Tema 1 0.Introduction
A normal day starts, you wake up, and even before you have completely opened your eyes, you check your mobile phone. You check your WhatsApp, email, and even the news. Then you get up and while you are preparing your breakfast, you listen to a funny programme on the radio that makes you start the day happy. This could be the beginning of many people’s days, right? But what do all these situations have in common? The answer is communication, which is the most important thing in our world, and without it, our lives would not make any sense.
Every act that a human being performs has a communicative purpose. No matter what you are trying to do, even the simplest action implies somehow communication, even without saying a single word. That is why modern approaches to communication do not include only linguistic production but gesture, behaviour, mime, and aspects occurring in L1 communication. This topic is related to others that also deal with communication, such as 2, 3, 7 and 8.
Communication between humans is an extremely complex phenomenon, with many variables and learning a second language makes this process even more complicated because students have to learn new system of signs to transmit a message. Since 1970s, the belief that language is a means of communication has inspired a new approach in ELT: CA. This is based on providing the students with communicative activities that will develop their oral and written skills, so they can use the language with accuracy and appropriateness. This view focuses on communicative proficiency rather than on the mastery of structures and vocabulary.
Actually, the Foreign Language Curriculum for Primary Education, developed in the RD 126/2014 states as one of the general objectives to acquire, in at least one foreign language, the basic communicative competence that allows our students to express and understand simple messages and to manage in everyday situations. This is also established in the Decree 89/2014. This objective is the same as that pursued in the new RD 157/2022, March 1st, which will begin to be implemented in the following school year in odd courses and which is born from LOMLOE.
Therefore, one of the main aims of the English language area in our country, as a member of the EU, will be to develop attitudes of tolerance and respect among students, increasing linguistic diversity and intercultural awareness through the knowledge of a new language and its culture. As Spanish Law states LOMLOE 3/2020, December 29th, the teaching of English as a FL is one of the most important subjects in most Primary schools. Moreover, the implementation of English at early stages has made it necessary to establish objectives and methodologies far from the traditional ones, typical from other times, which were based on vertical and one-way communicative models. On the other side, we are currently emerged within the Information and Knowledge Society, proposing language as a means of communication, and fostering critical- analytical thinking, as well as collaboration and participation among our students.
Consequently, the Educative System must bear in mind this sociocultural and technological revolution, integrating active, ludic, and modern methodological practices into the curriculum, with the Communicative Approach as a model being based on the development of the four skills in an integrated and practical way. However, language should not be considered as an aim, but rather as a useful tool to communicate. Not only that, but also students should take an active part within the classroom, rather than just repeating what is ordered by teacher.