Network hardening, in this section of the course,
we're going to talk all about network hardening.
Now, as a network technician,
part of your job is to help make sure
our networks are secure by conducting network hardening.
The term hardening in cybersecurity
simply means to secure a system
by reducing its attack surface
or the surface of vulnerabilities.
So, if you have a network with all of your ports open,
you are really vulnerable.
But on the other hand,
if you have a network that blocks traffic
on every single port going outbound or inbound,
you have an isolated network that isn't very helpful
or useful to your business.
So for this reason, we have to find a healthy balance
between operations and security.
And the best way to do that,
is by following a series of best practices
in order to harden our network devices
and our clients.
So in this section, we're going to focus on just one domain
and one objective.
We'll be talking specifically about
domain for network security and focusing on objective 4.3.
Objective 4.3 states, given a scenario,
you must apply network hardening techniques,
which is why this section is called network hardening.
Now, this includes a lot of best practices
surrounding patch management for our clients,
password security for all of our devices,
shutting down unneeded services,
increasing network security
by using port security and VLANs,
conducting inspections and policing, securing SNMP,
utilizing access control lists properly,
ensuring the security of our wireless devices,
and even taking a look at some of our internet of things
and the security considerations surrounding those.
So, let's get started talking all about the different ways
for us to harden our networks in this section of the course.
Patch management.
In this lesson, we're going to discuss
a network hardening technique known as patch management.
So what exactly is patch management?
Well, patch management is the planning, testing,
implementing and auditing of software patches.
Patch management is critical to the providing
of the security and increasing uptime inside your network,
as well as ensuring compliance
and improving features in your network devices,
your servers and your clients.
Now, patch management is going to increase
the security of your network
by fixing known vulnerabilities
inside of your network devices, things like your servers,
your clients, and your routers and switches.
Now, in terms of our servers and clients,
patch management is going to be conducted
by installing software and operating system patches
in order to fix bugs in the system software.
Patch management can also increase
the uptime of your systems
by ensuring your devices and software are up to date
and they don't suffer from resource exhaustion
or crashes due to vulnerabilities within their code.
Patch management is also used
to support your compliance efforts.
One of the biggest things that's looked at
within a compliance assessment,
is how well your patch management program is being run
and being conducted.
This way, you can ensure it's effective
and making sure your systems are up to date
and patched against all known vulnerabilities,
such as CVEs or common vulnerabilities and exposures
that have patches associated with those.
Now, patch management is also going to be used
to provide improvements and upgrades
to your existing feature set as well.
Many of your patches don't just fix things
or existing problems inside of them,
but they can also add other things like features
and functionality when you do those upgrades.
By ensuring that you're running
the latest version of the software
and that it's fully patched,
you can ensure you have the best feature set
with the highest security available.
Now, as you can imagine,
there are a lot of different patches out there,
because each manufacturer
is going to create their own patches
for their specific applications and software.
Part of your job inside of the patch management process,
is keeping track of all the various updates
and ensuring they're getting installed properly
throughout all of your network devices.
This includes your switches, your routers, your firewalls,
and your servers and clients.
Patch management is not just concerned with ensuring
that a patch patches installed though,
it's also important to ensure
it doesn't create new problems for you
when you do that installation.
After all, patches themselves can have bugs in them too,
just like any other software can.
Therefore, it's really important
for you to effectively conduct patch management
by following four critical steps.
First, planning, second, testing,
third, implementing and forth, auditing.
Step one, planning.
Now, planning consists of creating policies,
procedures, and systems
to track the availability of patches and updates
and a method to verify
that they're actually compatible with your systems.
Planning is also going to be used
to determine how you're going to test and deploy each patch.
Now, a good patch management tool
can tell you whether or not
the patches have actually been deployed,
installed and verified functionality wise
on a given server or a client.
For example, in large enterprise networks,
you may use the Endpoint Configuration Manager by Microsoft
or you can buy a third-party tool
to conduct your patch management.
Step two, testing.
When conducting patch management,
it's really important to test any patch you receive
from your manufacturer
before you automate its deployment
throughout your entire network.
As I said before, a patch is designed to solve one problem,
but it can also create new ones for you
if you're not careful.
Within your organization, you need to ensure
that you have a small test network, a lab
or at the very least a single machine
that you're going to use for testing new patches
before you deploy it across your entire network.
After all, many of our organizations
have unique configurations within our networks
and these patches can break things.
So while a manufacturer tries to attempt
to make sure that patch is not going to harm our systems,
they cannot guarantee this,
because everyone has different configurations.
Instead, it is better to find out
if a patch is causing issues in your lab environment
before you push it across 10,000 workstations
across the entire enterprise network.
Because if you do that,
you're going to have a lot of end users yelling
and screaming at you when their systems crash.
Step three, implementation.
After testing the patch,
it's going to be time to deploy it
to all of the workstations and servers that need that patch.
You can do this manually or you can do it automatically
by deploying this patch
to all of your client workstations and servers
and have it installed and moved into production for you.
Now, if you have a small network
of only a few clients and servers,
then you may choose to manually install the patches
across all of these devices,
but if you have a large network,
you're going to want to use some sort of tool.
As I said earlier, Microsoft provides us
with the Endpoint Configuration Manager tool,
but you can also use
third-party patch management tools as well.
Some organizations rely on automatic updates
from the Windows Update System,
while others decide they want to have complete control
over the installation of patches.
For large organizations, it is highly recommended
that you centrally manage updates through an update server,
instead of using the Windows Update tool itself.
This will allow you to test the patch
prior to deploying it into your environment.
To disable Windows Update,
you simply need to disable the Windows Update Service
from running automatically on the given workstations
in your network.
If you have a lot of mobile devices throughout your network,
you also have to figure out
how you're going to do patch management for those devices.
The easiest way to do this
is by using a mobile device manager or MDM,
which works like one of these patch management servers,
but has additional features as well.
All right, now when you come to testing,
you may not have your own dedicated test network
or lab environment to use, but you still need to do testing.
So what are you going to do?
Well, one thing you can do,
is split up your production network into smaller groups.
In organizations I've led in the past,
we use the concept of patch rings
when we deploy out new patches.
In patch ring one, we have 10 or 20 end user machines
that we'll deploy our patches to first.
If it doesn't break anything on those machines,
then we'll move out into patch ring two,
which has 100 or 200 people
and this will include things like our system administrators
and our service desk workstations,
so we can instantly figure out if things are going wrong.
If that works successfully,
we'll then go into patch ring three,
which contains 1000 or 2000 machines.
And finally, we'll move out to patch ring four
which includes everybody else
and then maybe 10 or 20,000 machines.
Now, the benefit of doing the deployments this way
as we move through the various patch rings,
is that if there is an issue,
I'm only affecting a smaller group of users
before I break all the users on the network.
If I did it to everybody at once,
I'd have 20 or 30,000 people who are complaining
when things break, but by doing it in these smaller steps,
I only have 10 or 15 people who are yelling at me
and I can fix things quicker.
All right, step four, auditing.
Now, auditing is important to understand,
because you have to understand the client status
after you conduct your patch deployment.
So I pushed out the patch, did it work?
During auditing, you're going to be able
to scan the network and determine if that patch
that you pushed out to install actually installed properly
or are there any kind of unexpected failures
that may have happened
and that meant that the patch wasn't really installed
or isn't doing the protection it's supposed to do?
Again, if you're using a tool
like the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager,
SCCM, or a third-party management tool,
you'll be able to conduct scanning
and verification of your workstations and servers
to ensure that the patches have been installed properly
and with no issues.
Now, if you're using Linux or OSX,
they also have built in patch management systems.
For example, Red Hat Linux uses a package manager
to deploy RPMs, which are packages of patches
to your servers and workstations,
so the same concepts and principles are going to apply here.
Now, in addition to conducting patch management
across our workstations and servers,
it's also important for us to conduct firmware management
for our network devices.
After all, all of our network devices
are running some form of software
and this is known as firmware inside of our routers,
our switches, our firewalls,
and our other network appliances.
If your network devices don't contain the latest
and most up-to-date firmware versions,
then you could have security vulnerabilities
and software bugs that could be exploited by an attacker.
If you look at the common vulnerabilities
and exposures or CVE website,
you're going to see a long list of vulnerabilities
that we have for all sorts of different networking devices.
Just select the Cisco devices
and you'll see a long laundry list of those
that have been patched and fixed over time.
So just like you need to patch your operating system
for a windows or Linux computer,
you also need to update the operating system
of your network devices.
In a Cisco device, this is known as the Cisco IOS
or inter network operating system.
Now, to update the IOS version,
you need to flash the firmware on that networking device.
Some device manufacturers like Cisco,
provide a centralized method
of conducting firmware management
in your enterprise network.
For example, Cisco uses the Cisco UCS Manager
to centralize the management of resources and devices,
as well as conduct firmware management
for your server network interfaces and server devices.
There's also a lot of third-party tools out there,
like the network configuration manager
by Manager Engine, that will allow you to upgrade,
downgrade and manage the configuration
of the firmware of all of your network devices
using automation, orchestration and scripting.
The bottom line here,
is that you need to have firmware management
to ensure that you have the right firmware versions loaded
onto your network devices.
This ensures the security of those devices,
just like we do for our workstations and clients
by using patch management.
Password security.
In this lesson, we're going to discuss
some of the best practices that affect our password security
in our networks and devices, in general,
the strength of our passwords and the level of security
is going to be defined in our password policies.
A password policy is simply a policy document
that promotes strong passwords
by specifying a minimum password length,
requiring complex passwords,
requiring periodic password changes
and placing limits on the reuse of passwords.
Password policies are used to mitigate
against the risk of an attacker,
being able to compromise a user,
administrator or service account
on a given network device server or workstation.
Utilizing two factor authentication is always going to be
a lot more secure than using just a password,
which is considered a knowledge factor.
But many of our network devices may only support a username
and password for their authentication.
If this is the case, then you need to make sure
you're at least using a good, strong password.
Now, a strong password is defined as one
who's complexity and length are sufficient
to create a large amount of possible combinations
so that brute force attacks can not be completed
in a reasonable amount of time.
Now, there is some debate
amongst cybersecurity professionals as to whether or not
you should use a long password or a complex password.
Traditionally, you may have heard
cyber security professionals promoting the fact
that you need to use a complex password.
Something that includes uppercase letters,
lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters
or symbols in order to have a strong and complex password.
But there is a big vulnerability
with using a complex password
and that's most people have trouble remembering them.
So people being people will tend to write down
these long passwords and reuse the same password
across multiple devices or websites.
This reduces the security of these complex passwords
and leads to them being compromised.
So as of the latest guidance
from the NIST special publication, 800-63B,
be known as the digital identity guidelines,
it recommends the password complexity rules
should no longer be enforced.
Instead, this special publication from NIST
recommends that you should use a long password
of up to 64 ASCII characters,
even if you're only using uppercase and lowercase letters.
This long password has a sufficient key space
to make brute forcing the password much more difficult.
If you had some numbers
and special characters to it as well,
while still making it something you can remember,
you're adding additional complexity to it too.
And this makes it even stronger though.
But again, if you have just a really long string
that doesn't have anything in it,
that's being repetitive in nature.
The longer password can be just as secure
as an eight character complex password.
Now, another common set of password policy guidance
that was previously followed closely
was in terms of password aging.
Now essentially, the old guidance recommended
that you should change your password every 60 days,
but under the new guidance from NIST,
they claim that password aging policies
should no longer be enforced.
Again, this goes back to the same problem
we had with long and complex passwords.
If you have some long, complex password,
and you have to change it every 60 days,
you're not going to remember it.
So you're just going to write it down.
So again, they recommend allowing longer periods of time
in-between password changes,
or even not requiring you to change your password at all
if they're long enough and strong.
Speaking of changing your password,
there's another policy out there
that's often enforced in organizations.
This policy requires that users cannot reuse an old password
when they change their current password.
Sometimes this setting is created
so the password history can't be reused
within the last five password changes,
while others may make it so you can't use a password
that you've used within the last 25 times,
either way is a way to increase the password history length
and make it so you can't reuse old passwords again.
Another best practice in terms of password security
is that you need to ensure
that you're following that all default passwords
are being changed on network devices, servers,
workstations, and service accounts.
By default, when you install a new device like a router,
a switch, or a firewall, or an access point,
they're usually going to have a default username
and password that's set up by the manufacturer.
This allows you to log in the first time
and be able to make changes.
For example, if you buy your internet service
from Verizon Fios, they're going to come
to your home or office and give you a default gateway,
this router device, their gateway is going to use
the username of admin and the password of admin
as their default setting.
So if you just install this as your new border router
or gateway, and you didn't change
the default username and password from admin admin,
anyone can simply log into the device and gain full control
over the device and control all the things
that are entering or leaving your network
through that device.
This is obviously not a good thing for security
and makes for a really weak network.
Now, if you're using Cisco devices in your network,
they come with default usernames and passwords
enabled by default as well, depending on the model,
it's either going to be something like admin and admin
or Cisco and Cisco or something like that.
To figure it out, you can just Google it and say,
this is my model number, what's the default password?
And you'll find it really quickly.
Now your servers and workstations
also do something very similar, with Windows for example,
there's an administrator account
that's created by default and up until recently,
the default password for this account was set as blank,
meaning it didn't even have a password.
This is completely insecure.
So you want to make sure you're always checking
these default accounts.
Remember, it's important to set up your password policies
to require users to have a long, strong password,
but it's also important that you change
that default password for any devices,
as soon as you install them
and connect them to your network.
Unneeded Services, in this lesson,
we're going to discuss the best practices
of disabling unneeded services and switch ports
on our network devices, servers and workstations.
So, let's first talk about unneeded services.
Now, before we talk too much about unneeded services,
it's important to define exactly what a service is
in case you're not aware.
Now, a service is a type of application
that runs in the background
of the operating system or device
to perform a specific function.
For example, on your Windows server,
if you have a shared printer in your network,
you might be running a Print Spooler, and this is a service.
Or you might be running a DHCP server on your network.
And this allows you to automatically configure
IP addresses for all your clients.
This DHCP server is a type of service.
To ensure the highest levels of security for our network
and reduce the attack surface of our devices,
it's important that we disable any services
that are not needed for business operations.
For example, if I'm going to be using static IP addresses
for all my network devices,
I don't need to have a DHCP server.
So, I can shut down the DHCP server
and the associated services on the network for DHCP.
You see, each service that we're running
has to be installed on some kind of a device.
Then that device is now using a valuable disc space,
and more importantly, it's introducing additional code
that could contain vulnerabilities.
So to combat this,
administrators attempt to practice a concept
known as least functionality.
Now least functionality is the process
of configuring a device, a server or a workstation
to only provide essential services
that are required by the user.
Now, to create an environment of least functionality,
administrators should disable unneeded services,
ports and protocols on the network.
When dealing with hardening of your network devices,
you may also want to disable infrequently used services
that could be used by an attacker for malicious purposes.
Things like a denial of service attack, for instance.
For example, the Echo service runs on port seven,
Discard runs on port nine.
Daytime runs on port 13.
And Chargen runs on port 19.
These are all examples of some smaller TCP and UDP services
that we hardly ever use in modern networks.
But, if they're enabled,
you want to make sure they're disabled
to better harden your devices.
Now, even if you are running a service on your network,
you may not need to run it on every single device.
So, you need to figure out which devices you need it on,
and disable it on all the other devices,
because otherwise, it's just additional vulnerabilities
you're accepting.
For example, if you're running your DHCP server
on your windows domain controller,
then you can disable the DHCP server
that's built into one of your network devices.
Or, if you're using DHCP, but you never plan to use BOOTP,
which is an older dynamic configuration protocol,
you can disable that on all of your network devices,
so BOOTP is now disabled.
The key here is that
if you're not using a particular service,
you need to disable it.
So to help you disable those unneeded services,
Cisco Network Devices provide the auto secure
command line interface command
that will disable any unnecessary services
while enabling necessary security services
on your network devices.
Finally, let's talk about the switch ports
on your network devices themselves.
As a best practice,
if nothing is connected to a given switch port
on a switch or router, that interface should be disabled.
To disable a switch port on a router or switch,
you're going to go into the configuration
command line interface
and enter the interface you want to disable
such as interface FastEthernet 0/1.
Then you're going to enter the command shutdown.
At this point, even if somebody plugs a cable
into FastEthernet 0/1 on that switch port,
it's not going to do anything
because that port has been electronically
shutdown and disabled.
Now, let's pretend that that switch port
that goes with FastEthernet 0/1
is connected to the patch panel.
And that patch panel is connected to a wall jack
inside an empty office.
Your company just hires a new employee,
and now they're going to put that employee in that office.
What are you going to do?
Well, you need to re enable that wall jack.
So you're going to log back into the switch.
You're going to go into the
configuration command line interface,
and you're going to enter interface FastEthernet 0/1
and then you're going to enter, no shutdown, that's it.
The switch port will immediately turn itself back on
and it's ready to send and receive traffic again.
So it really doesn't take a lot of effort to turn off
or turn on when they switch ports.
That's why it's a best practice to always disable them
when they're not in use.
Now, each network device manufacturer
is going to use their own commands.
The one I just covered were for Cisco devices,
because they're most commonly used
in large business networks.
If you're going to be using a different brand or manufacturer,
simply check your manual or Google,
how to shut down and enable switch ports on those devices.
After all, even if there's no cables
connected to a switch port,
an open switch port is going to represent a vulnerability.
Think about it this way.
What would happen if an attacker
made their way past your security
and were able to get to where the switch is.
They could just plug into it
and immediately have access to the network.
That would be a really bad thing
because all the switch ports are enabled by default.
So we want to make sure we disable
any of them that we're not using.
Remember just like an unneeded service,
if there's an unneeded switch port,
you should always disable it
to reduce your attack surface
and increase the security of your networks.
Port Security and VLANS.
In this lesson, we're going to discuss the best practices
of using Port Security, Private VLANS
and how to securely configure your default VLANS
on our networks.
First, let's talk about Port Security.
Now, Port Security is a dynamic feature that prevents
unauthorized access to a switchport by restricting input
to an interface by identifying and limiting
the MAC addresses of the hosts
that are allowed to connect to it.
Basically Port Security refers to blocking unauthorized
access to the physical switchport that's being used
to allow the host to communicate on the Local Area Network.
Now, Port Security also helps us mitigate MAC flooding
by an attacker because only specific MAC addresses
can communicate over a given switchport.
Now, once you enable Port Security,
this is going to make sure that only packets
with a permitted source MAC address can send traffic
through that switchport.
This permitted MAC address is called a Secure MAC address.
Now, Port Security can create a list of authorized
MAC addresses by using their static configurations
or through dynamic learning.
Static Configurations allow you as an administrator
to define the static MAC addresses to use
on a given switchport.
This works well for static environments,
like a server firm, demilitarized zone,
screen sub-net or data center.
Now with dynamic learning of MAC addresses,
we're going to use this when there's a maximum number
of MAC addresses that are being defined for a given port.
Then whenever that number is reached,
the port will stop allowing new devices to connect to it
and instead we'll block devices that it didn't already learn
about and added to its learn list.
Sometimes you'll hear this dynamic learning
referred to as Sticky MAC.
Basically, this is a great way to configure your switchports
when you're going to be using them with end-user devices.
You can set up all the switchports to allow
only one MAC address to be learned per switchport,
then whatever the first device is that connects
that switch port it's going to be learned
and all the others will be rejected by that switch,
if they try to connect something to that switchport.
Now, if you need to move that person to another office,
for instance, you could go into the switch,
clear the secure MAC for that switchport,
and then the next device that connects would become
the secure MAC for that switchport.
Next, let's talk about Private VLANS.
Private VLANS are also known as Port Isolation,
and it's a technique where a VLAN contained switchports
that are restricted to using a single uplink.
Now, the purpose of a Private VLAN or Port Isolation
is to divide a primary VLAN into secondary
or sub VLANS while still using the existing sub-net.
While a normal VLAN has a single broadcast domain,
a Private VLAN can break up that broadcast domain
into multiple smaller broadcast sub domains.
There are three different types of VLANS.
We have Primary VLANS, Secondary isolated VLANS
and Secondary community VLANS.
A Primary VLANS is simply the original VLAN
and it isn't used with private VLANS.
Primary VLANS are used to forward frames downstream
to all secondary VLANS.
The secondary VLANS are broken down into two types,
isolated VLANS and community VLANS.
Now an isolated VLAN is a type of secondary VLAN
that's going to include any switchports that can reach
the primary VLAN but not other secondary VLANS.
An isolated VLAN will also prevent each host
from communicating with each other.
So this gives you true port isolation
and adds the security of your network.
Now, a community VLAN is the second type of VLAN
that includes any switchports that can communicate
with each other and the primary VLAN
but not with other secondary VLANs.
In this case, we don't see port isolation
between hosts in a given secondary VLAN
but instead we only receive isolation between various groups
of hosts in other secondary VLANs.
When you're working with private VLANS
there are a few different types of ports
that are going to come across.
First, we have Promiscuous Ports or P-Ports.
These are switchports that connect to the router,
the firewall, or other common gateway devices.
These ports can communicate with anything that's connected
to either the primary or secondary VLANs.
Basically this type of port is not isolated,
and instead it can send and receive frames to and from
any other port inside of the VLAN.
Second, we have Host Ports.
These are going to be broken down into isolated ports
or I-Ports and community ports, or C-Ports.
Isolated ports or I-Ports are going to be used
to connect a regular host
that's going to reside on an isolated VLAN.
These I-Ports can only communicate upwards to a P-Port
and they can not talk to other I-Ports.
Community ports or C-Ports are going to be used
to connect a regular host that resides on a community VLAN.
The C-Ports can communicate upwards to P-Ports
and across the other C-Ports within the same community VLAN.
Next, let's talk about default VLANs.
By default, you want to ensure all your switchports
are assigned to a VLAN.
If you don't have them assigned to a particular user VLAN
something like sales or marketing or human resources,
then they're all going to get assigned to the default VLAN
as part of the unassigned switchports.
Now, if you're using a Cisco device,
they're going to do this for you automatically.
If you're not, you may have to manually do it.
Now, the default VLAN is known as VLAN 1.
Personally, I don't like assigning all my unused
switchports to the default VLAN because malicious attackers
know that many businesses use VLAN 1 by default,
and then attempt to use it to conduct VLN hopping.
Instead, I prefer to create a separate VLAN called unused,
and I put all my unused switchports and assign them there.
This way, if an attacker connects to one of those
unused ports and they bypass my port security
and they enable the port somehow,
they're still going to be isolated and not communicating
with any of my other clients or servers.
So, what makes this default VLAN that we're talking
about so special?
Well, if a client is sending data to the network
and it doesn't contain a VLAN tag then it considers
that traffic destined for the default VLAN.
So if you don't have VLANs configuring your network,
all your traffic is going to use
the default VLAN, VLAN 1.
By default, your default VLAN is also the same
as your Native VLAN.
These terms are often used interchangeably.
The Native VLAN is revealing where untagged traffic is
going to go whenever it's received on a trunk port.
This allows our switches and other layer two devices
to support legacy devices or devices that don't
use tagging on their traffic,
and still get that traffic to this Native VLAN.
Now, this is really useful when you connect things like
wireless access points and network attached devices
to your network.
And so it's important for you to understand
that the default VLAN is VLAN 1 and the Native VLAN
is also the default VLAN.
Inspection and policing.
In this lesson,
we're going to discuss how we conduct inspection and policing
on our networks to increase its insecurity.
This includes dynamic ARP inspection, DHCP snooping,
Router Advertisement Guard, and control plane policing.
First, we have dynamic ARP inspection.
Dynamic ARP inspection, or DAI, is a security feature
that validates the address resolution protocol
or ARP packets within your network.
Dynamic ARP inspection allows a network administrator
to intercept, log, and discard ARP packets
with invalid Mac address to IP address bindings.
This protects the network from certain on-path
or man-in-the-middle attacks.
To prevent ARP cash poisoning attacks,
a switch needs to ensure that only valid ARP requests
and responses are being relayed across the network device.
Dynamic ARP inspection
inspects all ARP requests and responses,
and then verifies them for valid Mac address
to IP address bindings before the local ARP cache
is going to be updated or that packet gets forwarded
to the appropriate destination.
If an invalid ARP packet is found,
it's going to be dropped and it will not be forwarded.
For dynamic ARP inspection to work,
the system must maintain a trusted database
of Mac address and IP address bindings.
As each ARP packet is inspected,
it's going to be checked against this trusted database.
To create this database,
the network devices will conduct DHCP snooping
in order to build their list of bindings.
In addition to this,
you can also configure your network devices
to use user configured ARP access control lists
that contains statically configured Mac addresses
and IP address bindings.
Finally, dynamic ARP inspection
can also drop any ARP packets
where the IP addresses in the packet are invalid
or where the Mac addresses in the body of the ARP packet
do not match the address specified in the ethernet header.
Second, we have DHCP snooping.
DHCP snooping is a DHCP security feature
that provides security by inspecting DHCP traffic
and filtering untrusted DHCP messages
by building and maintaining a DHCP snooping binding table.
Now, an untrusted message
is any message that's received from outside of the network
or outside of the firewall
and that could be used to create an attack
within your network.
The DHCP snooping binding table
is going to contain the Mac address, the IP address,
the lease time, the binding type, the vlan number,
and the interface information
that corresponds to the local untrusted interface
of a switch.
The binding table does not contain information
regarding hosts interconnected
with a trusted interface though,
only the untrusted interfaces.
So this is used outside of your network
on the way in or out of that network,
not within your network.
Now when we talk about an untrusted interface,
this is any interface that's configured to receive messages
from outside your network or firewall.
Since they're outside of your network,
they're automatically considered to be untrusted.
A trusted interface, on the other hand,
is any interface that is configured
to receive only messages from within your network.
Remember, if they're coming from inside your network,
we consider it trusted.
If it's coming from outside of your network,
we consider it untrusted.
Essentially, when we use DHCP snooping,
it's going to act like a firewall
between untrusted hosts and DHCP servers.
It provides us with a way
to differentiate between untrusted interfaces
connected to an end-user device
and trusted interfaces connected to the DHCP server
or another switch.
For DHCP snooping to be effective,
you need to configure your switches and your VLANs
to allow DHCP snooping by your network devices.
Next, we have Router Advertisement Guard.
The IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard, or RA-Guard,
is a mechanism that's going to be commonly employed
to mitigate attack vectors
based on forged ICMPv6 router advertisement messages.
In IPv6, router advertisements can be used by network hosts
to automatically configure themselves
with their own IPv6 address
and pick out their own default router
based on the information they're seeing
within a router advertisement.
Now, this could introduce a security risk
to your network though
because a host could create a default route
out of the network based on a suspicious
or malicious router advertisement sent by an attacker.
So, to prevent this,
we need to configure IPv6 Router Advertisement Guards,
or RA-Guards, to filter router advertisements
as they're going across your network.
RA-Guards operate at layer two of the OSI model
for IPv6 networks.
Now, your configuration can be set up very easily
and very effectively
by simply adding a configuration that says,
"don't allow RAs on this interface".
With that simple line, the switch will then filter out
all router advertisements from the internet
and then your internal host devices
can't fall victim to setting up malicious routes
to a hacker control gateway.
Finally, we have Control Plane Policing, or CPP.
The control plane in policing, or CPP feature,
is going to allow users to configure a quality of service
or QoS filter that will manage the traffic flow
of control plane packets to protect the control plane
of your Cisco iOS routers and switches
against denial of service and reconnaissance attacks.
This helps to protect the control plane,
while maintaining packet forwarding and protocol states,
despite an attack or heavy load on that router or switch.
This is known as policing and not an inspection
because we're dealing with maintaining
a good quality of service level for this router.
Notice, we're talking all about
the control plane here as well.
This means we're looking at the switch
under the logical functional components of that router.
Things like the data plane, the management plane,
and the control plane, and the service planes,
just as we would be in a software defined network or SDN.
This control plane policing
ensures that the rate limiting of traffic
is modified dynamically
to ensure the device doesn't become overloaded,
that it doesn't have an overly high CPU utilization,
and that it doesn't create
an unacceptably low quality of service
due to periods of high demands or malicious attacks.
Securing SNMP.
In this lesson, we're going to discuss how we can best secure
the Simple Network Management Protocol or SNMP.
SNMP is a great helper protocol inside of our networks
and allows us to easily gather information
from various network devices
back to our centralized management server.
In the past, SNMP relied on the use of a secure string
called a community string to grant access to portions
of the device management planes.
This led to widespread abuse of SNMP by attackers though,
because it allowed them to gain access and control
over network devices.
So our first step to securing SNMP in your network
is to ensure you are not using SNMP v1 or SNMP v2.
This is because both version 1 and version 2,
use an insecure version of a community string.
The only version of SNMP that you should be using
is version 3, because it adds the ability
to use authentication and encryption of your SNMP payloads
as they're being sent across the network.
SNMP instead is going to use encoded parameters to provide
its authentication as part of the SNMP architecture.
By using SNMP V3, instead of V1 or V2,
you're going to prevent replay, on path
or men in the middle attacks of your SNMP architecture.
Now this alone isn't enough to call SNMP V3 secure though,
because hackers can continue to find ways
to abuse the protocol and use it for their own advantages.
To better secure SNMP,
you should also combine the use of SNMP V3
with using whitelisting of the management information base
or MIB by implementing different SNMP views.
This will ensure that even if the credentials are exploited,
your information can not be read from a device
or written to a device, unless the information is needed
as part of normal monitoring
or normal device reconfiguration techniques.
Some other solutions to help you secure SNMP V3,
is use authPriv on all your devices.
This will include authentication and encryption features.
For this to work,
you need to use a newer network device though
that supports a cryptographic feature set.
Also, you need to ensure that
all of your SNMP administrative credentials
are being configured with strong passwords
for authentication and encryption.
You should also follow the principles of least privilege.
This includes using role separation
between polling and receiving traps for reading,
and configuring users or groups for writing,
because many SNMP managers require login credentials
to be stored on the disk in order to receive traps
from an agent.
Access control lists, or ACL's should also be applied
and extended to block unauthorized computers
from accessing the SNMP management network devices.
Access to devices with read and or write SNMP permissions
should be strictly controlled
to ensure the security of your network.
When it comes to your SNMP traffic,
I recommend that you segregate out your SNMP traffic
onto a separate management network or a separate VLAN.
Preferably, you're going to use a management network
that's out of ban, if you can afford to design it that way,
if not, you're going to need to logically separate
the SNMP traffic into a separate VLAN
to keep it secure at a minimum.
Finally, remember that an MIB and SNMP measurement devices
are just another type of server,
and so you need to make sure you keep
those system images and software up-to-date
in terms of its software and firmware
using good patch management principles.
Access control lists.
In this lesson,
we're going to discuss how we can best secure our network
using access control lists, firewall rule-sets,
and how to configure role-based access.
Now, an access control list, or ACL,
is a list of permissions associated
with a given system or network resource.
An ACL can be applied to any packet filtering device,
such as a router, a layer 3 switch, or a firewall.
In an ACL, you're going to have a list of rules
that are being applied based on an IP address,
a port, or an application,
depending on the type of device
you're applying this ACL onto.
Now, as the access control list
is being processed by the device,
it's going to start at the top of the list
and work through each line
until it reaches the end of that list.
So we're going to work from top to bottom.
Therefore, you always want to make sure
your most specific rules are at the top,
and your most generic rules are at the bottom.
For example, let's pretend I had an access control list.
as I'm working as a bouncer at a nightclub.
Now, at the top of the list,
I might have something very specific,
like somebody's name, John Smith.
He came in last week and he caused all sorts of trouble.
So John Smith cannot come in the club.
Now, as I move down the list,
I may get to something more generic.
So I might get to something that says anybody
whose driver's license says they live in Montana,
because I'm running a club in Florida.
If that was the case,
I might want to block that
because maybe we had a lot of people
coming with fake ideas from Montana,
so we're not going to accept those anymore.
Now, as we get to the end of that list,
we might see something very generic.
Something like no men allowed.
Maybe this is a woman's only club.
Now, this is a pretty generic rule, right?
Because half of the people on the planet are men.
So this is a very generic way of saying things.
So as we go from the top to the bottom,
we go from very specific, to more general,
to the most general.
Now, the same thing happens in our networks.
If I'm going to create a rule to block SSH
for a single computer based on its IP address,
that's going to be towards the top of my list.
If I want to block any IP address that's using port 110,
that's going to be a bit more generic.
So it'll be somewhere in the middle.
Finally, if I want to block any IP going to any port,
that is going to be something that is really generic,
and it should be at the end of my list.
So let's talk about some things
that we may want to block using our ACLs
in order to help secure our networks better.
Now, first we want to make sure
we're blocking incoming requests
from internal or private loop back addresses,
or multicast IP ranges, or experimental ranges,
if we have something that's coming from outside
of the network going into our network.
So if you have something that says
it's coming from 192.168 dot something, dot something,
and it's coming from the internet interface,
well, that's a non-routable IP,
and it shouldn't be coming from there.
So you should be blocking that.
That should never be allowed
to come into your network from the internet,
because usually it's an attacker trying to spoof their IP.
if you start seeing source IP addresses
coming from areas that are reserved for things
like loop back or experimental IP ranges,
those things should also be blocked immediately.
you want to block incoming requests
from protocols that should only be used locally.
For example,
if you have ICMP, DHCP, OSPF, SMB,
and other things like that,
you want to block those at the firewall
as things try to enter your network.
Now, if you have something like Windows file sharing,
for instance, which operates over SMB,
that should not be happening over the internet.
That is something that should happen
inside the local network only.
So again,
you should be blocking that at the firewall
at the border of your network.
If somebody has a VPN and they're working from home,
they'll be able to tunnel through your firewall,
access the local network,
and then use SMB that way.
But they shouldn't be using it straight from their home
over the internet to your network.
They should only do it through a VPN.
Now, the third thing you want to consider
is how you want to configure IPv6.
Now, I recommend you either
configure IPv6 to block all IPv6 traffic,
or you allow it only to authorize hosts and ports
if you're using IPv6 in your network.
The reason for this is because a lot of hosts
will run dual stack TCP/IP implementations
with IPv6 enabled by default.
And if you're not aware of that,
you're going to be having a lot of these things open,
and you're letting people have
unfettered access to your network.
A lot of organizations are still running IPv4 only,
and if they're doing that,
they definitely need to turn off IPv6 on those hosts,
and they need to configure their firewall to block it.
If you don't do this,
you could have a misconfiguration
that could allow adversaries unfiltered access
into your networks by using that IPv6 IP address area,
because a lot of administrators
simply haven't locked down IPv6 well enough yet.
So keep this in mind as you're doing
your configurations on your firewalls
and your access control lists.
All right.
Now that we have some basic rules out of the way,
let's take a look at an access control list,
and walk through it together.
Now, this one is an example from a Cisco firewall,
but that really doesn't matter for this exam,
because when we're talking about CompTIA exams,
they are device agnostic.
This could've come from a router.
It could've come from a firewall.
It could've come from Cisco, or Juniper, or Brocade.
It really doesn't matter.
The point is I want you be able to read
a basic firewall like this and understand it,
because that will make sure you're doing well on the exam.
So let's start out with the first line.
ip access-list extended From-DMZ.
This just says that this is an access list.
And in this case, I'm using it for my DMZ.
The second line is a comment or remark line.
This is going to tell you what this section is about.
Basically, it's saying that we're
going to have responses to HTTP requests,
and that we're going to get a bunch of permit statements here.
Now, as we go through these permit statements,
we're going to look at them one at a time,
and it's going to tell us which things
are being permitted or denied.
Now, when we see the word permit,
that means we're going to allow something,
and in this case,
we're going to allow TCP traffic.
So we have permit tcp,
and then we have the IP address
that's going to be associated with it.
In this case, we're going to permit TCP traffic
coming from the IP address
The next thing we have is going to be our wildcard mask,
which acts like a subnet mask.
Now, this looks a little funny
because it's a wildcard mask
and it's technically a reverse wild card,
and it's written as
So if you want to read this as a subnet mask,
you actually have to convert it.
And essentially you're going to make it
This is a Cisco thing.
When you see the zero in the reverse wildcard,
treat that as a 255.
If you see a 255, treat it as a zero.
Don't let this get you confused.
Essentially what we're saying here
is that we're permitting TCP traffic
from any IP that is 10.0.2 dot something,
because this is the network,
and it has 256 possible IPs that we're going to use here.
Anything in this IP range will be permitted under this rule.
The next part you see is eq, which stands for equal.
So the IP address has whatever is beyond this equal sign,
and that's going to be allowed.
In this case, we're equaling www.
Now, what does that mean?
It means port 80.
Www is Cisco's way of saying this is web traffic.
Somebody can make a request over port 80,
and we're going to allow it.
Next we have the part that says any,
and this says that we're going to be going
to any IP address as our destination.
So we can go to any web server in the world over port 80,
and we're going to allow it.
This will allow us to make an established connection there,
and then start traffic.
So any time we want to make an established connection
from 10.0.2 dot something to some website over port 80,
we're going to allow that using TCP.
Essentially that's what we're saying.
People can go out and access a website
from our DMZ out to the internet,
and this is all we're saying with this particular line.
Now, as you go through
and you read all these different lines in the ACL,
you can start figuring out
what is permitted and what is denied.
In this case, everything shown here is permitted
because we're doing explicit allow permissions.
What we're saying is yes,
all of these things are allowed.
Permit them from this IP and this port
going to that IP and that port.
But as we go through to the bottom of this list,
you'll see one statement that looks a little different.
It says deny IP any any.
Now, this is what's known as an implicit deny.
This says that anything
that is not already allowed above in my ACO rule-set
is something we're just going to deny by default.
So if we get down this list
and you see things like www, 443, echo reply, domain,
these are all things that we're allowing.
And then when I talk about domain here,
I'm not really talking about domain in general,
but we're talking about DNS as a service,
because this is the way Cisco talks about DNS services.
When they say domain,
we are really talking about equaling port 53.
So in this case,
everything you see listed here
is all these different permit statements
that are going to allow traffic from our DMZ to the internet.
The DMZ can go out
and get web traffic over port 80 or port 443.
It can reply to echo requests, which is ICMP.
It can use port 53, which is domain, over UDP and TCP.
These are all things
that we're going to be allowed to do from this DMZ.
But when I get down to that last statement,
if any of those things didn't happen,
we are going to deny it.
So for example,
if somebody tries to go to port 21 and access FTP,
we're going to reach that deny IP any any statement,
and it's going to be blocked.
This is because that statement
will deny any IP going from any IP to any IP.
Essentially, this ACL is configured as a white list.
It's only going to allow things
that are being permitted explicitly listed in this list,
and everything else is going to be blocked.
This is a good way of doing your security.
Now, we just mentioned the concept of explicit allow,
but we can also have firewall rules
that will use explicit deny or implicit deny.
Now, when you have an explicit deny statement,
you're creating a rule to block
some kind of matching traffic.
In this example I showed you,
we didn't have any explicit deny statements,
but they would look exactly the same
as our permit statements,
except we would change the word permit to deny.
Now, this allows us to go
from an explicit allow to an explicit deny.
So let's say I wanted to block traffic
going to the IP address of
I could create a rule that says
deny IP any any.
And it's going to block all ports
and all protocols going to the IP address of
Now, notice my reverse card mask there was,
which tells me I only want to match this IP.
Not a whole network, just the IP of
On the other hand, I can also use an implicit deny,
which blocks traffic to anything not explicitly specified.
In the example ACL I showed you,
that last statement had that implicit deny.
Basically anything not already explicitly allowed
by an allow statement is going to get blocked
because we had that deny IP any any statement
as the last statement at the end of our ACL.
Finally, we need to talk about role-based access.
Role-based access allows you to define the privileges
and responsibilities of administrative users
who control your firewalls and their ACL's.
With role-based access,
we put different accounts into groups
based on their roles or job functions.
Then based on those roles,
we're going to assign permissions
to which devices they can configure and modify.
So for example,
if I'm responsible for updating
and configuring the border gateway
or firewall for the network,
I would get access to add things to the ACL
that would open or restrict communication
between the internet and the internal network.
On the other hand,
if I'm just a switch technician
who's responsible for adding and removing users
when they're assigned to a new office,
my role would not allow me
to modify a layer 3 switch's ACLs,
but instead would only allow me
to shut down or reenable switchports
and configure port security.
Wireless Security.
In this lesson,
we're going to discuss the best practices
for hardening your networks using wireless security.
We're going to cover topics such as MAC filtering,
antenna placement, power levels, wireless client isolation,
guests network isolation, pre-shared keys,
EAP, geofencing, and captive portals.
First, let's talk about MAC Filtering.
MAC filtering allows you to define a list of devices
and only allow those devices
to connect to your wireless network.
Now, it does this by using an explicit allow
or an implicit allow list.
With an explicit allow,
we're going to work by creating a list
of all the allowed devices
and blocking any device whose MAC address
is not included on this list.
Essentially, it's a white list.
Now, implicit allow,
instead works by creating essentially a black list.
We're going to allow any device
whose MAC address does not appear in that list
to connect to our wireless network.
That's the difference between the explicit allow
and an implicit allow.
Explicit allow is a white list,
implicit allow is a blacklist.
All right, for best security,
you should always use explicit allow
when doing MAC filtering.
This is because it's really easy to conduct MAC spoofing
on a wireless device.
So, if you're using an implicit allow,
and you're using this blacklist method,
I can simply take my MAC address
and spoof it to something else,
and be on your network within about five seconds.
So it doesn't really stop a bad actor from getting on there.
Now, in this case,
that bad actor looks like they're a brand new user
and they haven't been a bad person before,
so you're going to let them connect.
This is why you always want to use
an explicit allow instead.
In theory, MAC filtering is supposed to give you
some decent protection,
but I'll tell you, in the real world,
MAC filtering just isn't that strong,
and can easily be bypassed.
So, while maybe a little inconvenient for a skilled attacker
to get across and get into your network,
if you're using an explicit allow,
it really won't slow them down for very long.
Therefore, if you're going to use MAC filtering,
don't rely on it as your only protection
for a wireless network.
For the exam, though,
CompTIA does say MAC filtering is a good thing,
and you should use it.
Second, Antenna Placement.
Now, antenna placement is important
for our wireless networks,
both for our successful operations of those networks,
as well as for the security of those wireless networks.
Most wireless access points
come pre-installed with an omnidirectional antenna.
This means the wireless antenna is going to radiate out
radio frequency waves in all directions at an equal power.
For this reason,
you need to carefully consider
where you want to place that device
to provide adequate coverage for your entire office,
but also so that you can keep that signal
within the walls of your office,
and not out into the parking lot or other spaces.
For example, consider this floor plan for a small office.
Now, where you see a green area,
we have strong areas of signal strength,
and the area decreases down to yellow,
and then eventually down to red.
Due to the placement of the antennas
and the wireless access points,
we actually have some green and yellow signal
that's actually outside the physical office building.
Because of this,
an attacker could be sitting in the parking lot
and gaining access to this office as wireless network,
because there's proper coverage in this parking area.
For this reason,
it's important to consider the placement of your antennas,
especially if you're using omnidirectional antennas.
you can change out your omnidirectional antennas
on some access points to use directional antennas instead.
This will help you keep the signal inside the building.
So, instead of using four omni-directional
as they did in this office,
it would be better from a security standpoint,
should we play some of those omnidirectional antennas
with directional antennas.
For example, on the left-most wall,
we could mount a right directional antenna
that would then only broadcast a signal
180 degrees to the right.
Meaning there's no radio waves
leaking out the left wall of that building.
Similarly, I could use a left directional antenna
on the right wall,
pushing the radio frequency ways inward into that building
all the way to the left,
but we still need to make sure the omni-directional
is sitting in the middle.
This way, we have good coverage for that middle section.
Now, instead of placing it close to an external wall
like they did in this diagram,
I would instead move that more
towards the middle of the building.
This will actually center its coverage area
and keep more of it within the walls of the office.
In addition to that,
we could also adjust the power level downward.
And by doing that,
keep those radio waves inside the building even more.
Now, this brings us to our third security measure,
Power Levels.
Each wireless access point
can radiate its radio frequency waves
at a variable power level.
If you're using more power,
you're going to cover more area, but by covering more area,
we also have radio waves leaving our building,
and that's not going to be good for security.
So it becomes important for us to consider
what power level you're going to be using
when you set up your wireless access points.
By conducting a site survey,
you can determine how much power is too much or not enough,
and you can balance the needs of network coverage
against your need for network security.
Forth, Wireless Client Isolation.
Now, wireless client isolation is a security feature
that prevents wireless clients
from communicating with each other.
You see, by default, most wireless networks operate
as if your devices were all connected to a hub,
and this allows every device to communicate
with every other device on the wireless network.
But with wireless client isolation,
your wireless access point is going to begin to operate
like a switch when it's using private VLANs.
Now, this will ensure that each device
can only communicate with itself
or upwards to the access point and out of the network
through the wireless access point.
By doing this, it operates a lot like a private VLAN
using an isolation port or I port.
When using wireless client isolation,
these devices can communicate with other devices
on the local area network if the access control lists
are configured to allow them to do this.
Now, the fifth thing we want to talk about
is Guests Network Isolation.
Guest network isolation is a type of isolation
that keeps guests
away from your internal network communications.
With a guest network isolation, your wireless access point
will create a new wireless network that's used by guests,
your home, or your office.
This wireless network
simply provides them with a direct path out to the internet
and bypasses your entire local area network.
If you have a network device,
something like a printer or a FileShare,
the people in the guest network can not get to it
because they're isolated from your local area network.
This is a great security measure,
and ensures your local area network is protected
from those who are using the guest wireless network.
Sixth, Pre-Shared Keys, or PSKs.
Now, pre-shared keys
are used to secure our wireless networks
by using encryption, things like WEP, WPA, WPA2, and WPA3.
The pre-shared key is using these encryption schemes,
and it's a shared secret
between the client and the access point,
and that has to be shared ahead of time
before you connect to it over some secure channel.
So, for example, let's say you came over to my house
and I'm using WPA2 with a pre-shared key.
Now, you're going to slick my wireless network,
and then you're going to enter the password for that network.
That password is your pre-shared key.
For you to get that pre-shared key,
I had to give it to you, though, right?
These pre-shared keys are only as strong
as the passwords that are representing them.
So, if you're going to use a pre-shared key,
make sure you're using a long and strong password.
The biggest challenge we have with these pre-shared keys,
though, is that everyone needs to know it,
to be able to get onto the network,
so we're all using the same password.
But having a lot of people using the same pre-shared key,
it becomes vulnerable to compromise
because somebody could lose it
or tell somebody else what it is,
and then everybody knows what that PSK is.
Seventh, EAP or the Extensible Authentication Protocol.
Now, EAP is a protocol that acts as a framework
and transport for other authentication protocols.
In our wireless networks,
if we want to move beyond using a pre-shared key
for authentication, we can instead use EAP,
and this is used at a lot of enterprise networks.
With EAP,
we can combine it with the 802.1X port access protocol
to use digital certificates
and pass them to an authentication server,
such as a radius or TACACS+ server using EAP.
Now, this is going to provide us with higher levels of security
than a pre-shared key,
and we can individually identify which device or user
is connected to the network using that digital certificate.
Eighth, Geofencing.
Geofencing is a virtual fence
created within a certain physical location.
Now, when you combine this with a wireless network,
we can actually set up our wireless network
to only allow a user to connect to it
if they're located within a certain geofenced area.
For example, let's say I'm running a restaurant in the mall.
I could set up a wireless network
to only allow people sitting in my restaurant
to connect to the wireless network
and deny anyone whose device says their GPS coordinates
are not within the four walls of my restaurant.
So, if somebody's sitting
at the competitor's restaurant next door,
they can't use my wireless network.
Only my clients can,
because they're sitting within my geofence.
Nine, Captive Portals.
Now, a captive portal is a webpage
that's accessed with a browser
that's going to be displayed to newly-connected users
of a wireless network
before they're granted broader access to network resources.
If you've ever used the wireless network at a hotel
or an airplane, you've used a captive portal.
For example, you connect to your hotel's Wi-Fi
and a webpage pops up
and asks you to enter your last name and room number.
Then, if you enter the details
and they match your registration from the front desk,
they're going to let you in to access the internet
from that network.
Often, captive portals are going to be used
to collect billing information
or consent from a network user,
but it can also be used
in combination with network access control, or a NAC system,
to conduct an agentless scan of the device
before it allows them to join the full network
to make sure it meets the minimum security requirements
for use on that network.
This is commonly used in colleges
and universities in this way.
As you can see,
there are a lot of different things we can do
to help secure our wireless networks.
This includes implementing MAC filtering,
adjusting your antenna placement,
lowering your power levels,
enabling wireless client isolation,
enabling guests network isolation,
creating a secure pre-shared key,
migrating to EAP instead of using a pre-shared key,
enforcing geofencing, and using captive portals.
IoT considerations.
In this lesson,
we're going to discuss how you can best secure
your Internet of Things devices,
when you connect them to your network.
When it comes to IoT,
I believe there are many things you should be doing
within your organization to best protect yourself.
First, you need to understand your endpoints.
Each new IoT device brings with it, new vulnerabilities.
So you need to understand your endpoints
and what their security posture is.
If you're adding a new wireless camera
or a new smart thermostat,
each one of those brings different vulnerabilities
that you need to consider before connecting those devices
to your network.
Second track and manage your IoT devices.
You need to be careful and don't just let anyone connect any
new IoT device to your network.
you need to ensure you have a good configuration management
for your network and follow the proper processes to test,
install, and operate these IoT devices,
when you connect them.
Third, patch vulnerabilities.
IoT devices can be extremely insecure.
If you're deploying a device,
you need to understand the vulnerabilities
and patch them the best you can.
After that,
you're still going to be left with some residual risk here,
but there may not be a bug fix or security patch available
for that IoT device.
If that's the case,
you need to conduct some risk management
and determine if you're willing to accept the risk,
or if you need to put additional mitigation in place,
like putting them on a separate VLAN.
Fourth, conduct test and evaluation.
Before you connect any IoT device to your network,
you should fully test it and evaluate it,
using penetration testing techniques.
It is not enough to trust your manufacturer when they say
their devices are secure because many of these devices
are not.
Therefore always conduct your own assessments
of their security by conducting it on a test network
or lab before you attach it to your production network.
Fifth, change default credentials.
Just like network devices,
each IoT device has a default username and password
that allows you to connect to it and configure it.
These default credentials present a huge vulnerability.
So they have to be changed before you allow the IoT device
to go into production on your network.
Sixth, using encryption protocols.
IoT devices are inherently insecure.
So it's important that you utilize encryption protocols
to the maximum extent possible to better secure the data
being sent and received by these IoT devices.
Seventh, segment IoT devices.
The Internet of Things devices should be placed
in their own VLAN and their own sub-net
to ensure they don't interfere
with the rest of your production network.
If you can afford it,
you may even want to have a separate IoT only network
to provide physical isolation, as well.
As you can see,
there are lots of different considerations
that you need to think about when it comes
to connecting Internet of Things, devices to your network.