National parks- muir, preservationist
National parks about conservation now
Dirty room and people- dumbbell tenements
Issues with native americans (1800s)- pushed out of native lands, forced to assimilate, Dawes Severalty Act 1887, reservation act
Battles- battle of little bighorn 1876 (natives won), battle of wounded knee 1890 (natives lost)
Immigration between 1820s-1920s- lots of it, Old (Irish and German) and New (Italian and Russian)
Yellow Journalism vs. Muckraking- exaggerated events for money and excitement versus exposing issues of the Progressive Era
Journalists- Pulitzer, Hearst
Muckrakers- Upton Sinclair, Jacob Riis, Ida Tarbell, Jane Addams
Upton Sinclair- exposing meat packing, leading to Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act 1906
Corporations getting big and bad regulation → Sherman Antitrust Act (1890, Benjamin Harrison), Clayton Antitrust Act (Woodrow Wilson, 1914) (who was president and what year did it happen)
1890s- Gilded Age
Image from SAQ on MCQ
President during ww1- woodrow wilson, fourteen points
Most important point, league of nations
Wilson wants U.S. to be a part of it, Senate says no
Area constitutes Mexican cession- california, nevada, arizona and new mexico, part of texas
Deal with Cuba- Platt Amendment (U.S. ends military occupation in Cuba) and the Teller Amendment (U.S. is involved in Cuba)
Alfred T. Mahan- big boats, strong navy
Guy spreading American ideals to other nations- Josiah Strong
Teddy Roosevelt- Big Stick Policy
Speak softly, carry a big stick- pressure other countries in nice way, but we still carry the power
Teddy Roosevelt across waters- Panama Canal
What started ww1- assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand, imperialism, etc.
What brought us to war- Lusitania, Zimmerman telegram (last thing that happens before we joined war)
Progressives and fixing issues- 19th amendment (women’s suffrage), prohibition of alcohol (18th amendment), settlement houses (Hull house, jane addams)
Schenck v. United States- limiting free speech in times of war (Espionage and Sedition Acts)
Schenck- radical socialist, didn’t support the war (U.S. shouldn’t be enlisting people into army)
Populists Party- became democrats, started as Grangers
They want bigger government, stronger governmental role, regulate business
Populists were farmers
Lots of people relating to people of past
Whigs (what they stand for) 1830s pro government
George Washington’s Farewell Address- neutrality, not big on foreign policy