APUSH Unit 7 Part I

  • National parks- muir, preservationist 

  • National parks about conservation now

  • Dirty room and people- dumbbell tenements 

  • Issues with native americans (1800s)- pushed out of native lands, forced to assimilate, Dawes Severalty Act 1887, reservation act

  • Battles- battle of little bighorn 1876 (natives won), battle of wounded knee 1890 (natives lost)

  • Immigration between 1820s-1920s- lots of it, Old (Irish and German) and New (Italian and Russian)

  • Yellow Journalism vs. Muckraking- exaggerated events for money and excitement versus exposing issues of the Progressive Era

  • Journalists- Pulitzer, Hearst 

  • Muckrakers- Upton Sinclair, Jacob Riis, Ida Tarbell, Jane Addams

  • Upton Sinclair- exposing meat packing, leading to Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act 1906

  • Corporations getting big and bad regulation → Sherman Antitrust Act (1890, Benjamin Harrison), Clayton Antitrust Act (Woodrow Wilson, 1914) (who was president and what year did it happen)

  • 1890s- Gilded Age

  • Image from SAQ on MCQ

  • President during ww1- woodrow wilson, fourteen points

  • Most important point, league of nations

  • Wilson wants U.S. to be a part of it, Senate says no

  • Area constitutes Mexican cession- california, nevada, arizona and new mexico, part of texas

  • Deal with Cuba- Platt Amendment (U.S. ends military occupation in Cuba) and the Teller Amendment (U.S. is involved in Cuba)

  • Alfred T. Mahan- big boats, strong navy 

  • Guy spreading American ideals to other nations- Josiah Strong

  • Teddy Roosevelt- Big Stick Policy 

  • Speak softly, carry a big stick- pressure other countries in nice way, but we still carry the power 

  • Teddy Roosevelt across waters- Panama Canal 

  • What started ww1- assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand, imperialism, etc.

  • What brought us to war- Lusitania, Zimmerman telegram (last thing that happens before we joined war)

  • Progressives and fixing issues- 19th amendment (women’s suffrage), prohibition of alcohol (18th amendment), settlement houses (Hull house, jane addams)

  • Schenck v. United States- limiting free speech in times of war (Espionage and Sedition Acts)

  • Schenck- radical socialist, didn’t support the war (U.S. shouldn’t be enlisting people into army) 

  • Populists Party- became democrats, started as Grangers

  • They want bigger government, stronger governmental role, regulate business 

  • Populists were farmers 

  • Lots of people relating to people of past

  • Whigs (what they stand for) 1830s pro government

  • George Washington’s Farewell Address- neutrality, not big on foreign policy
