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AP Lang Vocab #9

Mendicant – n. a beggar

Harbinger – n. a forerunner; a signal of

Foible – n. a minor character flaw

Paradigm – n. a model or example

Predilection – n. a natural preference for something

Maverick – n. a nonconformist; a rebel

Manifesto – n. a public declaration of beliefs or principles, usually political ones

Proletariat – n. the industrial working class

Farcical – adj. absurd; ludicrous

Fortuitous – adj. accidental; occurring by chance

Glut – n. an overabundance

Temerity – n. boldness; recklessness; audacity

Brevity – n. briefness

Plebeian – adj. common; vulgar; low class

Bemused – adj. confused; bewildered

Affable – adj. easy to talk to; friendly

Mercurial – adj. emotionally unpredictable; rapidly changing in mood

Nefarious – adj. evil, wicked

Profligate – adj. extravagantly wasteful and, usually, wildly immoral; wanton

Despondent – adj. extremely depressed; full of despair


AP Lang Vocab #9

Mendicant – n. a beggar

Harbinger – n. a forerunner; a signal of

Foible – n. a minor character flaw

Paradigm – n. a model or example

Predilection – n. a natural preference for something

Maverick – n. a nonconformist; a rebel

Manifesto – n. a public declaration of beliefs or principles, usually political ones

Proletariat – n. the industrial working class

Farcical – adj. absurd; ludicrous

Fortuitous – adj. accidental; occurring by chance

Glut – n. an overabundance

Temerity – n. boldness; recklessness; audacity

Brevity – n. briefness

Plebeian – adj. common; vulgar; low class

Bemused – adj. confused; bewildered

Affable – adj. easy to talk to; friendly

Mercurial – adj. emotionally unpredictable; rapidly changing in mood

Nefarious – adj. evil, wicked

Profligate – adj. extravagantly wasteful and, usually, wildly immoral; wanton

Despondent – adj. extremely depressed; full of despair