
Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss at least 6 philosophical thoughts on education.

John Locke (1632-1704) - The Empiricist Educator

  • Background

    • Born August 29, 1632, in Wrington, England.

    • Key figure of the Enlightenment, influenced by political and religious turbulence (e.g., English Civil War).

    • Known as the "Father of Liberalism".

  • Philosophy of Education

    • Education as the foundation for a just society.

    • Emphasized reason and the power of education.

    • Advocated for knowledge acquisition through personal experience rather than solely through text.

    • Believed in civic education for responsible leadership.

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) - Utilitarian Education

  • Background

    • Born April 27, 1820, in Derby, England.

    • Influenced by his father's ideas and informal education focused on empirical science.

  • Philosophy of Education

    • Coined the term "survival of the fittest" related to human development.

    • Advocated for a curriculum focused on practical, vocational, and scientific subjects relevant to society's needs.

    • Promoted education as a means to adapt to evolving industrialized societies.

John Dewey (1859-1952) - Learning through Experience

  • Background

    • Born October 20, 1859, in Burlington, Vermont.

    • Became a pivotal figure in progressive educational philosophy.

  • Philosophy of Education

    • Viewed education as a social process essential for personal and societal growth.

    • Schools should serve as democratic institutions fostering inquiry and dialogue among students.

    • Emphasized connecting past knowledge to present experiences for effective learning.

George Counts (1889-1974) - Building a New Social Order

  • Background

    • Born December 9, 1889, in Baldwin City, Kansas.

    • Influenced by education and reform movements.

  • Philosophy of Education

    • Education should reflect societal needs and foster social justice.

    • Schools as agents of change, focusing on contemporary social issues.

    • Encouraged problem-solving in education and equal learning opportunities for all students.

Theodore Brameld (1904-1987) - Social Reconstruction

  • Background

    • Born in 1904, lived through significant societal changes.

    • Strong interest in philosophy, social reform, and the role of education.

  • Philosophy of Education

    • Advocated for the reformation of society through education.

    • Emphasized the critical examination of culture and social issues.

    • Believed in the role of education to prepare students for active engagement in societal challenges.

Paulo Freire (1921-1997) - Critical Pedagogy

  • Background

    • Born in Recife; experienced poverty which shaped his educational views.

  • Philosophy of Education

    • Education as a tool for social change and literacy.

    • Promoted a democratic relationship between teachers and students through dialogue.

    • Critiqued traditional "banking education" where knowledge is merely deposited into students.

    • Advocated for a "community of inquiry" to enhance active problem-solving.
