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Geography 24 sem 2

Interconnections- Emphasizes that no object of geographical study can be viewed in isolation

TNC- Global companies with headquarters in multiple countries.

GDP - gross domestic product, the total economic income of goods and services produced by a nation.

Stanley St- Became a well known hub for traditional cuisines and cultures, from all around the world, allowing people to get a glimpse of different cultures without travelling.

Globalisation - a flow of ideas, people, goods and services and capital, leads to the integration of economies and societies.

Positives of globalisation - Exchange of ideas, information, world issues sharing, change, culture and help from other countries.

Free trade - An agreement between countries, which allows trade without border restrictions

Reasons for interconnectedness - worldwide technology including transport, communications, trade.

Personal interconnections - Places that you personally connect too e.g house, school, beach…

Personal connections with the wider world - heritage from overseas, culture, cuisine.

Continuous water- flow of water, continuously in circulation in the water cycle.

Renewable - water that can reused. a supply of water that can be replenished frequently.

Non renewable - the supply of water is rarely replenished.

Liquid water examples - ocean water, fresh water, rain.

Solid water examples - ice, glaciers, permafrost, snow, snowflakes

Gas water examples - clouds, fog, mist.

How many people need water? - 7 million people are in demand of fresh water

How much of the world’s water is salt water? - 97.5%

How much of the world’s water is freshwater?- 2.5%

67.7% of freshwater is? - Glaciers and Icecaps

30% of freshwater is? - Groundwater

0.8% of freshwater is? - Permafrost

0.4% of freshwater is? - Surface and Atmospheric water

Impacts of water on the lithosphere- Erosion, creates structures overtime, transportation.

Impacts of water on the biosphere - plants and animals survive on earth, provides food and drink, healthy, recreational purposes, habitat for animals, cleaning, sometimes causes natural disaster.

Desalination - removing salt from seawater - either saline or reverse osmosis

Cloud seeding - Releasing a chemical called silver iodine from cannons or planes into the sky, to clump up the particles to speed up desalination.

Fog harvesting - Captures moisture, blown into nets then down pipes to provide fresh water for the community

Stormwater harvesting - capturing storm water through treating it with many processes to create freshwater for the community.

Condensation - gas into liquid

Evaporation- liquid into gas

groundwater- water stored beneath the earth’s surface

infiltration - movement of water through soil and porous rocks

percolation - the movement of water down through soil

transpiration - water moves through plants, then evaporates through the stomata.

sublimation - turning a solid into a gas without passing through the liquid state

surface runoff- water that moves over the earths surface

precipitation - rain, gas into a liquid

vapour - water in a gaseous state e.g mist.

Altitude- the height of a feature above sea level

topography - the relief configuration of a landscape including it’s natural and human features.

location - distance to sea and its geology

climate change - changing climate of the earth

greenhouse effect - refers to sun’s energy that enters the atmosphere, then absorbed by the land and water, some energy then becomes trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

water catchment - an area where water is collected by the landscape can be large or small.

Latitude - measures the distance north or south of the equator (across)

Longitude - measures the distance east or west. (downwards)


Geography 24 sem 2

Interconnections- Emphasizes that no object of geographical study can be viewed in isolation

TNC- Global companies with headquarters in multiple countries.

GDP - gross domestic product, the total economic income of goods and services produced by a nation.

Stanley St- Became a well known hub for traditional cuisines and cultures, from all around the world, allowing people to get a glimpse of different cultures without travelling.

Globalisation - a flow of ideas, people, goods and services and capital, leads to the integration of economies and societies.

Positives of globalisation - Exchange of ideas, information, world issues sharing, change, culture and help from other countries.

Free trade - An agreement between countries, which allows trade without border restrictions

Reasons for interconnectedness - worldwide technology including transport, communications, trade.

Personal interconnections - Places that you personally connect too e.g house, school, beach…

Personal connections with the wider world - heritage from overseas, culture, cuisine.

Continuous water- flow of water, continuously in circulation in the water cycle.

Renewable - water that can reused. a supply of water that can be replenished frequently.

Non renewable - the supply of water is rarely replenished.

Liquid water examples - ocean water, fresh water, rain.

Solid water examples - ice, glaciers, permafrost, snow, snowflakes

Gas water examples - clouds, fog, mist.

How many people need water? - 7 million people are in demand of fresh water

How much of the world’s water is salt water? - 97.5%

How much of the world’s water is freshwater?- 2.5%

67.7% of freshwater is? - Glaciers and Icecaps

30% of freshwater is? - Groundwater

0.8% of freshwater is? - Permafrost

0.4% of freshwater is? - Surface and Atmospheric water

Impacts of water on the lithosphere- Erosion, creates structures overtime, transportation.

Impacts of water on the biosphere - plants and animals survive on earth, provides food and drink, healthy, recreational purposes, habitat for animals, cleaning, sometimes causes natural disaster.

Desalination - removing salt from seawater - either saline or reverse osmosis

Cloud seeding - Releasing a chemical called silver iodine from cannons or planes into the sky, to clump up the particles to speed up desalination.

Fog harvesting - Captures moisture, blown into nets then down pipes to provide fresh water for the community

Stormwater harvesting - capturing storm water through treating it with many processes to create freshwater for the community.

Condensation - gas into liquid

Evaporation- liquid into gas

groundwater- water stored beneath the earth’s surface

infiltration - movement of water through soil and porous rocks

percolation - the movement of water down through soil

transpiration - water moves through plants, then evaporates through the stomata.

sublimation - turning a solid into a gas without passing through the liquid state

surface runoff- water that moves over the earths surface

precipitation - rain, gas into a liquid

vapour - water in a gaseous state e.g mist.

Altitude- the height of a feature above sea level

topography - the relief configuration of a landscape including it’s natural and human features.

location - distance to sea and its geology

climate change - changing climate of the earth

greenhouse effect - refers to sun’s energy that enters the atmosphere, then absorbed by the land and water, some energy then becomes trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

water catchment - an area where water is collected by the landscape can be large or small.

Latitude - measures the distance north or south of the equator (across)

Longitude - measures the distance east or west. (downwards)
