anxi/o | anxious; uneasy |
cephal/o | head |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
cerebr/o | cerebrum |
contus/o | to bruise |
crani/o | skull |
dendr/o | tree-like; branches |
dur/o | dura mater |
encephal/o | brain |
esthes/o, esthesi/o | nervous sensation |
gangli/o | tumor; cystic tumor |
gli/o | glue |
hormon/o | hormone |
hydr/o | water |
hypn/o | sleep |
iatr/o | physician; treatment |
isch/o | back; to hold back |
lamin/o | lamina (thin plate or layer; arch) |
lex/o | word |
medull/o | medulla oblongata |
megal/o | large; great; grand |
mening/o, meningi/o | meninges |
ment/o | mind |
myel/o | bone marrow; spinal cord |
narc/o | numbness; sleep; stupor |
neur/o | nerve |
phas/o | speech |
phob/o | fear |
phren/o | mind |
pol/o | extreme |
poli/o | gray matter |
pont/o | pons |
psych/o | mind |
radicul/o | nerve root |
schiz/o | split |
somat/o | body |
synaps/o, synapt/o | point of contact; to join |
syncop/o | to cut off; cut short; faint |
tax/o | coordination; order |
tempor/o | the temples |
thalam/o | thalamus |
thec/o | sheath (meninges) |
traumat/o | trauma; injury; wound |
troph/o | development; nourishment |
ventricul/o | ventricle |
vertebr/o | vertebrae; spinal column bones |
af- | toward; near |
bi- | two; both |
con- | together; with |
dys- | painful; difficult |
ef- | out of; outside |
en- | in; within |
epi- | on; over; upon |
hemi- | half |
intra- | within; into |
micro- | small |
mono- | one; single |
par-, para- | near; beside; alongside; beyond; abnormal |
poly- | many; much |
post- | after; behind |
quadri- | four |
soma- | body |
sub- | below; under |
-al, -ar, -eal, -ial, -ic, -tic | pertaining to |
-algesia | pain; sensitivity |
-algia | pain |
-asthenia | weakness |
-cele | hernia; swelling; protrusion |
-e | (noun suffix with no meaning) |
-emic | pertaining to blood condition |
-esthesia | feeling; sensation |
-ferent | to carry |
-glia | glue |
-graphy | process of recording |
-ia | condition |
-ion | process; state; condition |
-ist | specialist |
-itis | inflammation |
-lepsy | seizure |
-leptic | to seize; take hold of |
-logy | study of |
-lysis | breakdown; separation; loosening |
-lytic | pertaining to breakdown or destruction |
-mania | obsessive preoccupation |
-orexia | appetite |
-osis | process; abnormal condition |
-paresis | weakness |
-pathy | disease |
-phasia | speech |
-phobia | fear |
-plegia | paralysis |
-rrhagic | pertaining to bursting forth (of blood) |
-rrhaphy | suture |
-sclerosis | hardening; thickening |
-taxia | muscle coordination |
-tomy | process of cutting; incision |
-tropic | turning |
-um, -us | structure; tissue; thing |
AD | Alzheimer’s (or Alzheimer) disease | MS | multiple sclerosis |
ADHD | attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder | MSE | mental status exam |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | NCV | nerve conduction velocity |
ANS | autonomic nervous system | NVS | neuro vital signs |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) | OCD | obsessive-compulsive disorder |
ASD | autism spectrum disorder | OH | occupational history |
CBT | cognitive-behavioral therapy | OP | outpatient |
CNS | central nervous system | P | pulse |
CP | cerebral palsy | PD | Parkinson’s disease; panic disorder |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid | PE | physical examination |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident | PET | positron emission tomography |
DTR(s) | deep tendon reflex(es) | PMH | past medical history |
ECT | electroconvulsive therapy | PNS | peripheral nervous system |
EDH | epidural hematoma | PTSD | post-traumatic stress disorder |
EEG | electroencephalogram | R | right; respirations |
END | electroneurodiagnostic | R/O | rule out |
FH | family history | RLE | right lower extremity |
GAD | generalized anxiety disorder | ROS | review of systems |
GB | Guillain-Barré | s | without (from the Latin sine, pronounced sih-NEH) |
H&P | history and physical | SAD | seasonal affective disorder |
HA | headache | SB | spina bifida |
HEENT | head, eye, ear, nose, and throat | SCI | spinal cord injury |
HPI | history of present illness | SDH | subdural hematoma |
ICP | intracranial pressure | SH | social history |
ID, IDD | intellectual disability; intellectual development disorder | SNS | somatic nervous system |
LOC | level of consciousness | T | temperature |
LP | lumbar puncture | TBI | traumatic brain injury |
MG | myasthenia gravis | TIA | transient ischemic attack |
MMSE | mini-mental state exam | WNL | within normal limits |