Management skills
As listed in your study design:
Decision making
Interpersonal skills
The process of creating and exchanging information between two people that produces understanding and a required response. When/why would a manger use communication?
Transferring authority and responsibility from a manager to an employee to carry out a specific task. When/why would a manger use delegation?
Planning is the process of setting business objectives and deciding on the methods and strategies to achieve them. There are 3 levels of planning: Operational (daily up to a year, completed by front line staff) Tactical (1-2 years, completed by middle managers) Strategic (2-5 years, completed by senior managers) When/why would a manger use planning?
Leadership is the ability of a manager to influence and motivate staff to achieve business objectives. When/why would a manger use leadership?
Decision making
Decision making is the process of identifying/assessing options and then choosing a specific course of action to take. When/why would a manger use decision making?
Interpersonal skills
Interpersonal skills refers to the ability of a manager to interact with a range of people and develop positive working relationships. When/why would a manger use interpersonal skills?