Industrial Revolution only encouraged and revitalized European nations to begin their conquest for new territory and resources. Age of Imperialism THE SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA 1870-1914 Conditions Prior to Imperialism of Africa  European interest in exploiting Africa was minimal.  Their economic interests & profit in Africa primarily came through coastal trade that took place during the 1500-1700s.  The slave trade became the main source of European profit.  Furthermore, disease, political instability, lack of transportation and unpredictable climate all discouraged Europeans from seeking territory. Slave Trade & the Trans-Atlantic Slave Voyages  Forced labor was not uncommon during the 13-17th Centuries. Africans and Europeans had been trading goods and people across the Mediteranea for centuries.  This all changed from 1526 to 1867, as a new system of slavery was introduced that became highly “commercialized, racialized and inherited”  By 1690, the America and West Indies saw approximately 30,000 African people shipped from Africa. A century later, that number grew to 85,000 people per year.  By 1867, approximately 12.5 million people (about twice the population of Arizona) left Africa in a slave ship. What Changed? 1. End of the Slave Trade- Left a need for trade between Europe and Africa. 2. Innovation in technology- The steam engine and iron hulled boats allowed Europe 3. Discovery of new raw materials- Explorers located vast raw materials and resources and this only spurred imperialism with Europe in the wake of the Industrial Revolution. 4. Politics- Unification of Germany and Italy left little room to expand in Europe. Germany and Italy both needed raw materials to “catch up” with Britain and France so they looked to Africa. The Scramble for Africa  The scramble started in 1870.  Although some coastal land had previously been acquired before 1870, the need for territory quickly accelerated as European countries looked t get deeper into Africa.  Within 20 years, nearly all continents were placed under imperialistic rule. Who was Involved?  Great Britain  France  Germany  Italy  Portugal  Belgium  Spain (kind) Violent Affairs  Violence broke out multiple times when European nations looked to claim the same territory.  Germ Chancellor. Otto van Bismarck. Attempted to avert the possibility of violence against the European powers.  In 1884, Bismarck organized a conference in Berlin for the European nations. The Berlin Conference (1884-85)  The conference looked to set ground rules for future annexation of African territory by European Nations.  Annexation is the forcible acquisition and assertion of legal title over one state’s territory by another state, usually following military occupation of the territory.  From a distant perspective, it looked like it would reduce tensions among European nations and avert war.  At the heart of the meeting, these European countries negotiated their claims to African territory, made it official and then mapped their regions.  Furthermore, the leaders agreed to allow free trade among imperialized territory and some homework for negotiating future European claims in Africa was established. Further Path  After the conference, european powers continued to expand their claims in Africa so that by 1900. 90% of the African territory had been claimed. A Turn towards Colonization?  Upon the imperialization of African territory, European nations and little interest in African land unless it produced economic wealth.  Therefore, European governments put little effort and expertise into these imperialized regions.  In most cases, this emat a form of indirect rule. Thus, governing the natin without sufficient settlement and government from within the mother country. Some Exceptions  There were some exemptions through in Africa as colonization was a necessary for some regions i n Africa.  Some regions where diamonds and gold were present. Government looked to protectorate the regions and establish rule and settlement in the regions.  Protectorates: A state controlled and protected by another state for defense against aggression and other law violations. Would  Some examples include South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Congo. Conclusion  Although it may appear that the Berlin Conference averted war amid the African Scramble, imperialism eventually brought the world into worldwide conflict.  With the continued desire to create an empire by European nations. World War 1 would break out which can be linked to this quest at imperialism.
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Chapter 13

Section 1: Postwar Trauma & changes


Symbol of rebellious jazz age youth thru liberated young woman


Ban on manufacture & sale of alcohol(18th amendment)


Illegal bars

Harlem renaissance

African american cultural awakening in harlem


Method of studying how the mind works and treating mental disorders


Art composed of only lines, colors, shapes, with no recognizable subject


Reject traditional conventions, believed no sense or truth in world


Movement that attempted to portray the workings of the unconscious mind

1925 bio teach: John T Scopes tried to teach evolution

  • Broke law; went against bible’s version of creation

    • Guilty in scopes trial, fundamentalists believe that proceedings hurt cause

Many postwar writers(T.s.eliot, hemingway): war=moral breakdown of west civilization

  • 1922 T.S.Eliot ‘The Waste Land’ poem portraying world as spiritually empty & barren

  • ‘The Sun Also Rises’ US Ernest Hemingway show rootless wondering of young ppl

    • ‘Lost Generation”

1905, 1916 Albert Einstein: theory of relativity, argue measurements of space & time not being absolute

  • Questions abt newtonian science(universe is machine)

1934 Enrico Fermi discover atomic fission: huge energy burst

  • 1940, w/ Oppenheimer & Teller → atomic bomb

Postwar: scientists accept theory of relativity→ hard to understand, unsettling as it was beyond human reason

1928 Alexander Fleming make discovery: nontoxic mold killing bacteria: Penicillin → make antibiotics to treat infections

What changes did west society and culture experience after ww1

Western society structure changes and has a more free environment as people recover from war trauma. People experiment with the limits of their boundaries.

How did flappers symbolize changes in western society during the 1920s

Flappers symbolize freedom within women as they found ways to vote and gain power after war.

How did the ideas of einstein and freud contribute to a sense of uncertainty

They were beyond human understanding and brought further chaos as long he  no ld ideas were disturbed

Choose one postwar writer and one postwar artist explain hwo the work of each reflected a new view of the world

  1. Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises: this work reflected their traumatized view of the world with the description of the youth mindlessly wandering

  2. Salvador Dali: this artist’s unique style of work showing distorted images of clocks and giraffes reflect Salvador's chaotic dream state after being affected by the war where everything is either melting or burning. 

Section 2: Great Depression

Maginot line

France built a massive fortation among border w/ ger to prevent 3rd invasion

Kellogg briand pact

Sponsored by us 1928, echoed hopeful spirit of locarno → want no war


Reduction of armed forces and weapons

General strike

Strike by workers in many different industries at the same time


Condition in which the production of goods exceeds the demand for them


Management of money matters 

Federal reserve

the central banking system of the united states, which regulates banks

Great depression

Painful time of global economic collapse

Franklin d. roosevelt

1932 us new president  that argue gov take active role combating great depression

New deal

Massive package of economic and social progress

Despite disagreements, many work for peace in 1920s

  • Hope in 1925 when representatives from 7 eu sign treaties at locarno: settle ger’s disputed border w fr, belg, czech, poland → new era of peace

  • Kellogg-Briand Pact echo hope, every independent nation sign agreement, promising to renounce war

    • w/ the spirit, powers pursue disarmament: us, brit, fr, jap sign to reduce navy size, didnt on army

Geneva switz headquarter; league of nations encourage coop to make ppl stop aggression: 1926 locarno agreements, ger & soviet join

Crisis in finance, never seen danger, stock was famous w/ risky methods

  • Federal reserve tried to slow stock market by raising interest rates → fail cuz ppl didnt wanna borrow money→ hurt demand

1929 jitters abt economy→ sell econ → financial panic → stock crash

  • Great depression quiet in 1929 start

  • 1931 increase interest rate, disastrous, bought less, business & banks fail, unemployment

Unemployed couldn't buy goods, factories close, unemployment → ppl homeless and eat in soup kitchens

The search for peace roosevelt offers the united states a new deal

What political and economic challenges did the leading democracies face in the 1920s-1930s

Economic changes of having to repair, loan, and owe money to other countries after the war was the biggest problem. The tension between communism was also an important challenge that democracies faced.

How did britain and france emerge from ww1 as both victors and losers

They were on the winning side of the war, however had huge economic losses and their cities were in need of great repair.

  • France had more breathing room

What steps did the major powers take to protect the peace? Why did these moves have limited effects

They created treaties and formed the league of nations. These did not have much power as the ability to interfere with other country’s aggressive acts was not specified and people did not want to waste their already scarce resources. Additionally, the US's complete removal from the war scene made the movements hold less power.

Explain how each of the following contributed to the outbreak or spread of the great depression a) falling demand b)federal reserve board c)financial crisis

The falling demand after the war contributed to the great depression as the advanced factories were creating excess, leading more people to be unemployed and slowing down the flow of money. 

The Federal Reserve’s policies of discouraging loans contributed to the great depression as people became more hesitant to buy stocks which lowered the demand by a lot.

The financial crisis after the world war had an impact on the great depression as the US was a huge loaner to Germany who repaid all the war damages and personally to France and britain. This international money loan system caused panic among citizens when they tried to withdraw their life savings and realized that they were not available, causing people to rapidly take out money when possible, making a shortage of flowing money.

How did the great depression affect political developments in the us

The great depression affected the political developments in the aid that they could provide during crises and brought up the question of how involved the federal government should be and what sort of role they have to the citizens.

Section 3: Italy’s revenge phase

Benito Mussolini

Il Duce(leader): Son of socialist blacksmith & teacher=socialist

Black Shirts

Party militants

March on Rome

Tens of thousands of fascists swarming the capital

Totalitarian State

One-party dictatorship attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of its citizens


Centralized authoritarian government that is not communist whose policies glorify the state over the individual  and are destructive to basic human rights

Italy agreed to join allies 1915→ FR& BR secret to give italia lil austria hungary→ promise was kinda broken→italians maddd

Benito mussolini(son of socialist blacksmith & teacher): socialist(changed to nationalist during war)

  • 1919 org veterans to Fascist party: unity & authority

    • Fiery & charismatic speaker: promise end corruption and bring order, bring roman greatness

Mussolini org “combat squads”: Black Shirts

  • Broke up socialist parties, attacked, used intimidation & terror to oust officials

    • Many agree cuz they lost faith to gov

1922 fascist bid for power

  • Naples rally: go to rome and demand gov make change: march on rome lead 

    • King victor emmanuel III ask mussolini to be prime minister cuz he scared → oct 30 1922

    • Legal constitutional appointment to italy

Il Duce

  • Suppress rival, rig elections, censor press, replace officials

  • 1929 gain pope support for recog vatican as independent state(altho he disagree w/ his goals)

    • Italy was parliamentary monarchy but actually dictatorship

      • Secret police & propaganda alert

Economic growth & end conflicts: mussolini put economy under state control, keep capitalism

  • Party control industry agri, trade → favor upper class & indust leaders

    • Production increase, workers suffered;no strike, low wage

Sworn enemies of socialist and communists

  • Com: work for international change, fasc: nationalist

    • Fasc: society w/ defined classes, like business leaders, money ppl, mid class

    • Comm: classless society, liked by workers

Both ideologies had power inspiring blind devotion of state, use terror for power, flourish in economic hard times of programs of social change

  • Both elites claimed to rule in name of national interest

How and why did fascism rise in italy

Because the government, economic, and mental state of Italy was very weak, and Mussolini brought strong guidance.

What problems did Italy face after ww1. How did these problems help Mussolini win power?

Their secret promised land not being fulfilled, economy crashing, political disputes, class strikes.

Describe one of mussolini’s economic or social goals and explain the actions he took to achieve it

He had a goal of shaping the youth which he did through extreme military programs.

List two similarities and two differences between fascism and communism

Similarities: power from terror, blind devotion

Differences: class/classless, international/national

Mussolini said, ‘machines and women are the two causes of unemployment’ a) what did you think he meant?

b) how did mussolini’s policies reflect his attitude toward women?

He meant that machines and women were taking away the men’s ‘natural job’ through their efficiency. He probably took a harsher approach and found it near impossible for equality to exist between the sexes.

Section 4: Russia’s revenge

Command economy

Gov officials made all basic economic decisions


Large farms owned and operated by peasants as a group


Wealthy farmers


A system of brutal labor camps where many died

Socialist realism

Art style that showed soviet life in a positive light and promote hope in the communist future


Making a nationality’s culture more russian


Belief that there is no god → became official state policy


Communist international formed by lenin 1919

Lenin body: widow: Nadezhda Krupskaya want to bury him next to mom, Communist Party(Stalin) want to preserve body and display

  • Displayed in red square for 65+ years → stalin show he would carry goals of revolution, takes measures to control soviet union and ppl

1928 propose 1st of 5 yr plan aimed: building heavy industry, improving transportation, increasing farm output

  • Economic activity under gov control; own all business and distribute all resource

Soviet: command economy(gov control on econ), 

  • capitalist free market have control on econ, private businesses compete for consumer choice→reg price and quality

Lenin’s New Economic Plan(NEP) peasants had lil land → many prosper(KULAKS)

  • Stalin see inefficient and power threat: want collectives

Collectives: gov give all supplies, peasants learn modern methods & can keep personal belongings but animals are all for collective, price is all done by gov → dekulakization: 1932 Terror famine

Use terror as weapon against own people

  • Violated rimes against individual rights & humanity 

    • Police spies open private letters, plant listening devices

    • Censored press, no protest

    • Critics sent to labor camps: GULAG→ die

1934 Great purge on political enemies → impact cuz not enough ppl when they invade soviet 

Stalin purge resistance, control hearts and minds of citizens

  • Propaganda, censorship, forcing russian culture(russification), replacing religion w/ communist ideology(atheism)

Soviet elite had industrial managers, military leaders, scientists, artists, writers: enjoy privileged benefits

  • Best apartments, best vacation, best shopping → Purges went to elites yikes!!

Common ppl had new benefits(women equality too)

  • All children go to FREE commi-built school

    • Support technical schools & universities: educated workers for modern industrial state

  • Programs for outside of school: sport, cultural activity,s political classes for party membership, 

→ communist values: atheism, glory of collective farming, love stalin

Provide free medical care, day care, inexpensive housing, public recreation

  • Many lack necessities tho→ new complexes, but housing scarce

    • Families cramped in 1 room, many bread(no meat, fruit, others)

1917-1939 soviet union pursue foreign policy goals

  • Commies: lenin & stalin want world revolution like marx, BUT soviet want nation security by winning other countries

    • 2 contradictory unsuccessful foreign policies

1919 lenin make: communist international: COMINTERN; to encourage world revolution

  • West SUS

How did stalin transform the soviet union into a totalitarian state

He used violence against any opposing party and censored everything so that he could control the citizen’s minds

What were the goals and results of Stalin's five-year plans? How did the effects differ between industry and agriculture?

Goal was to build and improve industry & agriculture. Increase industry, fail agriculture

How did the command economy under stalin differ from a capitalist economy

Stalin was controlling all businesses and there was no such thing as open market, limiting the price and quality of goods as well as the distribution

What methods did stalin use to create a totalitarian state

He used terror of people to his advantage as he killed all those who had the slightest relevance to going against his power.

One historian has said that socialist realism was ‘communism with a smiling face’ what do you think he meant?

Because all socialist realism style artworks are portraying peasants and ordinary citizens as heroes whilst praising Russia and Stalin for their generosity.

Compare life under stalin’s rule with life under the russian tsars

They were similar as they had total control and used violence to install fear within the citizens so that they would stay loyal and obedient to the state.

Section 5: Germany’s revenge


Prime minister

Ruhr valley

Coal rich valley

Third reich

Hitler’s rule which he boasted german master race would dominate eu for thousands


Secret police

Nuremberg laws

Nazi law 1935 that deprived jew of german citizenship w/ restrictions

In november 1923, ger army vet, leader of extremist: Adolf Hitler tried to follow mussolini w/ coup in Munich

  • Coup fail, Hitler behind bars → gonna become a powerful force

Ww1 end, GER near chaos → under threat of socialist revolution, kaiser abdicated

  • Moderate leaders signed armistice, became versailles treaty after protest

1919 GER leaders draft a constitution in city of Weimar 

  • Create demo gov: Weimar Republic 

    • Constitution set up parliamentary system by chancellor

Econ disaster → unrest

  • 1923 GER fell behind in reparation pay, FR had coal rich Ruhr Valley

    • GER in RUhr protest w/ passive resistance & refused to work 

    • Gov payed, printed money to support workers → inflation → misery & despair

      • German mark worthless

      • 100 marks 1922=944,000 marks 1923

      • Salaries rose by billions, still not enough

*storm troopers are military dudes against politics

1923 hitler failed to get power in munich→arrested & guilty w/ Treason →wrote the Mein Kampf(My Struggle) which is later the basic books of nazi goals & ideologies

  • Reflect Hitler’s obsession of nationalism, racism, anti-semitism → Germany is ‘master race’ of Aryans, enemies were Jews

    • Hitler’s idea rooted in anti-semitism

      • Middle age-christians kill jews cuz diff beliefs

Rise of nationalism in 1800 → ppl identify jews as ethnic outsiders

  • Hitlers view jews not as separate religion but as separate ‘race’ (Definition: jew grandparent)

  • Similar like right-wing, blame germany defeat on Marxist, Jew, corrupt politics, business

Recipe revival: hitler urge HER to unite as great nation, and expand to gain Lebensraum; living space for pp;

  • ‘Slavs and inferior race must bow to aryan’, GER needs FUHRER(strong leader): Hitler

November 7,1938 young jew mistreated in GER shot & wounded GER diplomat in paris

  • Hitler used as excuse to attack al jews

  • KRISTALLNACHT: night of broken glass november 9,10

    • Naziled mbos attack all jew in GER, AUSTRIA, CZECH

      • Make sinister plan: Final Solution for extermination of all Jews

How did hitler and the nazi party establish and maintain a totalitarian government in germany

They used censorship, nationalism, propaganda, violence, suppressed lal opposition

List 3 problems faced by weimar republic

Political struggles, inflation, great depression

What racial and nationalistic ideas did nazis promote

That aryan race was superior and jews were to blame for all

What were some of the restrictions that hitler placed on german jews

They couldn't have citizenship 

Prohibited from marrying non-Jews, attending/teaching GER schools/uni, hold gov jobs, practice law/medicine/publishing books

Do you think there are any reasons why a government would be justified in banning books or censoring ideas? explain

The government may think it would be justified in censoring ideas if they are harmful to the stability of the structure. However this still does not justify it.

Why did dictators gain power in much of eastern europe

Because ethnic and economic tensions brought the need for stability.

Both Stalin and hitler instituted ruthless campaigns against supposed enemies of the state. Why do you think the dictators need to find scapegoats for the nation's ills?

For nationalism and for keeping the people’s spirit up.

Chapter 14: weak

14.1 increasing tensions between the european powers and the climaxation to world war 2 between world powers


Giving into the demands of an aggressor in order to keep the peace


Opposition to all war

Neutrality acts

Congress passing acts that forbade the sale of arms to any nations at war

Axis powers

The three nations agreed to fight soviet communism

Francisco francis

1936 conservative general  who led a revolt that touched off a bloody civil war


Union of austria and germany


Region of western czechoslovakia be given autonomy

Nazi-soviet pact

Bound hitler and stalin to peace relations

Japan overruns manchuria and eastern  china

One of earliest test by japan

  • Military leaders & ultra nationalist thought jap should have empire=west power

    • Seize manchuria 1931

League of nations condemn aggression, Jap just withdrew from org

→easy success strengthen militarist faction in jap

  • 1937 jap overrun east china → 2nd sino-jap war

    • West protests don't stop jap

Italy invades ethiopia

Italy: mussolini act his imperialist ambitions → defeat by ethopians 1896 battle of Adowa 🙁

  • 1935 invade ethiopia, ppl resist but outdated weapons cant rival tank, machine gun, poison gas, airplanes

    • King: haile selassie ask for league of nations for help

      • League have sanctions against italy for violating international law → no power

      • 1936 italy has ethiopia

Hitler goes against the treaty of versailles

Hitler test will of western demo→ was weak

  • Built GER military against treaty

  • 1936 sent troops in demilitarized rhineland bordering france –another treaty violation

Challenge to versailles treaty make him pop

  • Westerns denounce, no action → policy of Appeasement 

Neutrality acts for appeasement

Rome-Berlin Tokyo Axis: fight soviet communism

Spain collapse in civil war with Francisco Franco(hitler, mussolini) vs Loyalists(Brit, FR, US)

  • Nazi experiment on new planes

German aggression: want living space so he can gain resources, annex austria, get sudetenland

Nazi-soviet pact: peaceful division of poland & EU: mutual fear & suspicions

Invasion of poland

September 1 1939, week after nazi-sovet pact, GEr invade poland→brit & fr action

  • 2day late Brit & fr declare war on GER→ WW2 BEGUN

    • After ww1, fighting unbearable

      • More horrendous than imagined

What events unfolded between chamberlain’s declaration of peace for our time and the outbreak of a world war

Germany took over czech, and invade poland w/ pact w/ soviet

How did the western democracies respond to the aggression of the axis powers during the 1930s

They used appeasement

Why did germany and italy become involved in the spanish civil war

They wanted to support their sides; fascist 

How was the munich conference a turning point in the road  toward world war

It was when germany said that they would take sudentenland and birtian and france convinced czech to just let it be. However germany break promise and bring ww2

Why do you think some historians call the period between the 1919 and 1939 the 20-year truce

Because there was an agreement not to start any war during that time between world powers.


14.2 horrifying acts of torture and warfare of world wra 2


Hitler’s Lightning war


German air force 


Beach that was target for troops to get picked up


German made puppet state with capital

General erwin rommel

One of hitler’s best commanders to north africa: Desert Fox

Concentration camps

Detention centers for civilians considered enemies of the state


Nazis massacring millions of jews

Lend-lease act

March 1941 FDR persuade congress that allow him to sell/lend war materials to ‘any country whose defense the president deems vital to the defense of the US’

The miracle of dunkirk

First winter, FR behind maginot line, brit also wait w/ them: quiet time: phony war

  • April 1940 hitler launch Blitzkrieg against Norway  & denmark(falls) → then go to netherlands & belgium

May GER forces surprise  FR & BRIT by attacking thru Ardennes Forest in Belgium(invasion proof)!!

  • Went thru maginot line, GER into FR

  • BRIT trapped between nazi & english channel

    • Brit sent all available naval vessels, merchant ships, fishing, pleasure boats across channel to get troops from Dunkirk beach

      • Despite GER air attack, improved armada ferry more than 300,000 troops to safety in Brit

France falls

GEr forces go south to paris 

  • Italy war on FR and attack from south

    • FR: overrun & demoralized: surrender

June 22 1940- Hitler force FR to sign surrender docs in same railroad car which GER signed armistice ending ww1

  • Follow surrender, GER occupy N FR

  • South: GER make puppet state:  capital: vichy

Some FR escape to ENGLAND, set up gov-in-exile

  • Led by Charles de Gualle, ‘free french’ work to liberate homeland

    • Within FR, resistance fighters use guerrilla tactics against german forces

Operation sea lion

Fall of FR: brit stood alone in west EU

  • Hitler thought BRIT would sue for peace

    • Winston churchill(replace neville chamberlain) for prime minister was quirky

      • Hitler saw defiance, made Operation Sea Lion: invasion of BRIT

        • Prepare by bombing island nations

Beginning of august 1940: GER bombers daily bombard ENG south coast

  • 1 month, brit royal air force battle luftwaffe

    • GER change tactics, doesnt bomb in south → bomb LONDON


An unstoppable german army stalls

June 1941 hitler nullify nazi-soviet pact by invading soviet union in Operation Barbarossa; plan from medieval German leader: Frederick Barbarossa

  • Hitler motives: “if i had all countries(Oral, Siberia, Ukraine w/ resources, Germany under National Socialist leadership would swim in plenty”

    • Wanted to end communism in EU & defeat powerful rival: Stalin

Hitler new blitzkrieg in soviet union: 3 mill GER soldiers invaded → caught stalin unprepared

  • Stalin suffer from purge that wiped out top officers

Stalin lost 2.5 million soldiers tryna fend off invaders → forced back → burn factories, farm equip, crops so not outside of enemy hands

  • Couldnt stop GER war machine

    • Autumn: nazi smash into soviet, wanna take moscow & leningrad(st petersburg)

  • GER advance stall → like napoleons’ grand army 1812, Hitler not prepared for General winter

December: -40 F(-4C) thousands of GER freeze to death

  • 2 leaders issue atlantic charter; goal: final destruction of nazi tyranny & post war world

Which regions were attacked and occupied by the axispowers, and what was life like under their occupation

Poland, Norway  & denmark  & netherlands & belgium

  • Jap get phillip, other islands by us

    • Got britain colonies of hong kong, burma, malaya, dutch east indies, french indochina

Describe hilter’s blitzkrieg tactics

He used airplanes to drop bombs

Referring to teh battle of britian in 1940, winston churchill said ‘never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few’ what did he mean

He was referring to the pilots and bombers that took control of the air freedom 

Hitler translated his hatred into a program of genocide. How idd ethnic, racial, and religious hatred weaken society

It made everyone turn and blame just one minority, making everything irrelevant and nonimportant

14.3 fall of germany’s power as they lose fronts and war is coming to an ennd with so many deaths

Rosie the riveter

Women symbolized in US, built ships  and planes and produced munitions

Aircraft carrier

Ships that transport aircraft and accommodate the takeoff and landing of airplanes

Dwight eisenhower

American general 1942 took command of joint brit and american force in morocco and algeria


Hitler’s troop’s longest range


June 6 1944 invasion of france

Yalta conference

Three leaders agreed that soviet union would enter war against japan w/ three months of GER surrender

**Decode messages machine

Allied victory in north africa

In NA, brit led by General: bernard Montgomery fought Rommel

  • Battle of El Alamein nov 1942: allies halt desert fox advance

    • Tanks drove axis back to libya into tunisia

Later 1942 american generaL: Dwight Eisenhoewr command of joint brit ameri force in morocco and algeria

  • Advance tunisia from west, traps rommel army→ surrender may 1943

Germans defeated at stalingrad

Major point in soviet union

  • 1941 lightning advance, GER stall moscow & leningrad

    • 1942 hitler launch new offense: for rich oil fields in south → only got to stalingrad

Battle of stalingrad was costliest

  • Hitler wanna capture stalin’s city, stalin wanna defend

    • Start: ger surround city w/ winter coming, fights at each house

    • GER officer: soldiers fought for 2 weeks for single building, corpses’are strewn in cellars, on landings, and the staircaess’

  • November, soviet encircle attackers → trapped, no food, no ammunition, no hope rescue → GER surrender january 1943

After battle of stalingrad, RED ARMY took offensive, drove invaders out soviet union

  • Hitler’s forces got losses of troop and equipment

    • Early 1944 soviet troops in eastern europe

The d-day assault

Allies chose june 6, 1944: D-day for invasion of FR

  • Before midnight of june5, allied planes dropped paratroopers behind enemy lines

    • Thousands of ships ferried 156,000 allied troops across english channel & fight to shore through underwater mines & machine gun fire

  • “Ppl dying, could have walked to beach w/out touching ground cuz so much dead’

Allied troops go to normandy→ early august: massive armor division under US general: George S Patton help joint brit ameri force thru GER defense & to paris

  • Other allies go from italy to land in southern FR

    • Paris: FR resistance rose against occupying GER

    • Under pressure, GER retreat

August 25, allies enter paris, next month→ FR Free

Allies continue to advance

GER reel under incessant(bombing)

  • 2 year allied bombs on military, factories, railroads, oils, cities

    • To cripple GER industry & morale

  • 10day bombing erase industrial city of Hamburg: 40,000 dead, 1 million refugee

February 1945 allied raids on Dresden(most beautiful cities in EU) killed 135,000

After free france, allied go battle FER

  • Advance in belgium december, 

  • GER has mass counterattack

  • - battle of bulge: 1 month terrible loss

    • GER unable to break thru

    • Allied advance delayed for 6 weeks

    • Soviet battle thru GER, advance in berlin

Hitler support in GER decline, survived 1 assassination by senior german military

  • Early 1945 defeat of ger coming

Uneasy agreement at yalta

February 1945 roosevelt, churchill, stalin met at Yalta(south soviet)

  • Plan strategy while in distrust

    • Stalin: soviet need to maintain control of E EU to protect future aggression

    • Churchill & roosevelt: want self determination w/ people’s gov

      • Needed stalin’s help for war

Yalta conference: agree soviet enter war against Japan w/in 3 months of GER surrender → churchill and roosevelt promise stalin that soviet take southern sakhalin island, kuril island, occupation zone in korea??????

  • Agree GER temporarily divide to 4, governed by us, fr, brit, soviet

    • Stalin agree for free elections → mistrustssssss

How did the allies begin to push back the axis power

They cornered generals and troops to make them surrender

  • Block japanese advancement, invasion of italy, defending of stalingrad, german troops surrendered in north africa by britian and america

How did democratic gov mobilize their economies for war

They went into total war and used car and refrigerator parts for airplanes instead. Women were used for mechanical work for bombs while the men were at war

Explain why the battles of midway, el alamein, and stalingrad were important turning points in war

They all changed the power dynamics of the war as hitler slowly starts losing control 

Why didnt yalta conference lead to lasting unity among big three leaders

Because there was mistrust between the free elections for European states.

14.4 war of japan with the allies

V-E Day

Victory in europe may 8 1945: hitler suicide, Ger surrender, war in eu end

Bataan Death March

May 1942 japanese take philippines, kill us soldiers, 10,000 filipino in 65 mile bataan death march

Douglas Macrthur

Us forces led, gradual move north toward jap

Island hopping: GOT WRONG

Goal to recapture some japanese held islands while bypassing others


Pilots who undertook suicide missions by crashing explosive laden airplanes into us warships

Manhattan project

Racing to harness atom


Jap city that was atomically bombed by us plane


Second atomic bomb us dropped

March 1945 allies cross Rhine into west GER

  • East :soviet close in Berlin

  • Late april: US & RUS soldiers met at Elbe River

    • All EU, axis begin to surrender

Italy: guerrilla captured, executed mussolini

  • Soviet fight into berlin, Hitler suicide in underground bunker

    • May 7 GER surrendered

      • Official: EU war end: may 8 1945: V-E Day

12 yrs, Hitler’s ‘thousand-year Reich’ in ruin

Allies defeat axis powers in EU for many reasons

  • Location of GER, and allies: fought on several fronts

  • Hitler made some poor military decisions

    • Underestimated ability of soviet union

  • US productive capacity

    • 1944 US produce 2x axis production

  • Allied bombing hinder GER production

    • Oil scarce cuz luftwaffe

Victory of EU, allies need to go to japan in pacific

Struggle for pacific

Mid 1942 jap won uninterrupted series of victories

  • Control much southeast asia & pacific islands

May 1942 japan gain control of philippines→ kill hundreds us & phillip during 65 mile Bataan Death March

  • Survivor: describe macabre litany of heat, dust, starvation, thirst, flies, filth, stench, murder, torture, corpses, brutality

    • Many filipino risked/lost lives for food & water to captives on march

After Battle of Midway and the Coral Sea → US offensive

  • US marines landed in Guadalcanal in solomon islands

    • Victory start “island-hopping’ campaign: to recapture japanese held islands; to be sued as stepping stones

  • General Douglas macarthur gradually moved north to jap

    • 1944 us navy commanded by chester nimitz blockaded japan, us bombers pounded jap cities & industries

      • October 1944 macarthur fight to retake philippines

  • Britain push jap back into jungles of burma and malaya

Invasion or the bomb

Blood battles in island of Iwo Jima february-march 1945 & okinawa april-july 1945: jap fight to death than surrender

  • Beginning in 1944, some young jap choose Kamikaze(suicide mission pilots w/ explosives onto us warships)

Allied military leaders plan for invasion, scientists offer another end to war w/out invasion

  • Splitting of atom– explosion powerful

  • Allied scientists: manhattan project; race to atomic bomb 

    • Test 1945 alamogordo new mexico

News of test given to new us prez: harry truman after roosevelt died april 12

  • Atomic bomb terrible new for destruction

    • After consulting he chose to use against jap cuz it would save american lives

At time: truman met other allied leaders: potsdam, germany → issued warning to jap to surrender or face ‘complete destruction

  • When jap ignore, us took action

Utter devastation(hiroshima & nagasaki)

August 6, 1945 us plane dropped atomic bomb to hiroshima

  • Flatten 4 square miles, kill 70,000

    • Following months, many die from radiation  fro exposure

August 8 soviet war on jap & invaded manchuria

  • Jap did not respond

    • Next day, us 2nd atomic bomb on nagasaki: 40,000 dead

August 10, emperor hirohito intervene, forced gov to surrender

  • September 2, 1945 formal peace treaty sign on board of american battleship missouri in tokyo bay

How did the allies finally defeat the axis powers

  • Location of GER, and allies: fought on several fronts

  • Hitler made some poor military decisions

    • Underestimated ability of soviet union

  • US productive capacity

    • 1944 US produce 2x axis production

  • Allied bombing hinder GER production

    • Oil scarce cuz luftwaffe

How did the location of the axis powers in europe contribute to their defeat

They were in the middle of conflict

What factors besides ending the war in the pacific might have contributed to president harry truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb

Pressure to do something within his first 100 days as president.

14.5 postwar events that happened after and the preventions of future wars


Allies held war crime trials at nuremberg where hitler ahd rallies in 1930s

United nations (UN)

A charter drafted by delegates from 50 nations, UN is more better than league of nations

Cold war

State of tension  and hostility between nations aligned with the united states on one side and the soviet union on the other wlout armed conflict

Truman doctrine

Policy rooted in idea of containment, limiting communism to areas already under soviet control

Marshall plan

To strengthen democratic gov, us offered massive aid package

North atlantic treaty organization (NATO)

Us & 10 other form new military alliance

Warsaw pact

Soviet’s own military alliance

War crime trials:

War time meetings: allies agreed axis leaders should be tried ‘crimes against humanity’

  • Germany, allies held them in nuremberg→most guilty w/ death sentences to top nazis w/ others imprisoned


–us build demo constituion & new gov for peace & tolerance–

United Nations: UN strong, 5 permanent members(US, soviet, brit, fr, chin): veto any council decision

  • Ensure peace

US & soviet: world leaders(abandon isolationism to combat communism)

  • War: cooperate to defeat nazi→ agreement w axis 1947 → reparations in GER & gov→ cold war

Stalin 2 goals in e eu

  1. want s to spread communism

  2. Wanted to create buffer zone of friendly gov as defense afainst GER which invaded RUS during ww1, and in 1941

  3. Wartime conference: stalin try to persuade west to accept soviet influence in E EU

    1. Said us wasnt consulting soviet bout peace for italy/jap, both defeated & occupied by us and britain troops like soviet determined fate of e eu

Roosevelt & churchill rejected stalin’s view, making him promise ‘free elections’ in e eu

  • Stain ignore pledge, most e eu alr had communist parties, many had resisted nazis during war

    • Backed by red army, these local communists in poland, czech, else destroyed rival political parties & assassinated democratic leaders

      • By 1948 pro-soviet commies gov in place thru e eu

Stalin aggressive→ Truman Doctrine: containing limited communism to areas under soviet control

  • Us resist soviet expansion by sending military & econ aid

  • Marshall Package: offer massive aid package to strenghten demo gov & help rebuild

    • Offered to soviet, rejected, saying soviet would have better

Ger recovery→ west wanna extend marshall plan→ soviet furious & territorial→ divided nation

  • Demo: ppl own constitution, self gov

  • Socialist: dictatorship under stalin

Berlin Airlift: stalin 1948 tryna force west out by sealing railroad/highway → west mounted around airlift→ west win

Tension: NATO alliance w/ US & canada, etc: democratic

  • Soviet military: Warsaw pact; dictatorship in practice

Both use propaganda

What issues arose in the aftermath of ww2 and how did new tensions develop

The spread of communism and power control

How did the peace made after ww2 differ from that made after ww1

They were more serious in ensuring peace

What was the main purpose of the UN when it was founded

To ensure the peace would be authorized by the world powers

List two causes of the cold war

The arguments of the spread of communism and the power control

Why is it important to remember the inhumanity of the holocaust

So that it will not be repeated again and the losses and consequences of the war will be remembered.

Chap 15

15.1 happening of the cold war and the influence this had to the world


Define the vocab as it presents itself in the chapter (insert  rows to accommodate the number of words)


Nations stronger than other powerful nations: reagan vs khrushchev

Anti-ballistic missiles(ABMs)

Missiles that could shoot down other missiles from hostile countries

Ronald reagan

President that launched program to build star wars missile defense against nuclear attack


Us & soviet control agreements led to era; relaxation of tensions during 1970s

Fidel castro

Organized armed rebellion against the corrupt dictator

John f kennedy

President supported invasion attempt by US trained cuban exiles


Value system and beliefs around the globe

Nikita khrushchev

After stalin death, he emerged as new soviet leader

Leonid brezhnev

Khrushchev’s successor held power 


America’s basic policy toward communist countries known

Bridge of spies

Two sides face off in Europe

Cold war confrontation in eu, 2 superpowers armies confront after ww2

  • Each superpower formed a eu military alliance made for nations occupied/protected

US led North Atlantic Treaty Organization: NATO, in west EU

  • Soviet union led warsaw pact in eastern europe

    • 2 alliances in EU faced each other along Iron Curtain; tense line between democratic west & communist east

Berlin focus of cold war: demo west(show west GER prosper), commies east(low paid east GER fled to west berlin)

  • E GER made Berlin wall: forcibly kept from fleeing

E EU resists: early revolts in E Berlin spread to E GER but no match to RUS tanks

  • 1956 challenge soviet authority for economic reform: poland & hungary

  • - poland: soviet backed mass arrests of noncommies & private

    • Hungary: Imre Nagy: end 1party rule, wanna pull out warsaw→ mass assault & executed

1968 czech: Alexander Dubcek: freedom of expression & limit demo

  • Freedom→ prague spring→ soviet fear demo→ warsaw invasion to end freedom

Nuclear threaten world: US had more ww2→ 1949 soviet → 1953 hydrogen bombs(destructive)

  • Mutual assured destruction→ fear 

Limit nuclear weapons: disarmaments talks, agreements

  • 1969 us/soviet: SALT(strategic arms limitation talks) 

    • Limit antiballistic missile AMB: missile kill missile – threaten balance of terror

  • 1980 reagan program: star wars against nuclear(missile defense)-controvers cuz AMB treaty

    • Both signed Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) 1991

Building detente: relax from tension 1970

  • Us strategy to restrain soviet thru diplomatic agreements than military

    • Fail 1979 soviet invade afghan

Stop nuclear spread: brit, fr, chin 1960s nuclear

  • Many wanna stop race: 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT): stop proliferation

Global Cold war

Building alliances/bases: NATO w/ EU demo

  • US & allies 1955 Southeast-Asia treaty organization (SEATO): us, brit, fr, austral, paki, thail, new z, phil

  • Central Treaty Org(CENTO): brit, tur,, iran, paki

    • Military alliacne w/ jap, skorea

Soviet alliance: warsaw w african/asian gov: CHina commies: Soviet Bloc

  • US make navy, army, air around globe so soviet is encircled

Cold war hot: local conflicts in cold war indirectly

  • Main china soviet, eu colonies want independence(guerrillas)

    • Korea & vietnam impo cuz they got weapons, training 

Cuba communists: fidel castro rebellion against corrupt: Cuban revolution

  • Support soviet, many flee to florida

    • US JFK support cuban exile invasion: Bay of Pigs Invasion: invaders come ashore cuba, fail cuz castro capture

      • US trade embargo on cuba

Cuba Missile crisis: soviet send nuclear to cuba- kennedy naval blockade for further, demand remove–soviet nikita khrushcev agree to remove missile

Soviet union in cold war

Soviet communism: public life; obedience, discipline, economic security, spread ideology: gov decisions that dont make much sense, for political reasons

Stalin successors: Nikita khrushev: 1956 shack commies denounce stalin power abuse: want more freedom, ease censor

  • Successor: Brezhnev recensor and imprison

Soviet resist: criticize gov

  • Andrey sakharov scientist talk bout liberties: silenced

  • Alekandr solzhenitsyn soldier letter: prison camp, released under khrushchev, banned

US in cold war

Free markets: Commies had command economies, capitalist had market economies

  • Producers and consumer decision, profit and grow

Containing soviet union: containment in boundaries

Living in nuclear danger: fallout shelters in backyards, in public

  • School air-raid drills like fire drills

Search for inside enemies: red scares

  • McCarthy senator search, accused innocent: McCarthyism

  • House Un-American Activities Committee(HUAC) make us representative house

    • Expose symphathizers in hollywood

      • Even if past deed, labeled as commies–no jobs

What were the military and political consequences of the cold wra in the soviet union, europe, and the united states

Military: arms race

Political: communism vs democracy

  • Europe is split 

What kinds of conflicts resulted from the global confrontation between the two superpowers

More arms race, red scare, death and conflict between other local countries

How did the buildup of nuclear weapons discourage their use

There was a mutual assured destruction

Identify similarities and differences between the soviet union and the united states during the cold war


Supported their own sides in local fights indirectly

Nuclear power


US expanded their influence of military

Communism vs capitalism

15.2 economic and equality changes in the world after the war


Periods when the economy shrinks, were brief and mild


The movement to communities outside an urban core


Legal forced separation in education and housing


Unequal treatment or barriers

Dr. martin luther king jr

Gifted preacher emerged as leader of civil rights movement

Konrad adenauer

1949-1963 was west germany’s chancellor, prime minister

Welfare state

A country with a market economy but with increased government responsibility for the social and economic needs of the people

European community

Organization dedicated to establishing free trade among member nations for all products

Gross domestic product (GDP)

The total value of all goods and services produced in a nation within a particular year

America prosper, change: wealthiest & powerfullest: rivaled by W EU & JAP economically

US central role: global political leader: league of nations in switz, UN in new york city

  • Foreign trade boom, world bank finance world econ: washington dc

    • International monetary fund(IMF) oversee world finance

Postwar us boom: suburbanization, move to sunbelts(south): plentiful job, warm, AC & water in irrigation

  • Culture influence: art: movies, tele, rock(elvis, musical comedies, hollywood, action)

  • Federal gov help econ boom: prez truman make congress help veteran/elder/poor programs

    • Dwight eisenhower fund interstate highway

Oil Shock recession: dependence on world econ

  • Early 1970s political crisis in middle east→ decrease oil export

    • Oil price rise, us expensive gas, dependence

      • Others also depend, high $ oil leave businesses less demand

      • Prosperity end 1974: economy alternate prosperity/recession

Democracy opportunities

segregation/discrimination: prosperity not equal, slavery abolished by AF US want equality

  • school/housing/jobs/voting discriminant

    • Truamn desegregate armed forces, US supreme court LAND MARK RULING: brown v board of education of Tpeka: declare segregated schools unconstitutional 

    • Rosa Parks sparked movement

US Civil rights: 1956 martin luther king jr leader: Extend equal rights to all americans, especially AF(boycotts, peace march)

  • 1963 i have a dream all men created equal actually into effect

    • Us ppl join movement, brutal attack on sconcisence, asians/latino/natives join for equality

  • Congress outlaw public segregation/voting/equal access

    • Still poverty/unemployment/discrimination

Women equality: inspired, won laws banning discrimination against women: higher salaries/positions

Gov role grows: expand social program 1960s: kennedy/johnson: medicare

Repub respond: 1980 regan repub cutbak in tax/gov spend: improve opportunities for US, military increase

  • Increase spending & tax cuts→ national budget deficit: cuts in social and economic programs: education, welfare, environmental protect

West EU rebuild

GER divide, reunited: US BRIT FR: NATO in west, SOV: warsaw in east

  • 1989 soviet decline, GER reunification cuz E GER unable to control, forced to open west border

    • E GER reunification 1990s vote

W GER econ boom: US aid w/ marshall plan & others to strengthen W GER

  • 1949-63 Konrad Adenauer W GER chancellor guide rebuilding to modern high productive industry base

    • Boom industrial econ

BRIT narrow horizons: econ slow recover, can’t afford large military presence altho marshall plan

  • Brit abandon colonial empire after independence demands– recover 1950-60

    • No big boom, but recover

Other EU prosper: belg, netherlands independence, FR abandon empire after colonial war in vietnam/algeria (demoralized)

  • Most W EU  war damage: marshall plan help 

    • Improved living w/ econ boom

  • Poorer: spain, ireland get investment for econ boom

Build welfare state: eu work for econ prosperity

  • Mant want to extend welfare state

    • Gov expand social programs w higher tax

conservatives(favor free markets & limited gov): condemn drift toward socialism

Limit welfare state: 1979 brit turn to conservative cuz welfare too costly and inefficient

  • Margaret thatcher: reduce social welfare programs cuz tax and free market

EUropean unity: 1952 W GER, nether, belg, luxem, fr, ital make EU coal & stell company: free Establish free trade in coal & steel among members by eliminating tariffs & barriers

  • EU econ community 1957 Euopean community for free trade, no tariffs, move workers

Japan transform

US occupier change: MacArthur make Jap emporer lose power, new parliamentary demo

  • Social reforms: edu, equality, land reforms, rebuild

  • End occupation 1952, military bases & trading partners remain

Jap democracy: LIberal democratic party, coalition 

Econ miracle: export success thru efficient factories, educated workforce, protect home industries

  • High quality exports, trade surplus, more than US

How was the US economy linked to the broader global economy during the cold war

US economy was linked to the global economy during the cold war due to their position as the wealthiest country and was the leader to aspiring democratic countries

Over time, how did the US government expand opportunities for americans

They increased equality and opportunities for people of different race or gender

What were some advantages and disadvantages of the welfare state in europe

They had high tax and government got more control of market

What factors explain japan’s economic success in the decades after world war 2

  • Successfully industrialized in past, built efficient modern factories outproduce than old west

    • W US military protection, jpa lil money on military, more on econ

  • Benefit from educated/skilled workforce

  • Gov protect home industries by imposing tariffs and regulations that limited imports

15.3 east asia’s political/gov orientation changed during and after cold war due to soviet and us influence


Forced pooling of peasant land and labor in attempt to increase productivity

Great leap forward

Mao program to urge people to increase farm and industrial output

Cultural revolution

Mao great proletarian revolution to purge china of ‘bourgeois’ tendency

38th parallel

Soviet and us divided korea by 38th parallel of latitude

Kim il sung

Communist ally of soviet

Syngman rhee

Noncommunist leader of korea

Pusan perimeter

North korean troops advanced till un stopped them in august at pusan

Demilitarized zone

Area with no military forces near 38th parallel

China communism rev: China victory 1949→ commies gain control ⅕ world

  • Mao won, made People’s Republic of China

    • Defeat Nationalist(Jieng Jieshi) go to Taiwan→ CHINA COMMIE CONTROL

Commies won: mao won peasant pop support thru land redistribution, end oppression, nationalists w/ corruption and bad econ policies and west dependence not pop

  • Want new china, end foreign dom: People’s Liberation Army, conquer tibet 1950

Change chinese society: one-party totalitarian stae of People’s republic of china

  • No old stuff: budd, confuc, traditional, seize business property

    • Kill countterrevolutionaries & bouregoisie

    • Collectivization for productivity

The great leap forward falls: urge farm/industrial output, make backyard industry for efficiency→ low quality, useless→ famine 55M die

Cultural rev disrupt life: purge bourgeoisie tendency, make teenagers red gaurds w little red books 

Econ slow, no school/factories/skilled → mao forced to restroe order

Cold war wild card: china

Split w/ soviet: uneasy allies cuz china didnt want foreign dependence

  • Clash ideology/border make soviet withdraw help

Wahstingon china card; us support nationalist for china at first cuz commies threat, but ‘play china card’: us isolate soviet between nato in west, china in east

  • Allowed replacing taiwan in UN, diplomatic relation 1979

Taiwan & nationalist: taiwan gov one party dictatorship, china want taiwan

Korean war

Divided nation: NK kim il sung commies w soviet, SK syman rhee US noncommies along 38th parallel

NK attack bringing UN response: go to pusan perimeter 

  • US capture , cut resources

China reverses UN gain

  • Us alarm china, mao help NK to 38th = armistice

Two koreas: Like GER, NK(commies and econ down) & SK(demo & econ boom) develop separately

South korea recovers, successful transition, direct elections, want reunite over cold war differences

NK digs: kim il sung econ slow, self reliance, personality cult

15.4 communist spread through southeast asia(vietnam, cambodia, laos)

What marked end of the Vietnam War:America withdrew, North Vietnam took over

Start of vietnam war: Gulf of Tonkin


Small groups of loosely organized soldiers making surprise raids

Ho chi minh

Vietnam guerrillas led by nationalist/communist fought japanese/french

dien bien phu

Indochina war 1954 victory, shoo france 

Domino theory

View that communist victory in south vietnam would cause noncommunist gov in SE ASIA to fall to communism

Viet cong

National liberation front; communist rebels trying to overthrow S Vietnam

Tet offensive

Bloody turning point in public opinion in US

Khmer rouge

Force of cambodian communist guerrillas gaining ground in cambodia

Pol pot

Khmer rouge brutal communist dictator – reign of terror

What marked end of the Vietnam War:America withdrew, North Vietnam took over

Start of vietnam war: Gulf of Tonkin

Indochina after ww2: liberation struggle in french indochina

  • Jap overrule w guerrilla ,oppose foreign/colonial powers

Ho chi minh fight french:  dienbienphu shoo FR, cambodia & laos independence separately

Vietnam divide: Ho(commies): N vietnam, Ngo Dinh: soviet help,, Diem(noncommies): S Vietnam: us help

  • S V liked N V cuz corruption, national heor, and foreign rule

  • Saw fight as nationalist struggle to free V from foreign dom

August 1 1964 S V commandos conduct raids on N V islands of Gulf of Tonkin

  • SV capital : Saigon renamed Ho Chi Minh city 1976 for late leader

    • N V capital : hanoi: capital for reunited nation

15.5 change of dynamics of communist politics around the world after the vietnam war


Muslim religious warriors

Mikhail gorbachev

Energetic new leader of soviet union




Restructuring of gov and economy

Lech walesa

Led economic hardships igniting by shipyard workers who organized solidarity


Independent labor union

Vaclav havel

Dissident writer and human rights activist elected president for czechoslovakia

Nicolae ceausescu 

Romania’s longtime dictator refused to step down and was overthrown and executed

Under stalin successor: Nikita Krushchev, soviet enjoy more free speech

economy problems

  • Collectivized agriculture unproduciteve – tsarist grain exporter had to import grain to feed people

  • Soviet command economy not match to western market in producing consumer goods

Central economic planning– inefficiency & waste

Cracking under the burden of military commitments: missiles from us cuz command economy strain

Soviet have their own ‘vietnam’ in afghanistan: try to modernize nation, Battling mujahedin

Gorbachev tries reform: sign arms control treaties w/ us, pull soviet out of afghan

  • In soviet, call for glasnost(openness): end censorship and encourage talking about country problems openly

  • Urge perestroika(restructure) of gov and economy 

  • Allow farmers to sell on free market

Empire crumble: economic turmoil, denounce reforms, critics want radical changes, political unrest

  • E EU from poland-bulgaria break out of soviet orbit 1989

  • Baltic states-estonia, latvia, lithuania-which sovie tseized 1940 got independence 1991

End 1991, soviet repub separated to form 12 independent nations(3 baltic sates)

  • Largest: RUS, most pop & territory of former soviet

  • 2nd large: kazakhstan & ukraine

Demands for freedom increase: resent RUS dom

  • Hungary quietly reforms w modestly → later freedom

  • Poland solidarity: outlaw union, arrest leaders(walesa), walesa released

E Ger change demand: aware, want more political freedom, market coneomy

  • Commies gov fall

  • China: Deng Xiaoping’s 1980 econ reforms, generate amazing econ boom 1990s

China economic boom

Vietnam have diplomatic relation with US and start tourism and coffee industries

North Korea stays isolated in totalitarian communist government

Cuba economy deteriorates without soviet, and us sanctions

Circumstances that got US involved into the vietnam war

  • Vietnam divided into halves, Ho Chi Minh was communist and US wanted to prevent spread of communism

South vietnamese commandos attacked North, the US & USSR(N V) attacked through boat

  • Was mistaken of 2nd attack→ president johnson continued with retaliation plan


Which of the following statements do you most agree with and why?

(please list 2 reasons for the issue you feel is most important)

  1. In a Democracy, the government responds instantly to citizens' wishes.

  2. In a Democracy, citizens need only vote in elections to reform the government.

  3. In a Democracy, citizens must sometimes protest to win government reforms.

  4. In a Democracy, the only real way to change the government is through a revolution.

I agree with the third statement the most. In a Democracy, citizens must sometimes protest to win government reforms. This is because there are always reasons for previous reforms and laws, and in order to change those respected laws, the citizens should have concrete reasons with adequate numbers of supporters to change the ways. Additionally, there may be underdogs in the government that do not have a party strong enough to support their causes.

Death Penalty; please list the types of crimes you feel would merit the death penalty and how you would go about administering the death penalty, or, provide an alternative to the death penalty if you do not believe in capital punishment. What would your punishment be for dylann roof(the guy who shot and killed 9 people in a church in South Carolina)

I feel like crimes such as rape, and serial murder where one permanently harms another would merit the death penalty. My punishment for Dylann Roof would be to live in solitary confinement for life.

1 - What did Napoleon III do in Mexico that made America upset? What were the results of the move?

2 - What was the result of Prussian control of Paris in the area of food consumption for Parisians?

  1. He attempted to conquer mexico. This was upsetting for the US because they had the policy of expansionism.

  1. Prussian control of paris caused parisians to starve and resolve to eat circus animals and rats.

Which statements do you agree with and why?

(provide 3 reasons in your response)

1) - A stronger country has the right to take over a weaker country.

2) - A strong country should never interfere with weaker countries.

3) - A strong country should use its strength to help weaker countries

4) - A strong country should use its strength to gain the most economic advantages possible from weaker countries.

I agree with 3) where stronger countries help weaker countries. This is so that the countries would have good relations with each other and would be able to go through treaties and adjustments together. However, it should be acknowledged that the weaker country has to be the stronger country’s backup when they are in crisis.  

What view did most Missionaries take/have of Africans?

Most missionaries viewed Africans in a paternalistic view, seeing them nothing more than children who were in need of guidance. Due to this, the missionaries expanded their influence through churches, hospitals, and schools for western influence. However, this had a negative 

Who was David Livingstone and Henry Stanley

What were King Leopold II stated goals vs his actual motivations?

Livingstone was the adventurist who ventured the insides of Africa for 30 years. Stanleywent went to Africa to find Livingstone and made a novel about his explorations. King Leopold II’s stated goal was to claim the congo basin. However, his real goal was to create trade treaties with the African leaders. He had the mission to ‘carry light for a better era’ when really he wanted profit.

What is the best (most effective in your opinion) form of resistance...and why?




Stopping traffic

Rally (peaceful )

Shaming (exposing through social media)

Use of Violence (on people)

Destruction of property


Breaking the law in front of the authorities to get arrested

I think marching is one of the best forms of resistance. This is because there is not as big of a threat for the marchers themselves as they are not at risk of violence and unemployment. This would also spread awareness of their issue in public.

What were 2 changes the East India Company instituted in India that caused problems?

The new rifles given to sepoys caused problems as they were instructed to bite off the animal fat off of the top, which went against their beliefs. Another change that caused problems was that they forced even the high class sepoys to travel overseas, which was offensive.

What was the dispute between GB and China regarding Tea and Opium?

China wanted to ban opium trade from Britain because it made them lose their balance of trade due to the addictions, but Britain wanted to maintain trade because they were benefiting silver and tea.

What 3 factors led to ‘competition and paranoia’ within european powers

Treaties for peace, status, nationalism

What were some of the advancements in warfare technologies in WWI

Rapid Fire machine gun, long range artillery, gasoline powered engine

WHAT WAS THE TRIPLE alliance and what was the triple entente

Entente was with russia, britain and france. Alliance was with germany, austria-hungary, and italy

What was a flapper, describe characteristics of someone in society that would be classified as a flapper

A Flapper was a symbol of the rebellious youth jazz age women who would go against previous social norms by showing more skin through ‘revealing’ clothing at the time and participating in liberating and freeing dances and acts.

  1. What was the ‘red scare’ and what immigration policy did it lead to?

1) The red scare was the scared response to immigrants after world war 1. People were afraid of communism which caused immigrants to be shipped away when suspected.

  1. What happened in the Autumn of 1929 in the USA which led to a terrible global response

2) the great stock market crash

What was Mein Kampf

It was the journal of Hitler who wrote of his Nazi ideologies and talked of anti semitism during his stay in prison after his failed attempt of a coup in Munich.

What were the 5 appeasement reasons listed that prevented Germany from being stopped or discouraged

  1. Pacifism: countries did not want to be at war (1)

  2. France was weary and didn’t want to get involved again: demoralized (2)

  3. Britain was also weary of war (3)

  4. Great Depression (4)

  5. Europeans were scared of Communism, wanted Germany to stop the spread

What was the Miracle at Dunkirk and what effect did it have on British Morale

British troops in France were able to escape through merchant boats, ship brothels, to carry soldiers to safety. This increased the morale of britains.

What was the lend-lease act? How did this contradict neutrality act(1936-9)

The neutrality act stated that the countries would not get involved and take sides. The lend lease act was the lending of war materials to countries ‘deemed’ to receive help but this ended up favoring the allies which went against the neutrality act.

What was “rosie the riveter”

She was the symbol of women labor during world war 2.

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Imperialism Rise in Nationalism • During the French and Industrial Revolution, nationalism continued to inspire nations to increase their political and economic power. • Nationalism became the ideal force in the political, economic, and cultural life in the world, becoming the first universal ideology-organizing all people into a nation state. Nationalism Defined • The strong belief that the interest of a particular nation-state is of primary importance. o Nation-State – a state where the vast majority shares the same culture and is conscious of it. It is an ideal in which cultural boundaries match up with political ones. • As an ideology, it is based on the idea that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual/group interests. • Exalting one nation’s belief above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests, excluding the interests of others. Changing the World through a Nationalistic Vision • The French Revolution significantly changed the political world and how countries govern. • The Industrial Revolution significantly changed the economic world. • The Age of Imperialism (1870-1914) dramatically changed the political, economic, and social world. What is Imperialism? • Imperialism- The policy of extending the rule of authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies. Power and influence are done through diplomacy or military force. Reasons for Imperialism • There are 5 main motives for empires to seek to expand their rule over other countries or territories: 1. Exploratory • Imperial nations wanted to explore territory unknown to them. • The main purpose for this exploration of new lands was for resource acquisition, medical or scientific research. o Charles Darwin • Other reasons: o Cartography (map making) o Adventure 2. Ethnocentric • Europeans acted on the concept of ethnocentrism o Ethnocentrism- the belief that one race or nation is superior to others. • Ethnocentrism developed out of Charles Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” theory. Philosophers used the theory to explain why there were superior races and inferior races. o This became known as Social Darwinism. • Most imperial nations believed that their cultural values or beliefs were superior to other nations or groups. • Believed imperial conquest would bring successful culture to inferior people. 3. Religious • Imperial expansion promoted a religious movement of people setting out to convert new members of conquered territories. • With the belief that Christianity was superior, missionaries believed it was their duty to spread Christianity to the world. • Christian missionaries established churches, and in doing so, they spread Western culture values as well. • Typically, missionaries spread the imperial nation's language through education and religious interactions. 4. Political • Patriotism and Nationalism helped spur our imperial growth, thus creating competition against other supremacies. • It was a matter of national pride, respect, and security. • Furthermore, European rivalry spurred nations for imperial conquest. Since land equaled power, the more land a country could acquire the more prestige they could wield across the globe. • Empires wanted strategic territory to ensure access for their navies and armies around the world. • The empire believed they must expand, thus they needed to be defended. 5. Economic • With the Industrial Revolution taking place during the same time, governments and private companies contributed to find ways to maximize profits. • Imperialized countries provided European factories and markets with natural resources (old and new) to manufacture products. • Trading posts were strategically placed around imperialized countries to maximize and increase profits. o Such places as the Suez Canal in Egypt which was controlled by the British provided strategic choke hold over many European powers. o Imperial powers competed over the best potential locations for resources, markets, and trade. History of Imperialism • Ancient Imperialism 600 BCE-500 CE o Roman Empire, Ancient China, Greek Empire, Persian Empire, Babylonian Empire. • Middle Age Imperialism (Age of Colonialism-1400-1800s) o Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands (Dutch), Russia. • Age of Imperialism 1870-1914 o Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Japan, United States, Ottoman Empire, Russia. • Current Imperialism...? o U.S. Military intervention (i.e. Middle East) o Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. Imperialism Colonialism • Refers to political or economic control, either legally or illegally. • Refers to where one nation assumes control over the other. • Creating an empire, expanding into neighboring regions and expanding the dominance far outside its borders. • Where a country conquers and rules over other regions for exploiting resources from the conquered country for the conqueror's benefit. • Foreign government controls/governs a territory without significant settlement. • Foreign government controls/governs the territory from within the land being colonized. • Little to no new settlement established on fresh territory. • Movement to settle to fresh territory. Age of Colonialism WHEN? • Started around the late 1400s and ended around the late 1700s/early 1800s. WHY? • Primary Reason: European countries, wished to find a direct trade route to Asia (China & India) and the East Indies. o Quicker and relatively more effective than land routes over Asia. • Secondary Reason: Empire expansion (land power) WHO? • Countries involved: Great Britain, France, Spain, the Dutch & Portugal. • Individuals’ knowns as Mercantilists believed that maintaining imperialized territory and colonizing the region could serve as a source of wealth, while personal motives by rulers, explorers, and missionaries could therefore promote their own agenda. o This agenda being “Glory, God and Gold”. Mercantilism • Mercantilism was a popular and main economic system for many European nations during the 16th to 18th centuries. • The main goal was to increase a nation’s wealth by promoting government rule of a nation’s economy for the purpose of enhancing state power at the expense of rival national power. • It was the economic counterpart of political absolutism. Why did mercantilists want colonies? • Mercantilists believed that a country must have an excess of exports over imports. • By colonizing territory, it provided the nation with indispensable wealth of precious raw materials. • Therefore, the claimed territory served as a market and supplier of raw materials for the mother country. Which, in time, provided an excess of exports for the nation and thus created wealth. o Development of Trading Companies to support this economic system. Hudson Bay Company – (1670). Controlled primarily North America. o Dutch East Indie Trading Company (1682) o East Indian Trading Company (1600) o Royal African Trade Company (1672) WHERE? • European nations begun to colonize the America, India and the East Indies to create a direct trade route. • Great Britain was the leading power in India, Australia and North America, South Africa. • Spain colonized central and South America. • French held Louisiana, coastal land of Africa and French Guinea. • The Dutch built an empire in the East Indies. • The Portuguese was able to take control of present-day Brazil and the southern tip of South America and Japan. Age of Colonialism • As countries started to imperialize these regions, eventually the concept of colonization took hold: • This is what makes the Age of Colonialism extremely different! End of Colonialism • By 1800, colonialism became less popular • Why? o Revolutions (Spain, France & American) o The Napoleonic Wars o Struggle for nationalism and democracy. o Exhausted all money and energy to supervise their colonies. Waiting to wake again • Imperialism would stay quiet for close to 50 years before Great Britain and France’s economies revitalized. • The outbreak of the Industrial Revolution only encouraged and revitalized European nations to begin their conquest for new territory and resources. Age of Imperialism THE SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA 1870-1914 Conditions Prior to Imperialism of Africa  European interest in exploiting Africa was minimal.  Their economic interests & profit in Africa primarily came through coastal trade that took place during the 1500-1700s.  The slave trade became the main source of European profit.  Furthermore, disease, political instability, lack of transportation and unpredictable climate all discouraged Europeans from seeking territory. Slave Trade & the Trans-Atlantic Slave Voyages  Forced labor was not uncommon during the 13-17th Centuries. Africans and Europeans had been trading goods and people across the Mediteranea for centuries.  This all changed from 1526 to 1867, as a new system of slavery was introduced that became highly “commercialized, racialized and inherited”  By 1690, the America and West Indies saw approximately 30,000 African people shipped from Africa. A century later, that number grew to 85,000 people per year.  By 1867, approximately 12.5 million people (about twice the population of Arizona) left Africa in a slave ship. What Changed? 1. End of the Slave Trade- Left a need for trade between Europe and Africa. 2. Innovation in technology- The steam engine and iron hulled boats allowed Europe 3. Discovery of new raw materials- Explorers located vast raw materials and resources and this only spurred imperialism with Europe in the wake of the Industrial Revolution. 4. Politics- Unification of Germany and Italy left little room to expand in Europe. Germany and Italy both needed raw materials to “catch up” with Britain and France so they looked to Africa. The Scramble for Africa  The scramble started in 1870.  Although some coastal land had previously been acquired before 1870, the need for territory quickly accelerated as European countries looked t get deeper into Africa.  Within 20 years, nearly all continents were placed under imperialistic rule. Who was Involved?  Great Britain  France  Germany  Italy  Portugal  Belgium  Spain (kind) Violent Affairs  Violence broke out multiple times when European nations looked to claim the same territory.  Germ Chancellor. Otto van Bismarck. Attempted to avert the possibility of violence against the European powers.  In 1884, Bismarck organized a conference in Berlin for the European nations. The Berlin Conference (1884-85)  The conference looked to set ground rules for future annexation of African territory by European Nations.  Annexation is the forcible acquisition and assertion of legal title over one state’s territory by another state, usually following military occupation of the territory.  From a distant perspective, it looked like it would reduce tensions among European nations and avert war.  At the heart of the meeting, these European countries negotiated their claims to African territory, made it official and then mapped their regions.  Furthermore, the leaders agreed to allow free trade among imperialized territory and some homework for negotiating future European claims in Africa was established. Further Path  After the conference, european powers continued to expand their claims in Africa so that by 1900. 90% of the African territory had been claimed. A Turn towards Colonization?  Upon the imperialization of African territory, European nations and little interest in African land unless it produced economic wealth.  Therefore, European governments put little effort and expertise into these imperialized regions.  In most cases, this emat a form of indirect rule. Thus, governing the natin without sufficient settlement and government from within the mother country. Some Exceptions  There were some exemptions through in Africa as colonization was a necessary for some regions i n Africa.  Some regions where diamonds and gold were present. Government looked to protectorate the regions and establish rule and settlement in the regions.  Protectorates: A state controlled and protected by another state for defense against aggression and other law violations. Would  Some examples include South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Congo. Conclusion  Although it may appear that the Berlin Conference averted war amid the African Scramble, imperialism eventually brought the world into worldwide conflict.  With the continued desire to create an empire by European nations. World War 1 would break out which can be linked to this quest at imperialism.
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