Maori 203-25 A (Week two)
The two big O’s (Orientalism and the Other)
term coined by Edward Said
European knowledge imagined and represented the ‘orient’ (the Peoples) and cultures of the ‘Orient’) through Europes own version of what the Orient ought to be
Process included things such as:
Romanticisation of aspects of the orient
Sexualisation of men and women’s bodies
Making themselves the heroes, rescuers, and champions of narratives
Erasure of cultures
Ridicule of other cultures
Appropriation of things they desired from other cultures
demonising other peoples
dehumanising other peoples
Enlightenment period - 1700’s/1800’s
Great chain of being
Doctrine of discovery - stake claim to lands beyond the European continent (based on religion), more of a claim about the people, not the land
terra nullius (vacant land)
hegemony - we believe we are only good with their frameworks, forces the idea of the superiority of western science/thinking
The other:
term is a shorthand way of describing the multiples ways in which people who are different from the dominant culture, and also women and genders are excluded and positioned as not belonging.
power dynamics that operate within a society