history unit 2

Coverture- principle of law that places women under legal authority of their husband. They cannot own property, if their husband dies it goes to male children

Treaty of Paris 1763- ends the french and indian war and establishes a british world empire

Proclamation of 1763- british ministry thinks its too expensive to protect english claims west of the appalachian mountains, this gets ignore by colonist

Stamp Act- tax on all printed items

Quartering Act- required colonial government to provide housing and food for british troops

Sons of Liberty -  Boston group that opposes stamp tax collectors and burn down tax collectors’ homes which cause collectors to resign

Townshend Acts - new taxes on imports of paper, paint, glass, and tea

Daughters of Liberty- women would help nonimportation movement by spinning yarn, eating domestic food, tea and coffee, and charitably helping the community

Committees of Correspondence- standing committees allowed patriots to communicate with leaders in other colonies when threats to liberty occurred

Boston Tea Party- sons of liberty groups deny ships delivering tea in New york, philadelphia and charleston. Governor forces ships to massachusetts. Artisan and laborers disguised as indians throw tea into the harbor 

Coercive Acts- Massachusetts is punished. Closed the Boston harbor, forced to pay for tea and prohibited town meets. Patriots named these the intolerable acts

1st Continental Congress- formed in response to the coercive/ intolerable acts and 12 colonies sent representatives to demanded a repeal

2nd Continental Congress- a month after the first battle of the revolution in support of Boston they created the continental army lead by george washington

Common Sense- the country is split and thomas paine released a pamphlet with mixed reasoned arguments with biblical quotations and changed the mind on independence

Declaration of Independence- main author is thomas jefferson, established american popular sovereignty

York, PA- general howe hoping to end the war attacked philadelphia and congress fled to York, pennsylvania making it the US capital

Battle of Saratoga-turning point in the war this shows france we can win the war so they join our side

Valley Forge- hard living conditions with disease and malnutrition, this took as many american lives as the 2 years of fighting previously

Baron Von Steuben- prussian military officer who joined the american cause because he believed in republican government

Marquis de Lafayette- republican minded french aristocrat who convinced king louis to help america

Battle of Yorktown- washington hears the french are coming to help and surrounds cornwallis who then surrenders and this wins us the revolution

Treaty of Paris 1783- america gains all land south of great lakes and west to the mississippi river after secretly talking peace with british

Articles of Confederation- our first form of government where the states have all the power

Northwest Ordinance 1787- law that came from the articles that would turn into the constitution 

Shay’s Rebellion- farmers have a revolution over raised taxes

Constitutional Convention- 55 delegates 42 of which were radicals who wanted a strong central government of the upper class met in secret 

Federalist Papers- a series of essays published to convince citizens to support the constitution 

Ratification- the constitution was up to the states and needed 9 out of 13 states to agree

Judiciary Act of 1789-established district courts in every state and 3 circuit courts to hear appeals, supreme court has the final say

Federalists- strong central government, economy based on manufacturing trade

Democratic Republicans- favored stronger state government, economy based on agrarian lifestyle

Whiskey Rebellion- farmers were upset over hamiltons tax on whiskey so they protest, but washington sends out an army leading it himself the farmers back off

Jay’s Treaty- british ships harassing american traders who send goods to france john jay is send to negotiate free trade

Haitian Revolution-toussaint louverture leads slave revolt and creates nation of haiti

XYZ Affair-french foreign minister solicited a loan and bribe from american diplomats adams charge that france dishonored america and they cut off trade with france

Alien and Sedition Acts- adams received a lot of bad press from pro french republicans and responds with increased time to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years and authorized deportation of foreigners, he also prohibited the publication of insults or malicious attacks on the president or members of congress

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions- in response to alien and sedition acts republicans led by jefferson and madison write saying the acts were unauthoritative, void, and have no force

Election of 1800- jefferson vs aaron burr and they have a tie which ends in hamilton choosing jefferson and this leads to the 12th amendment

Barbary Pirates- pirates from north africa harass trade ships and request a ransom but jefferson goes to war with them instead a peace treaty was then signed

Marbury v. Madison- established judicial review (supreme court can call things unconstitutional)

Louisiana Purchase-jefferson makes alliances with britain and negotiates with france to allow him to purchase new orleans

Lewis and Clark- jefferson didn't know what america had bought in louisiana and sent people to make peace with natives now part of america

War of 1812- US caught in napoleonic wars and tries to trade with both britain and france but they stop ships bound for each other

Battle of Tippecanoe- a battle between natives and william henry harrison

Battle of New Orleans- before peace in america andrew jackson wins a pivotal battle of new orleans which crushes the british
