Title: Representation Matters: The Importance of Diverse Books
Course: SPATH 5134 Clinical Linguistics and Psycholinguistics
Today's Discussion Outcomes:
Understand the current scope of diversity in children’s literature.
Examine the impact of underrepresentation.
Explore the benefits of utilizing diverse picture books in therapy.
Identify resources for building a multicultural/inclusive library.
Shared Reading:
Definition: An evidence-based practice aimed at enhancing development in various domains
Assists young learners in developing early literacy skills.
Illustrated books aid in comprehension of stories and vocabulary.
Benefits of Using Books in Therapy:
Cost-effective (low or no expense).
Portable and easy to transport.
Helps to foster a love for reading in children.
Flexible usage: can be repeated multiple times.
Metaphorical roles of books:
Windows, mirrors, sliding glass doors, stepping stones, overcoats, anchors, springboards, escape hatches, quiet corners, warm comforts, flying carpets, blankets, and beacons for new readers.
Books serve various metaphorical functions in literature.
Conceptual understanding of books as various forms of connection and escape for readers.
Statistics on Main Characters in U.S. Children’s Literature (2019):
Breakdown of character representation:
Black: 11.9%
Native: 1%
Latinx: 5.3%
Asian: 8.7%
Pacific Islander: ~1%
Disability (not specified percentage).
Notable statistic: 41.8% of characters were white and 29% were animals.
if we see ourselves in what is out there, we can relate better because we see ourselves in the world.
Statistics on Writers/Artists in U.S. Children’s Literature:
Writers and artists of color in literature:
Over 68.2% of Black/African characters were written by Black/African authors.
Notable statistics for Native/First Nations, Latinx, and Asian authors paralleling their character representation.
46.4% of all children’s books featuring black characters were written by black authors
Importance of Addressing Underrepresentation:
Infants recognize race as early as 6 months
Children develop racial concepts by ages 3-5
Diversity in Publishing (2019):
Data from Lee & Low Books Diversity Baseline Survey:
Statistics related to race, gender, orientation, and disability prevalence in publishing roles.
Example percentages reflecting underrepresentation of minority groups in publishing, with 76% being white.
Intentional Diversity in Literature:
Discuss examples of diverse literature
e.g., "Hair Love," "Good Day, I'm New Here," etc.
Importance of ensuring collections encompass diverse voices.
Significance of Diverse Literature:
Promotes a richer understanding of various cultures.
Advocates against homogeneity in book collections.
our books should not be homogenous.
Statistics on Diversity in Children’s Books (2018):
Representation of diversity in published children’s books based on CCBC data.
Character representation percentages by ethnicity, indicating need for improvement:
African: 27%,
Latinx: 10%,
Asian: 5%, etc.
white: 50%
Tips for Choosing Diverse Picture Books (adapted from EmbraceRace):
Match selections with your audience.
Choose books with BIPOC protagonists.
Consider and scaffold educational approaches.
Look for positive representation and ongoing research.
BIPOC: black indigenous people of color
look at who wrote the book, if they show characters in a positive light, diversity, disabilities
Emphasizing Intentional Choices in Picture Book Selection:
Importance of the visual elements in storytelling to convey messages effectively.
Criteria for Selecting Diverse Books:
Encourage interactions among different races in various activities.
Showcase joy and celebrate diverse cultures and traditions.
display kids being kids!!
Look for Representation of:
Various ethnicities, religions, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds.
Individuals with disabilities and different family structures.
Additional Representation Aspects:
Nontraditional gender roles in characters.
Various family structures and cultural appreciations.
Resource Links:
Having Our Say Diverse Picture Book List: https://www.havingoursay.org/diverse-picture-books
Lee and Low Classroom Library Questionnaire: https://www.leeandlow.com/uploads/loaded_document/
We Need Diverse Books: https://diversebooks.org/
Notable Awards for Diverse Books:
Coretta Scott King Book Award
Tomas Rivera Mexican American Children’s Book Award
Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award
Skipping Stones Honor Award
Jane Addams Children’s Book Award
Rainbow Book List
Schneider Family Book Award
Notable Books for a Global Society list
Caldecott Medal
Additional Resources:
List of diverse books for speech therapy by Sierrah Harris.
Findings on moral lessons and story effectiveness (ScienceDaily, 2017).
Insights on problematic themes in Dr. Seuss’s books, available at provided URL.