Discuss the basic structure of atoms.
Discuss semiconductors, conductors, and insulators and their differences.
Discuss covalent bonding in silicon.
Describe how current is produced in a semiconductor.
Describe the properties of n-type and p-type semiconductors.
Describe a diode and the formation of a pn junction.
Discuss diode biasing.
Analyze the voltage-current (V-I) characteristic curve of a diode.
Discuss diode operation.
Upon completion, students should be able to:
Describe atomic makeup and the relationship between valence electrons and conductivity.
List principles governing associations between electrons and orbital shells.
Contrast trivalent vs pentavalent elements.
Highlight similarities and differences between n-type and p-type semiconductors.
Explain depletion layer formation around a pn junction.
Describe methods for forward and reverse biasing a pn junction.
Atoms consist of:
Electrons (negative charge)
Protons (positive charge)
Neutrons (neutral)
Nucleus contains protons and neutrons.
Orbits grouped into energy bands (shells).
Each shell has a fixed max number of electrons.
Energy level increases as distance from the nucleus increases.
Defined energy states for electrons.
The outermost electron in an atom.
Higher energy electrons are less tightly bound.
Absorption of energy raises electrons' energy level.
Valence electron escapes, resulting in a positive ion and a free electron.
Max electrons (Ne) per shell = 2n²
Example: Shell 1 can hold 2 electrons.
Do not conduct electricity well; valence electrons are tightly bound.
Intrinsic state neither a good conductor nor insulator (e.g., silicon, germanium).
4 valence electrons.
Easily conduct electrical current (e.g., copper, aluminum).
1 loosely bound valence electron.
Energy gap between valence and conduction bands signifies the energy needed for electrons to transition.
Silicon is the predominant material in diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits.
Covalent bonds occur through the sharing of electrons with neighboring atoms.
Intrinsic silicon has unexcited atoms with no electrons in the conduction band.
Free electrons in the conduction band create holes in the valence band.
These contribute to electrical conductivity.
Voltage applies creates free electrons, which move toward the positive, generating current.
Impurities added to increase free electrons or holes, thereby enhancing conductivity.
Pentavalent atoms (e.g., Arsenic, Phosphorus) increase electron count in silicon.
Trivalent atoms (e.g., Boron, Indium) increase hole count in silicon.
Formed at the interface of P-type and N-type materials, creating a diode.
Acts as a barrier to prevent electron movement across the junction.
Energy difference creates a potential barrier (e.g., 0.3V for germanium, 0.7V for silicon).
Current flows when negative voltage pushes electrons through the junction.
Positive voltage pulls electrons away, widening the depletion region.
Small current exists due to thermally generated minority carriers.
High voltages increase current significantly, leading to potential diode damage.
Current increases rapidly after reaching strip voltage of approximately 0.7V.
A small reverse current flows until breakdown voltage is reached, at which point current sharply increases.