Copy of Unit 9_ Global Change

9.1 Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

  • Importance of Stratospheric Ozone

    • Critical for the evolution and survival of life.

    • Depletion caused by both anthropogenic factors (CFCs) and natural factors (melting ice crystals in Antarctic spring).

    • Decrease in ozone leads to higher UV rays reaching Earth, heightening risks like skin cancer and cataracts.

  • Anthropogenic Ozone Depletion

    • Primary cause: CFCs used in refrigeration and aerosols.

    • Mechanism: UV radiation releases chlorine from CFCs, which depletes ozone (1 Cl can destroy 100,000 O3).

  • Natural Ozone Depletion

    • Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs) form in Antarctic spring, leading to reactions that release chlorine.

9.2 Reducing Ozone Depletion

  • Chemicals Substituting CFCs

    • Aim to replace ozone-depleting chemicals with non-depleting substitutes (e.g., HFCs).

    • HFCs are greenhouse gases but do not deplete ozone.

  • Solution

    • Phase out CFCs via the Montreal Protocol (1987) and replace CFCs with HCFCs, later HFCs.

    • Long-term goal: Replace HFCs with HFOs, which have shorter atmospheric lifetimes.

9.3 The Greenhouse Effect

  • Definition of Greenhouse Gases

    • Major greenhouse gases include CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, and CFCs.

    • Greenhouse gases trap heat and are crucial for maintaining Earth's surface temperature.

  • Mechanism of the Greenhouse Effect

    • Traps heat necessary for life; solar radiation heats Earth’s surface, which then emits infrared radiation.

9.4 Increase in Greenhouse Effect

  • Key Greenhouse Gas Sources

    • CO2: Fossil fuel burning and deforestation.

    • Methane: Agricultural emissions.

    • N2O: Agricultural soil management.

    • CFCs: Used in various products.

  • Global Warming Potential (GWP)

    • Measures the contribution of gases to warming relative to CO2.

    • Key GWP Values: CO2 (1), Methane (28-36), N2O (298), CFCs (up to 13,000).

9.5 Global Climate Change

  • Effects of Greenhouse Gas Increases

    • Global climate change results in environmental issues like sea level rise and shifting disease vectors.

  • Historical Climate Change

    • Earth has undergone temperature fluctuations driven by natural cycles (Milankovitch Cycles) impacting ecosystems and species patterns.

9.6 Ocean Warming

  • Impact of Global Warming

    • Increased greenhouse gases lead to ocean warming, influencing marine ecosystems and weather patterns.

9.7 Ocean Acidification

  • Cause of Ocean Acidification

    • Result of increased CO2 levels; oceans absorb CO2, leading to chemical changes that harm marine life and ecosystems.
