Maori 203-25 A (Week two)

The two big O’s (Orientalism and the Other)

  • The power of language to mark difference - the use of binaries and dualisms


  • term coined by Edward Said

  • European knowledge imagined and represented the ‘orient’ (the Peoples) and cultures of the ‘Orient’) through Europes own version of what the Orient ought to be

  • Process included things such as:

    • Romanticisation of aspects of the orient

    • Sexualisation of men and women’s bodies

    • Voyeurism

    • Making themselves the heroes, rescuers, and champions of narratives

    • Erasure of cultures

    • Ridicule of other cultures

    • Appropriation of things they desired from other cultures

    • demonising other peoples

    • dehumanising other peoples

  • Enlightenment period - 1700’s/1800’s

  • Great chain of being

  • Doctrine of discovery - stake claim to lands beyond the European continent (based on religion), more of a claim about the people, not the land

  • terra nullius (vacant land)

  • hegemony - we believe we are only good with their frameworks, forces the idea of the superiority of western science/thinking

  • exoticism

The other:

  • term is a shorthand way of describing the multiples ways in which people who are different from the dominant culture, and also women and genders are excluded and positioned as not belonging.

  • power dynamics that operate within a society

  • dehumanisation
