The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter can be used to explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.
The kinetic theory of gases helps us to understand the physical properties of gases and the behavior of gas molecules.
An Ideal Gas is a hypothetical gas that perfectly fits all the assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory.
What are the 5 assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory Of Gases
Gases consist of large numbers of tiny particles that are far apart relative to their size.
Collisions between gas particles and between container walls are elastic collisions.
Gas particles are in continuations, rapid, random motion. They therefore possess kinetic energy, which is energy of motion.
There are no forces of attraction between gas particles.
The temperature of gas depends on the average kinetic energy of particles of the gas.
An Elastic Collision is one in which there is no net loss of total kinetic energy.
What are 5 physical properties of gases?
Indefinite shape and volume or Expansion
Particles are spread out or Fluidity
Constantly in motion or Low density + Compressibility
Can flow or Diffusion
Fill in available space or Effusion
Because liquids and gases flow, they are both referred to as Fluids.
Spontaneous mixing of the particles of two gaseous substances caused by their random motion is called Diffusion.
The rate of diffusion depends on speed, size, and attractive forces of gas particles.
Effusion is a process by which gas particles pass through a tiny opening.
The rates of effusion of different gases are directly proportional to the Velocities of their particles.
A Real Gas is a gas that does not behave completely according to the assumptions of kinetic-molecular theory.
Under what conditions does the kinetic energy no longer overcome the attractive forces of the gases particles?
High pressures
Low temperatures
What two types of molecules that exist as gases show essentially ideal behavior over a wide range of temperatures and pressures?
Noble gases
Diatomic molecules
The more polar a gas’s molecules are, the more the gas will deviate from ideal gas behavior.
The Gas laws are simple mathematical relationships between the volume, temperature, pressure, and amount of a gas.
What 3 gas laws did we discuss and what do each describe?
Boyle’s law - Relates pressure to volume
Charles’s law - Relates temperature to volume
Gay - Lussac’s Law - Relates pressure to temperature.
If the volume of a gas is decreased, the pressure will increase. Why?
The pressure of a gas is caused by moving molecules hitting the container walls. So if the volume of a gas is decreased, more collisions will occur, and the pressure will therefore increase.
When the temperature of a gas increases, the volume of its container must increase. Why?
The higher the temperature, the gas molecules move faster. They collide with the walls of the container more frequently and with more force.
If the pressure of a gas increases, temperature increases. Why?
The energy and frequency of collisions depend on the average kinetic energy of molecules.